The Book of the Dean of Christ Church (1683)
Brent NelsonEditor Jon deTombeOCR, proofing, encoding Goria MossTranscription and translation of ms for ArcheoPress publcation Arthur MacGregorAnnotation for ArcheoPress publication
Publication of transcription with permission of the publisher.
From Ashmolean manuscript AMS 8 fols. 7r-54r, transcribed, edited, and published in the book below as "Liber Domini Decani Aedis Christi; The Book of the Dean of Christ Church. pp. 33-65.
Arthur MacGregor, ed., with Melanie Mendonç and Julia WhiteManuscript Catalogues of the Early Museum Collections, 1683-1886BAR International Series 907OxfordArcheopress2000 Ashmolean Museum AMS 8
Catalogus Lapidum tum pretiosorum tum Viliorum, nec non rerum minutiorũ arte Thaumaturgica fabre factarum, quæ Cl. Vir Elias Ashmole suo Museo donavit, ac in scrinio præstantissimo reponi curavit An. Dñi 1683 A catalogue of stones, both precious and semi-precious, and some other small, miraculously formed objects, which the celebrated Elias Ashmole gave to his Museum in the year of our Lord 1683, and which are preserved in the principal cabinet. N.B. Quibus hæc notula [‡] affixa est, amissa sunt 21 Sept. A°. 1691. Note: those marked with this symbol [‡] were missing on 21 September 1691. Numerus ille alter in Margine denotat quo signantur in novo Catalogo fact. 1756. Numbers given in the margin are those assigned in the new catalogue, drawn up in 1756.
AMS8000301 Sapphirus una naturalis impolita. 1 A natural, unpolished sapphire.
AMS8000402 Duo sapphiri politæ Plinio Cyani. 2 Two polished sapphires known to Pliny as bluestones.
AMS8000503 Smaragdi seu Prasini duo naturales impoliti opaciores.3 Two natural, rather opaque, unpolished emeralds or prase.
AMS8000604 Cyathus e Smaragdo opaciori. 4 Ladle in cloudy emerald.
AMS8000705 Prasini duo naturales pellucidiores. 5 Two natural, translucent prases.
AMS800080Prasinus unus naturalis alis, lineis rubris. One further natural prase, with reddish lines.
AMS8000906 Smaragdus magnus politus. 6 Large polished emerald.
AMS8001007 Duo smaragdi minores politi. 7 Two smaller polished emeralds. 183
AMS8001108 Smaragdi quatuor [quinque] minimi politi. 8 Four [five] smaller polished emeralds.
AMS8001209 Topasius, sive Topasium Orientale, politũ. 9 Polished topaz or oriental topaz.
AMS80013010 Chrysolithi, Chrysopatij duo politi Plinio Chrysolampides. 10 Two polished chrysolites, or chrysopatii, known to Pliny as chrysolampis.
AMS80014011 Hyacinthus magnus, spurius vereor. 11 A large jacinth, not genuine I fear.
AMS80015012 Hyacinthi duo minores, ejusdem generis.12 Two smaller jacinths, of the same kind.
AMS80016012 Hyacinthi duo veri, politi. Two polished genuine jacinths.
AMS80017013 Berillus, sive Berillus major, politus. 13 Larger polished beryl.
AMS80018014 Berillus minor, item politus. 14 Smaller beryl, likewise polished.
AMS800190Oculus Catti, formâ ovali. d Cat's eye, oval.
AMS800200Oculus Catti minor, formâ conicâ. d Small cat's eye, conical in shape.
AMS800210Oculus Catti ovalis, rufescens. d Cat's eye, oval, reddish.
AMS80022015 Opalus seu Opalis, olim Pæderos, Italis Girasole, verus politus. 15 Highly polished opal, known to Italians as girasole, and to others as Opalis paederos.
AMS80023016 Opalus alius (ut opinor) spurius. 16a Another opal, in my opinion, a fake.
AMS80024017 Câlcedonij, aliâs Carchedonij, (4) pellucidi majores. (3) 16b Four [three] larger transparent chalcedonies, otherwise known as carbuncles.
AMS80025018 Câlcedonij quinque opaciores minores. 17 Five smaller opaque chalcedonies.
AMS80026019 Calcedonius grandinosus. Ferrando Imperato, Ingē mamentum grandinosum. Hail-stone chalcedony; the hailstone gem of Ferrante Imperato.
AMS80027020 Amethysti duo 3 magni naturales, impoliti. 18, 19, 20 Two [three] large unpolished, natural amethysts.
AMS80028021 Amethysti duo minores naturales, impoliti. 21 Two smaller, unpolished, natural amethysts,.
AMS80029022 Amethystus magnus quadratus politus. 22 Large, square, polished amethyst. 184
AMS80030023 Amethystus item magnus figuræ mixtæ, politus. 23 A similarly large, polished amethyst of irregular form.
AMS80031024 Amethysti tres majores item politi. 24 Three rather large amethysts, similarly polished.
AMS80032025 Amethysti quatuor minores, item politi. 25 Four smaller amethysts, similarly polished.
AMS80033026 Amethysti quatuor minimi, item politi. 26 Four very small amethysts, similarly polished.
AMS80034027 Granati item duo Bohemici maximi, politi. 27 Two extremely large polished Bohemian garnets.
AMS80035028 Granati item duo Bohemici magni, politi. 28 Another two large polished Bohemian garnets.
AMS80036029 Granati/us Bohemici/us minores, politi/us 29 Smaller, polished Bohemian garnet[s].
AMS80037030 Granati quatuor Bohemici superioribus paulo minores. 30 Four Bohemian garnets, a little smaller than the above.
AMS80038031 Granati quatuor Bohemici adhuc minores politi. 31 Four polished Bohemian garnets, still smaller in size.
AMS80039032 Granati quatuor Bohemici minimi politi. 32 Four very small polished Bohemian garnets.
AMS80040033 Granatus politus, palâ impositus, formâ rosaceâ. 33 Polished, rose-shaped garnet, set in a ring bezel.
AMS80041034 Granati communes majores, numero. 22. 34 Twenty-two larger common garnets.
AMS80042035 Granati communes paulo minores, numero it. 22. 35 Twenty-two slightly smaller common garnets.
AMS80043036 Granati communes adhuc minores, numero. (26). 17 36 Twenty-six [seventeen] still smaller common garnets.
AMS80044037 Granati communes paulo dilutiores numero. (18) 10 37 Eighteen [ten] slightly less impressive common garnets.
AMS80045038 Leucachates forma rotundâ. 38 Rounded white agate.
AMS80046039 Anulus ex Leucachate quo utuntur Turci in sagittando. 39 White agate ring used by the Turks in archery. MacGregor 1983, no. 60.
AMS80047040 Idem iterum. 40 Another of the same. MacGregor 1983, no. 61. 185
AMS80048041 Mucro sagittæ, ex Leucachate. 41 Arrow-head, of white agate.
AMS80049042 Cyathus ex Leucachate. 42 Ladle of white agate.
AMS80050043 Globus ex Leucachate paucis intercurrentibus venulis tum citrinis, sive ravis, tũmolochinis. 43 Sphere of white agate, with a few intermingled veins, variously yellow or greyish-yellow and mallow-coloured.
AMS80051044 Globus ex Leucachate quodammodo flavescente. 44 Sphere of white agate, with a hint of yellow.
AMS80052045 Idem iterum. 45 Another of the same.
AMS80053046 Leucachates paululũrufescens. White agate slightly reddish.
AMS80054046 Achates oblongus ex alterâ Parte luridi Colorisex alterâ albis lineis et cæruleis et rufescentibus distinctus. deest Elongated agate, half marked with pale yellow, the other half with blue and reddish stripes.
AMS80055047 Mucro sagittæ ex Leucachate paululũrufescente. 47 Arrow-head of white agate, slightly reddish.
AMS80056048 Mucro sagittæ ex Achate coloris insuasi. 48 Arrow-head of a dark, orange-coloured agate.
AMS80057049 Cyathus ovalis ex Achate magno ejusdem caloris, paucis venulis subcæruleis distincto. 49 Oval ladle made from a large agate of the same colour, marked with a few small bluish veins. MacGregor 1983, no. 217.
AMS80058050 Achates longus utroque ffinene mucronatus, subcæruleus et paululum flavescens. 50 Long bluish and slightly yellowish agate, pointed at both ends.
AMS80059051 Globus ex Achate maximam in partem subcæruleo, aliquantulũcæsio, nonnullis lineis albis insignito. 51 Sphere of white agate, for the most part bluish in colour, also somewhat bluish-grey, and marked with some white lines.
AMS80060052 Achates oblongus sulcatus ex subcæruleo rufescens. 52 Elongated agate, grooved and bluish shading to red.
AMS80061053 Globus ex Achate livido subrubente quibusdâ lineis ex cæruleo albescentibus et miniatis notato. 53 Sphere of blue-black agate, with a reddish tinge, and with some whitish and vermilion lines emerging from the blue.
AMS80062054 Anulus ex Achate e cæruleo rufescente, quo utuntur Turci in sagittis emittendis. fract.1692. 54 Agate ring, blue shading to red, used by the Turks in archery. Broken in 1692. 186
AMS80063055 Anulus ex Achate coloris lucidi, venis albis distincto. 55 Agate ring of blue-black colour, marked with white veins.
AMS80064056 Achates ovalis coloris Bætici seu subnigri, duobis notis ex albo flavescentibus, ex adverso signatus. 56 Ovoid agate, 'Bætic' or blackish in colour, with two white markings shading to yellow, on the back.
AMS80065057 Achates pullus lineis albis in subcæruleo discriminatus. Dull coloured agate, with white lines standing out against a blue background.
from 57 to 71 Defunct
AMS80067058 Achates chrystallinus octogonus, lineis tum albis tum rubris, notatus. Crystalline, octagonal agate, marked with variegated red and white lines.
AMS80068059 Achates chrystallinus ovalis colore insuaso tinctus. Oval, crystalline agate, oval, yellowish in colour.
AMS80069060 Achates chrystallinus ovalis, lineis citrinis insignitus. 60 Crystalline, oval agate, marked with yellow lines.
AMS80070061 Achates chrystallinus item ovalis lineis albis et citrinis discriminatus. 61 Crystalline agate, again oval in shape, marked with white and citrine coloured lines.
AMS80071062 Achates chrystallinus item ovalis, maculis tum insuasis, tum bæticis, vitiatus. Crystalline agate, again oval in shape, spoilt by dark orange and 'Bætic' spots.
AMS80072063 Achates chrystallinus rufescens. 63 Reddish, crystalline agate.
AMS80073064 Achates chrystallinus in pila annuli argentei, maculis nigris fædatus. 64 Crystalline agate mounted on a silver ring, stained with black spots.
AMS80074065 Achates chrystallinus ovalis, maculis nigerrimis inquinatus. 65 Another crystalline, oval agate, stained with very black spots.
AMS80075066 Achates chrystallinus cylindraceus tertia parte Leucachate et prasio compositus. 66 Cylindrical, crystalline stone, consisting of agate, mixed in a two-to-one ratio with white agate and prase. 187
AMS80076067 Leucachates maculis flavescentibus et miniatis distinctis. White agate, distinguished by its yellowish and red spots.
AMS80077068 Achates leucophæus ovalis, lineis tum albis, tũ subcæruleis insignitus. Oval, ash-coloured agate, marked with white and bluish lines.
AMS80078069 Achates cæsius cordiformis, quibusdam maculis insuasi coloris fædatus. 69 Bluish-grey, heart-shaped agate, stained with certain spots of a yellow colour.
AMS80079070 Achates luteus sive insuasus, cordiformis, lineis albis ornatus. 70 Heart-shaped agate, golden-yellow or dark, orange-coloured, embellished with white lines.
AMS80080071 Achates luteus cylindraceus lineis etiam albis signatus. 71 Cylindrical, golden-yellow agate, also distinguished by white lines.
AMS80081072 Achates 10 ovales, eisdem colore et lineis, tincti. 72 Ten oval agates, of the same colour and marked with similar lines.
AMS80082073 Achates duo quadrati eisdem colore et lineis, distincti. 73 Two square agates, of the same colour and marked with similar lines.
AMS80083074 Achates unus rotundus, maculâ molochinâ insignitus. 74 A single rounded agate, notable for its mallow-coloured spots.
AMS80084075 Achates ovalis coloris citrini lineis et maculis albis notatus. Yellow, ovoid agate, marked with white spots and lines.
AMS80085076 Achates ovalis ejusdem coloris, maculis albis signatus. Ovoid agate, of the same colour, marked with white spots.
AMS80086077 Achates figura conicâ ejusdem coloris, lineis tum albis, tum subcæruleis ornatus. 77 Conical agate of the same colour, decorated with both white and bluish lines.
AMS80087078 Achates tres quadrati, coloris luridi lineis albis distincti. 78 Three square agates of pale yellow colour, marked with white lines.
AMS80088079 Achates duo rotundi, eisdē colore et lineis insigniti. 79 Two round agates of the same colour and marked with lines. 188
AMS80089080 Achates octogonus, eisdem colore, et lineis notatus. 80 Octagonal agate, of the same colour and marked with lines.
AMS80090081 Achates cordiformis, eisdem colore et lineis ornatus. 81 Heart-shaped agate of the same colour and embellished with lines.
AMS80091082 Achates ovalis ejusdem coloris duabus maculis albis signatus. 82 Ovoid agate of the same colour, marked with two white spots.
AMS80092083 Achates duo ejusdem coloris maculis albescentibus tincti. 83 Two agates of the same colour, with whitish spots.
AMS80093084 Achates tres cylindracei ejusdem coloris, lineis albis notati. 84 Three cylindrical agates of the same colour, marked with white spots.
AMS80094085 Achates duo ovales subcærulei lineis albis distincti. Two bluish ovoid agates, marked with white lines.
AMS80095086 Achates quinque tres ovales cærulei lineis albis ornati. 86 Five [three] blue, ovoid agates, embellished with white lines.
AMS80096086b Oculus Cati. Cat's eye.
AMS80097086c Oculus Beli. Cat's eye.
AMS80098087 Hæmachates ovalis, punctis sanguineis passim 87 Ovoid, blood-coloured agate, spattered with blood-coloured spots.
AMS80099088 Hæmachates ovalis, venis sanguineis, et quasi tabo fædatus. 88 Ovoid, blood-coloured agate, with blood-coloured veins and discoloured as if with plague.
AMS80100089 Hæmachates rotundus, lineis albis insignitus. 89 Round, blood-coloured agate, marked with white lines.
AMS80101090 Hæmachates rotundus lineis tum albis tũnigris notatus. 90 Round, blood-coloured agate, with both white and black lines.
AMS80102091 Hæmachates duo ovales, venis albis distincti. 91 Two ovoid, blood-coloured agates, marked with white lines.
AMS80103092 Hæmachates ovalis, maculis albis ad marginem ornatus. 92 Ovoid, blood-coloured agate, embellished at the edge with white spots.
AMS80104093 Hæmachates quadratus parte minori albescens. 93 Square, blood-coloured agate with a small whitish area.
AMS80105094 Hæmachates conicus lineis albis signatus. 94 Conical, blood-coloured agate, marked white lines. 189
AMS80106095 Hæmachates ovalis nubeculâ infectus. 95 Ovoid, blood-coloured agate, somewhat clouded.
AMS80107096 Hæmachates lividus. pene cordiformis. 96 Bluish, blood-coloured agate, almost heart-shaped.
AMS80108097 Hæmachates duo ovales venis cæruleis insigniti. d.1. Two ovoid, blood-coloured agates, marked with blue veins.
AMS80109098 Hæmachates subcæruleus. Bluish, blood-coloured agate.
AMS80110099 Hæmachates venis quibusdam nigris notat. 99 Blood-coloured agate, marked with black veins.
AMS801110100 Hæmachates duo ovales quasi tabo conspurcati. 100 Two oval, blood-coloured agates, defaced as if by the plague.
AMS801120101 Oculus Beli. 101 Cat's eye.
AMS801130102 Oculus Beli minor formâ depressiori. 102a Smaller cat's eye, more flattened in form.
AMS801140102 Oculus Beli quasi Cataracta aut suffusione obvolutus. Cat's eye, obscured as if by a cataract or internal swelling.
AMS801150103 Lycophthalmi sex 4 Gesneri. 103 d.2. Six [four] wolf's eyes of Gessner [two missing].
AMS801160104 Argus Lapis, multis quasi oculis conspersus. 104 d Argus stone, looking as though sprinkled with many eyes.
AMS801170105 Argus lapis minor rotundus. 105 d Smaller, rounded Argus stone.
AMS801180106 Gladii manubrium ex Achate subcæruleo paululũ flavescente. 106 Sword-handle made of bluish agate, a little yellow.
AMS801190107 Gladii manubrium, ex Achate subcæruleo venis quibusdâ ex albo flavescentibus distinctũ. 107 Sword-handle made of bluish agate, distinguished by yellowish-white veins.
AMS801200108 Cultri manubrium ex Achate subcæruleo venis quibusdâ albis ac rufescentibus, ornatum. 108 Knife-handle made of bluish agate, embellished with white and reddish veins.
AMS801210109 Gladii manubrium ex Hæmachate lineis, ac venis albescentibus insignitũ. 109 Sword-handle of blood-coloured agate, marked with whitish lines. MacGregor 1983, no. 200.
AMS801220110 ‡ Cultri manubriũex Hæmachate, venis cæruleis ac albis notatũ. 110,b Knife-handle of blood-coloured agate, marked with blue and white veins. 190
AMS801240 b Quinque Achates nitidissimi forma Ovali vel prope ad eam accidente. Five elegant agates, oval in outline or nearly so.
AMS801280 f Cyathus Amplus Ovalis ex Achate Magno Capacious oval ladle, made from a large agate.
AMS801290 g Pars. Armillæ ex quinque Achatibus rotundis. Part of a bracelet, comprising five rounded agates.
AMS801300110 [sic] Cultri manubrium dimidiatum &c. Ex dono J. Aubrey Armig. R.S.S. 110a Half a knife-handle etc. Given by J. Aubrey Esq., FRS.
AMS801310111 Torquis ex Achatibus Jaspidibusque variorũ generum. numero 12 111 Necklace of [twelve] agates and jaspers of various kinds. MacGregor 1983, nos. 65-6.
AMS801320112 Armilla plerumque ex Leucachatibus, ac Sardachatibus. numero 18 112 Bracelet of [eighteen] mainly white agates and carnelians.
AMS801330113 Monilia tria ex Leucachatibus. num:129 113 Three necklaces of [129] white agates. MacGregor 1983, no. 67.
AMS801340114 Torquis ex Leucachatibus aliquantulum rufescentibus. 81 114 Necklace of [81] reddish-white agates. MacGregor 1983, no. 65.
AMS801350115 4 ? Torques duo ex Achatibus coloris leucophæi. 115 Two necklaces of ash-coloured agates.
AMS801360116 Torquis ex Leucachatibus et Achatibus citrinis, alternatim positis. 172 116 Necklace of [172] alternating white and yellow agates. MacGregor 1983, no. 68.
AMS801370117 Torquis ex Leucachatibus colore citrino tinctis, cum globulis fl oribusque deaureatis, alternatim positis. num:73 117 Necklace of [seventy-three] white agates tinged with yellow, arranged alternately with gilt flowers and spheres.
AMS801380118 Cultri manubriũex Sardachate. 118 Knife-handle of carnelian. MacGregor 1983, no. 202.
AMS801390119 Sardachates forma quadrangulâ oblongâ. 119 Rectangular carnelian.
AMS801400120 Sardachates cordiformis. 120 Heart-shaped carnelian. MacGregor 1983, no. 191.
AMS801410121 Sardachates cordiformis minor. 121 Smaller heart-shaped carnelian.
AMS801420122 Sardachates octogonus. 122 Octagonal carnelian.
AMS801430123 Sardachates duo forma triquetra. 123. 124 Two triangular carnelians.
AMS801440124 Sardachates forma ovali. d Ovoid carnelian. 191
AMS801450125 Sardachates multiformis. 125 Irregular carnelian.
AMS801460126 Corallachates formâ octogona. 126 Octagonal coral-agate.
AMS801470127 Corallachates cuspidem sagittæ referens. 127 Coral-agate shaped like the tip of an arrow.
AMS801480128 Cultri manubriũex Corallachate. 128 Knife-handle of coral-agate.
AMS801490129 Corallachates formâ ovali. 129 Ovoid coral-agate.
AMS801500130 Corneolus vel potius Carneolus, formâ ovali. 130 Ovoid cornelian, or rather carnelian.
AMS801510131 Corneolus ovalis convexior. 131 Ovoid carnelian, more convex in outline.
AMS801520132 Corneolus forma ovali adhuc convexiori. 132 Ovoid carnelian, still more convex in outline.
AMS801530133 Corneolus cylindraceus. 133 Cylindrical carnelian.
AMS801540134 Corneolus hemisphæricus. 134 Hemispherical carnelian.
AMS801550135 Anulus e Corneolo quo utuntur Turcæ in sagittis emittendis. 135 Carnelian ring, used by the Turks in archery. MacGregor 1983, no. 62.
AMS801560136 Corneolus cruciformis. 136 Cruciform carnelian.
AMS801570137 Anulus e Corneolo. 137 Carnelian ring. MacGregor 1983, no. 63.
AMS801580138 Anulus e Corneolo minor. 138 Smaller carnelian ring.
AMS801590139 Anulus e Corneolo minimus. 139 Very small carnelian ring.
AMS801600140 Sigillum e Corneolo capite humano insculpto, pala aurea incluso – d Carnelian seal engraved with a human head, enclosed in a golden bezel.
AMS801610140. Leucachates rotundus maculâ nigrâ insignitus. Rounded white agate, marked by a black spot.
AMS801620141 Jaspis orientalis punctis sanguineis conspersa, forma Rhoboidali. d 141 Rhomboid oriental jasper, spattered with blood-coloured spots. 192
AMS801630142 Jaspis orientalis forma ovali. 142 Ovoid, oriental jasper.
AMS801640143 Jaspis orientalis forma item ovali. 143 Another ovoid oriental jasper.
AMS801650144 Jaspis orientalis cylindracea. 144 Cylindrical, oriental jasper.
AMS801660145 Anulus parvus e Jaspide orientali. d Small ring of oriental jasper.
AMS801670146 Jaspis viridis paucis venulis sanguineis intercurrentibus distincta forma ovali. 146 Ovoid, green jasper marked by a few blood-coloured veins running through it.
AMS801680147 Jaspis item viridis forma quadrata angulis perforata. 147 Another green jasper, rectangular in shape and pierced with holes.
AMS801690148 Cultri manubrium e Jaspide viridi. 148 Knife-handle of green jasper. MacGregor 1983, no. 201.
AMS801700149 Cultelli manubrium item e Jaspide viridi. 149 Handle from a small knife, also of green jasper.
AMS801710150 Jaspis viridis forma ovali. 150 Ovoid green jasper.
AMS801720151 Jaspis viridis forma ovali paululũflavescens. 151 Ovoid green jasper, slightly yellowing.
AMS801730152 Jaspis item viridis forma ovali magis flavescens. Another ovoid green jasper, but more yellow.
AMS801740153 Jaspis purpurea cordiformis. Deep red heart-shaped jasper.
AMS801750154 Jaspides orientales duæ forma octagona, in quibus imago cujusdam aquam haurientis &c. Ex donis Rever. Viri D. Caroli King, æd. Christi Alumnus. 153.154 Two octagonal oriental jaspers, with an image of a water-carrier etc. Given by Revd Charles King, Student of Christ Church. MacGregor 1983, no. 131.
x See ye old Catalogue. where 153 & 154 are expung'd. & ye two figur'd flower substituted in their stead.
AMS801770 Jaspides Orientales duæ forma octogona. Two octagonal oriental jaspers.
AMS801780155 Globus e Jaspide purpureâ. 155 Sphere of deep red jasper. MacGregor 1983, no. 115.
AMS801790156 Grammatias forma ovali. Ovoid grammatias.
AMS801800156 Achates cordiformis lineis et cæruleis et purpureisornatus. Heart-shaped agate, embellished with blue and purple lines.
AMS801810157 Grammatias forma ovali depressiori. d Ovoid grammatias, flatter in form. 193
AMS801820158 Terebinthizusa Dioscoridis paululũrufescens. 145.157 Turpentine stone [?] of Dioscorides, slightly reddish.
AMS801830158a Achates ovalis fusci coloris maculis nigris isignitus Oval agate, dark coloured, marked by a black spot.
AMS801840158b Achates rotundus priori similis Rounded agate, similar to the previous.
AMS801850159 Prasius forma ovali. 159 Ovoid prase.
AMS801860160 Prasius cordiformis. 160 Heart-shaped prase.
AMS801870161 Prasius octogonus. 161 Octagonal prase.
AMS801880162 Onyx niger, seu onyx propie sic dictus, forma ovali. 162 Ovoid, black onyx, i.e. onyx in the strict sense.
AMS801890163 Onyx cornea forma ovali. 163 Hard, ovoid onyx.
AMS801900164 Onyx luteus eadem formâ. 164 Similarly shaped golden-yellow onyx.
AMS801910165 Onyx aureus eadem formâ. 165 Golden onyx of the same shape.
AMS801920166 Onyx viridescens. 166 Greenish onyx.
AMS801930167 Sardonyx multiformis. Ovalis 167 Irregular ovoid sard.
AMS801940168 Sardonyx cordiformis. 168 Heart-shaped sard.
AMS801950169 Turcois, Turcosa, sive Turchesia magna forma conicâ. 5 169 Large, conical turquoise.
AMS801960170 Turchosa magna formâ conicâ depressiori. 170 Large, conical turquoise, flatter in form.
AMS801970171 Turchesia sive Turchina cuneoformis. 171 Wedge-shaped turquoise.
AMS801980172 Turchosæ tres depressiores, forma ovali. 172 Three smaller, ovoid turquoises, flatter in form.
AMS801990173 Turchesiæ tres minores. 173 Three smaller turquoises.
AMS802000174 Turchosæ duæ minimæ. 174 Two tiny turquoises.
AMS802010175 Turchosæ tres viridescentes atque hoc pacto viliores, forte Malachites 4h generis Wormij vid. Mus. p. 95. Three greenish turquoises, and for this reason less valuable; probably malachite of the fourth variety of Worm (1655, p. 95). 194
AMS802020176 Chelidonius lapis. Celidony.
AMS802030176 [sic] Corallij rubri specimina tria. quatuor 176 Three [four] specimens of red coral.
AMS802040177 Corallij rubri fragmenta duo. 177 Two fragments of red coral.
AMS802050178 Corallij rubri fragmenta decem perfororata. 178 Ten perforated fragments of red coral.
AMS802060179 Corallij albi specimen. 179. 180 A specimen of white coral.
AMS802070180 Corallium album rubro unitum, in forma fungi, pileolo inverso. d White and red coral, shaped like a mushroom, like an inverted cap.
AMS802080 181Corallii rubri fragmentum. Fragment of red coral.
AMS802090182 Specimen Corallij albi et rubri unitorum. 182 A specimen of combined red and white coral.
AMS802100183 Chrystallus oblonga hexagona vizt. forma sua naturali. 183 Oblong, six-sided crystal in its natural state.
AMS802110184 Chrystallus hexagona ut e matrice sua crescit. Six-sided crystal in the form in which it grew from its matrix.
AMS802120185 Chrystallus hexagona obtusa. 185 Blunt, six-sided crystal.
AMS802130186 Chrystalli hexagonæ quatuor oblongæ impolitæ. 186 Four elongated six-sided crystals, unpolished.
AMS802140187 Chrystalli tres multiformes politæ. Iris purpurascens e ferrifodinis Bristoliensibis. 187 AMS802143Three irregular crystals, polished. AMS802145Iridescent stone, purplish in colour, from a Bristol iron mine.
AMS802150188 Chrystalli tres pyriformes multifariâ politæ. 188.189 Three spindle-shaped crystals, polished at various points.
AMS802160189 Chrystallus oblonga, utroque fine mucronata, multifariâ polita. fract Elongated crystal, pointed at both ends and polished at various points.
AMS802170190 Chrystallus multiformis subfusci coloris. 190 Irregular, dark-coloured crystal.
AMS802180191 Chrystallus pyriformis multifariâ polita, ejusdem coloris. 191 Conical crystal of the same colour, polished at various points. 195
AMS802190192 Chrystalli quadrangulæ decaëdræ 14 et majores et elatiores. 192 Fourteen fairly large and impressive ten-sided crystals, with quadrangular faces.
AMS802200193 Chrystalli quadrangulæ decaëdræ 14 paulo minores et depressiores. 193 Fourteen rather smaller and flatter ten-sided crystals with quadrangular faces.
AMS802210194 Chrystalli quadrangulæ decaëdræ 14 ejusdem magnitudinus. 194a Fourteen ten-sided crystals, of the same size, with quadrangular faces.
AMS802220194b Chrystallus oblonga hexagona, formâ suâ naturali. Elongated six-sided crystal, in its natural state.
AMS802230195 Chrystalli quadrangulæ decaedræ 14 ejusdem ferè magnitudinis. 195 Fourteen ten-sided crystals with quadrangular faces, of almost the same size.
AMS802240196 Chrystalli quadrangulæ decædræ 16 15 paulo minores. 196 Sixteen [fifteen] rather smaller ten-sided crystals with quadrangular faces.
AMS802250197 Crystalli quadrangulæ decædræ 18 15 multo minores. 197 Eighteen [fifteen] much smaller ten-sided crystals with quadrangular faces.
AMS802260198 Chrystalli quadrangulæ decædræ 13 7 minimæ. 198 Thirteen [seven] very small ten-sided crystals with quadrangular faces.
AMS802270199 Chrystallus figura conicâ multifariam polita. 199 Conical crystal, polished at various points.
AMS802280200 Chrystalli tres multifariam politæ, forma triquetrâ. 200 Three triangular crystals, polished at various points.
AMS802290201 Chrystallus magna oblonga multifariam polita. 201 Large, elongated crystal, polished at various points.
AMS802300202 Anulus e Chrystallo politâ. 202 Ring of polished crystal. MacGregor 1983, no. 128.
AMS802310203 Forma Crucis Dñi ni Jesu Christi e Chrystallo politâ, auro in extremitatibus munita, tribusque insupermargaritis orientalibus ornata. Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, made of polished crystal, with gold mounts at the extremities, embellished on top with three oriental pearls.
AMS802320203 Anulus è Chrystallo politâ Ring of polished crystal.
AMS802330204 Crux alia Dñi e Chrystallo politâ. Another holy cross made from polished crystal.
AMS802340204 Cristallus multangulus politus aere infixus Margaritæ duodecim Polygonal polished crystal, mounted with twelve pearls set in bronze. 200 [sic]
AMS802350205 Chrystallus polita musco prægnans. 205 Polished crystal, full of moss.
AMS802360206 Calculus globosus transparens naturaliter sic formatus. 206 Transparent spherical pebble, naturally formed. MacGregor 1983, no. 192.
AMS802370207 Ombria triangularis palâ argenteâ munita, e Calculo transparenti naturaliter formata. 207 Triangular ombria mounted in a silver bezel, naturally formed from a transparent pebble.
AMS802380208 Ombria triangularis superiori multo minor palâ non munita, e Calculo item transparenti naturaliter formata. 208 Triangular ombria, much smaller than the above, not mounted in a bezel, again naturally formed from a transparent pebble.
AMS802390209 Ombria similis, superiori paulo minor. 209 A similar ombria, a little smaller than the above.
AMS802400210 Ombria similis, superiori paulo depressior. 210 A similar ombria, a little flatter than the above.
AMS802410211 Ombria similis superioribus omnibus, multo minor et rotundior, a tria[n]gulo propemodum recedens.211 A similar ombria, much smaller than all the above and more rounded, less markedly triangular.
AMS802420212 Ombria triangularis oblonga, superioribus figura similis, sed coloris subfusci. 212 Elongated, triangular ombria, similar in shape to the above, but darkish in colour.
AMS802430212b Ombria Elliptica ex dono Johs Witts. S The. Prof. De Bishop's Ithington Com Warw. b Elliptical ombria given by John Witts, Professor of Sacred Theology, of Bishops Itchington, Warwickshire.
AMS802440212c Alia ejusdem figuræ et magnitudinis ex dono Johs Aubrey Armigeri R.S.S. c Another of the same shape and size given by John Aubrey Esq., FRS.
AMS802450212d Calculus flavescens multiformis. Achates potius. d A yellowish pebble, irregular in shape. Probably an agate.
AMS802460213 Ostreæ margaritiferæ frustulũnitidissimũ. 213 Elegant piece of a pearl-bearing oyster. 201
AMS802470214 Margarita sordida, palæ annuli argentei insita. Spoilt pearl, incorporated into the bezel of a silver ring.
AMS802480215 Margaritæ tres vel forte quatuor, naturaliter unitæ, et Leucachati appensæ, intercedente ornamento quodam ovali, ex auro fabrifacto. 214 Three, or rather four naturally joined pearls and hanging white agates mounted on an oval ornament worked in gold.
AMS802490216 Margaritæ sive perlæ 12 nobiliores sive orientales. 215, 216, 217 Twelve splendid pearls, perhaps oriental.
AMS802500217 Margaritæ 9, flavedine quodamodo inquinatæ. 219 Nine pearls, with a yellowish stain.
AMS802510218 Margarita oblonga conica, sive Belemnitis forma. 218 Elongated, conical pearl, shaped like a belemnite.
AMS802520219 Margaritæ septem 13 sordidiores. 220 Seven [thirteen] spoilt pearls.
AMS802530220 Margaritæ 12 6 fædissimæ perforatæ, forsan igne deformatæ. 221, 222, 223, 224 Twelve [six] pearls with holes in them, badly damaged, possibly spoilt by fire.
AMS802540221 Lapis Lazuli magnus oblongus octogonus. 225 Large, elongated, octagonal lapis lazuli.
AMS802550222 Lapis Lazuli ovalis, ex uno latere tribus figuris insculptus; ex alio, 14 foraminibus aliquo usqueterrebratus. 233 Ovoid lapis lazuli, incised with three figures on one face; on another, fourteen scattered holes have been drilled through. MacGregor 1983, no. 132.
AMS802560223 Lapis Lazuli Cylindraceus. 236 Cylindrical lapis lazuli.
AMS802570224 Lapis Lazuli formâ quadrata. 235 Square lapis lazuli.
AMS802580225 Lapis Lazuli hexagonus spurius. 234 False, six-sided lapis lazuli.
AMS802590226 Armilla ex Lapidibus Lazuli oblongis spurijs et baccis indicis rubris quadamodo depressis alternatim positis. Bracelet made of false, elongated lapis lazuli, arranged alternately with slightly flattened Indian pearls, reddish in colour. 202
AMS802600227 Lapis Nephriticus longus et rotundus, secundũ longitudinem perforatus ex viriditate albescens. Italis Ischiada; Gallis Pierre de Jade. 227 Nephrite, long and rounded, perforated along its length, green shading to white. Called in Italian ischiada; in French, pierre de jade.
AMS802610228 Lapis Nephriticus planus crenatus ejusd coloris. 228 Flat nephrite, of the same colour.
AMS802620229 Lapis Nephriticus cordiformis magis pallescens. Heart-shaped nephrite, large and pale.
AMS802630229 Lapis Lazuli formâ quadrangulâ oblongâ. Lapis lazuli, four-sided, elongated.
AMS802640230 Idem iterum. Another of the same.
AMS802650230 Achates rotundus rufescens. Rounded agate, reddish.
AMS802660231 Lapis Nephriticus cylindraceus viridis pediculo transverso. 231 Cylindrical, green nephrite, on a transverse stand.
AMS802670232 Idem iterum sed minor. 232 Another of the same, but smaller.
AMS802680233 Lapis Bufonius magnus grisei coloris. Large grey toad-stone.
AMS802690234 Lapis Bufonius minor ejusdem coloris. Smaller toad-stone of the same colour.
AMS802700235 Lapis Bufonius adhuc minor quodamodo flavescens. Hic lapis perperam Bufonius dicitur cum achates plane sit. Yellowish toad-stone, smaller still. This stone is incorrectly termed a toad-stone since it is clearly an agate.
AMS802710236 Lapis Bufonius flavus, vel potius citrinus ejusdem magnitudines. Golden-yellow, or rather citrine-coloured toad-stone, of the same size.
AMS802720237 Lapis Bufonius subfuscus ejusdem magnitud. Darkish toad-stone of the same size.
AMS802730238 Lapis Bufonius fuscus, macula alba notatus, figura ovali. Dark, ovoid toad-stone, with a white spot.
AMS802740239 Lapis Bufonius fuscus, ejusdem magnitudinis cum penultimo. Dark toad-stone of the same size as the last but one.
AMS802750 239. Leucachates rotundus maculis nigris fædatus. Rounded white agate, marked by a black spot.
AMS802760 a. Leucachates ovalis maculis flavescentibus notatus. Oval white agate, marked by a yellowish spot.
AMS802770 b. Leucachates rotundus luridus. Rounded white agate, tinted pale yellow.
AMS802780 c. Achates rotundus flavescens maculâ nigrâ not: Yellowish rounded agate, marked by a black spot.
AMS802790 d. Leucachates lineâ albescente insignitus. White agate, marked with white lines.
AMS802800 e. Achates rotundus flavescens maculis fuscis notat: Yellowish rounded agate, marked by a dark spot.
AMS802810 f. Marmor Chrystallinum ovale, flavis venis distinctum politum. Crystalline marble, oval and polished, marked by yellowish veins.
AMS802820 g. Marmor politum quadratum rufescens. Square of polished marble, reddish.
AMS802830240 Torquis e Gagatibus magnis oblongis vereor adulterinis. 240 Necklace made of large, elongated, and I fear, false jet [beads].
AMS802840241 Armilla e Gagatibus genuinis oblongis et rotundis. 241 Bracelet of genuine jet [beads], rounded and elongated. 203
AMS802850242 Armilla e Gagatibus cylindraceis veris. 242 Bracelet of genuine cylindrical jet [beads].
AMS802860243 Armilla e Gagatibus Decædris forte spurijs, filis Aurichalicis invicem connexis cum cruce StiJōhis Hierosolymitani e matrice Perlarũappendente. 243 Bracelet made of ten-sided jet [beads], possibly false, alternately linked with golden-brass wires, with a pendent Cross of St John of Jerusalem in mother-of-pearl.
AMS802870244 Astroites formosissimus formâ ovali. 244 Very beautiful, ovoid astroites.
AMS802880245 Lapis Serpentinus spissius virens forma quadrata. Ophites etiam dictus. Marmor Lacædemoniũm, Augustũ et Tiberiũetiam dictum. Charleton sed Vid Worm. p: 43. Square, rather dark green serpentine; also known as ophites. Lacaedemonian marble, also called Augustan and Tiberian [according to] Charleton, but see Worm 1655, p. 43.
AMS802890246 Silex formosissimus coloris sanguinei quodamodo transparens. 246 Very beautiful, blood-coloured flint, almost transparent.
AMS802900247 Marmor rubrum punctis albis interstrictũforte Porphyrites, forma rotunda. 247 Rounded red marble, spotted with white; possibly porphyry.
AMS802910248 Porphyrites alius quadrangulâ oblonga formâ. 248 Another porphyry, in the form of an elongated rectangle.
AMS802920249 Marmor rubrũvenis flavis intermixtũformâ ovali. 249 Ovoid red marble, threaded with yellow veins.
AMS802930250 Marmor rubrũformosissimũ, venis et quibusdam flavescentibus conspersũ. 250 Very beautiful red marble scattered with blue and a few yellowish veins.
AMS802940251 Marmor rubrum et albũæquis partibus commixtũ, forma quadrangula oblonga. 251 Elongated rectangle of marble, with red and white intermixed in equal parts.
AMS802950252 Marmor rubrũ(ut opinor) factitium venis albis et viridescentibus conspersũ, formâ quadratâ. 252 Square of red marble, false (I suspect), scattered with white and greenish veins. 204
AMS802960253 Marmor Griseũ (uti auguror) item factitium venulis albis rubris et nigris interstinctũ, eadem formâ. 253 Grey marble of the same shape and also (I suspect) false, with scattered little veins in red, white and black.
AMS802970254 Marmor album paulo flavescens. 254 White marble, a little yellowish.
AMS802980255 Marmor flavescens venis albis notatum. 255 Yellowish marble marked with white veins.
AMS802990256 Idem iterum. 256 Another of the same.
AMS803000257 Marmor flavescens notis citrinis conspersum. 257 Yellowish marble, spattered with yellow spots.
AMS803010258 Marmor flavescens venulis albis et fuscis. 258 Yellowish marble with little white and dark veins.
AMS803020259 Marmor flavescens venis subnigris maculatũ. 259 Yellowish marble marked with darkish veins.
AMS803030260 Marmor citrinum venis rufescentibus. 260 Yellow marble with reddish veins.
AMS803040261 Marmor citrinum venis sanguineis. 261 Yellow marble with blood-coloured veins.
AMS803050262 Marmor citrinum venis albis et rubentibus. 262 Yellow marble with white and reddish veins.
AMS803060263 Marmor venis citrinis, albis, et rubeis æqualiter conspersum. 263 Marble veined equally with yellow, white and red.
AMS803070264 Marmor ex citrino purpurascens. 264 Yellow marble shading to purple.
AMS803080265 Marmor ex fusco viridescens. 265 Dark-coloured marble shading to green.
AMS803090266 Marmor ex albo viridescens. 266 White marble shading to green.
AMS803100267 Marmor rufescens lineis albis distinctum. 267 Reddish marble distinguished with white lines.
AMS803110268 Marmor rufescens venis albis, vulgo Rance marble. 268 Reddish marble with white veins, commonly known as Rance [Raunds] marble.
AMS803120269 Marmor coloris ravi vel Xerampelini, venulis albis. 269 Greyish or dark-red marble, with small white veins.
AMS803130270 Marmor coloris robei venis albis. 270 Red marble with white veins.
AMS803140271 Idem iterum. 271 Another of the same:.
AMS803150272 Idem iterum. 272 Another of the same. 205
AMS803160273 Idem iterum. 273 Another of the same.
AMS803170274 Marmor coloris hiberi venis albis ornati. 274 Iberian-coloured marble embellished with white veins.
AMS803180275 Idem iterum. Atque hæc omnia forma quadrangula oblongâ. 275 Another of the same. All of these are elongated rectangles.
AMS803190ж Achates subrufescens venis albis distincta. Reddish agate marked with white veins.
AMS803200ж a. Achates subrufescens venis albis distincta, juxta quam b. altera Achates valde obfusca. Anglice 2 Gun flints AMS803203Reddish agate marked with white veins, AMS803205next to which there is another dark agate. Called in English gunflints.
AMS803210c. Marmor calcarium melanoleucon ex agro Pembrochiano. Donavit Alex. Ford A.M. & Coll Jesu. Black and white limestone-marble from Pembrokeshire. Given by Alexander Ford, MA and Fellow of Jesus College.
AMS803220276 Marmor Obsidianum sive Numidianũvenis albis. 276 Obsidian or Numidian marble, with white veins.
AMS803230277 Globulus e marmore gruino. 278 Small sphere of speckled marble. MacGregor 1983, no. 64.
AMS803240 277 Marmor et fusco viridescens: form: Quad: oblon: Marble, dark and greenish; four-sided, elongated.
AMS803250 a. Marmor albescens subfusco ad marginem ornatum: for Quad: oblong Whitish marble, darker around the edges; four-sided, elongated.
AMS803260278 Globuli tres e marmore ferreo. 279 Three small globes made of ferrous marble.
AMS803270279 Globulus e marmore citrino rufescente. Small sphere of reddish-yellow marble. MacGregor 1983, no. 116.
AMS803280280 Lapillus ovalis coloris insuasi, macula albescente signatus. Marmor calcarium melanoleucon ex agro Pembrochiano. Donavit Alexand. Ford A.M. et Soc. Coll. Jesu. 283 d, c Ovoid gem, dark orange in colour, with a whitish spot. Given by Alexander Ford, MA and Fellow of Jesus College.
AMS803290280 a. Granite from Malvern Hill Worcestershire DD. Dr. Lyttleton e coll Univers: Feb. 23 1744/5 Granite from Malvern Hill, Worcestershire. Given by Dr Lyttleton of University College, 23 February 1745.
AMS803300281 Marmor Florentinum variegatum Tabulâ Chorographiam. referens i.e. a Landskip marble, formaquadrangula oblongâ. 282 Elongated rectangle of variegated Florentine marble with a topographical view, i.e. a landscape marble.
AMS803310281 Marmor subfuscum lineis albis & flavescentibus. Dark-coloured marble, with white and yellowish lines.
AMS803320282 Idem iterum, eadem formâ. 283 Another, of the same shape.
AMS803330283 Marmor Florentinum civitatis prospectum referens, formâ etiam quadrangulâ oblongâ. 5 Elongated rectangle of Florentine marble, in some way representing a view of a city.
AMS803340283c. Globulus è marmore Gruino. Small sphere of grey speckled marble.
AMS803350284 Marmor Florentinum, montiũprecipitia exhibens, eadem formâ. 284 Florentine marble of the same shape, showing mountain precipices. 206
AMS803360285 Marmor Florentinum, ædium et Ecclesiarum ruinas referens, eadem formâ. 290 Florentine marble of the same shape, depicting the ruins of houses and churches.
AMS803370286 Tria duo alia minora ejusdem formæ, ead exhibentia. 291 1. fract. Three [two] other smaller [marbles], of the same shape, showing the same scene.
AMS803380287 Marmor Florentinum magnum ejusdem formæ, ædifi ciorum ruinas referens, et Ecclesiæ pyramidem altissimam. 293 A large Florentine marble of the same shape, showing the ruins of buildings and the very tall spire of a church.
AMS803390288 Embuscatum, forma ovali. 287 Ovoid embossed work.
AMS803400289 Embuscatum forma quadrangulâ oblonga. 288 Elongated rectangular embossed work.
AMS803410290 Embuscatum, formâ octogonâ. 289 Eight-sided embossed work.
AMS803420291 Embuscatum formâ quadrangulâ oblongâ, Ebeno munitum. Ex dono Mri.Whiting e Coll. Wadham. 286 Elongated rectangular embossed work framed in ebony. Given by Mr Whiting of Wadham College.
AMS803430 291b. Pictura ex avium Plumis conficta &c. Picture made of birds' feathers.
AMS803440 291c. Collare mio Artificio ex charta Acus Puncturis confict. Opera et Donum Annæ Mariæ Woodford. Collar marvellously made of paper, by piercing with a needle. Worked and presented by Anna Maria Woodford.
AMS803450 291d. Equi Imago Forficibus confict. Picture of a horse made using scissors.
AMS803460292 Marmor Florentinum pedale, magnæ Civitatis ruinas referens, forma ovali. 285 8 Florentine marble, a foot long and ovoid, depicting the ruins of a great city.
AMS803470293 Marmor Florentinum paulo minus, idem referens. 4 Florentine marble, slightly smaller, with the same scene.
AMS803480294 Marmor Florentinum multo minus, idem referens, marmoribus quadrangulis variegatis circumseptum. 1 Florentine marble, much smaller, with the same scene, and surrounded with various pieces of rectangular marble.
AMS803490295 Marmor Florentinum præcedente paulo majus, civitatem referens, quasi sub monte Teneriffâ; basanomunitum. 292 Florentine marble, a little larger than the above, showing a city below what looks like the mountain of Tenerife [Mount Teide], framed in basanite.
AMS803500296 Embuscatum pedale, forma ovali. 2 Ovoid embossed work, one foot in length.
AMS803510296 Lapis impolitum arbores referens fract. 1700 Unpolished stone resembling trees; broken in 1700.
AMS8035203 Pictura Mariæ Davies. On the Stair Case Picture of Mary Davis.
AMS8035306 Flores ex Charta scalpello confict. Flowers cut from paper with a scalpel. 207
AMS803540297 Lapis magnus cuneoformis coloris thalasini, rupe solida repertus, in fodina Virginiæ 40 orgyias altâ. 297 Large wedge-shaped stone, sea-blue in colour, found in solid rock in Virginia, in a pit cut 40 fathoms deep.
AMS803550298 Phengites sive marmor Parium translucens, forma quadrangulâ oblongâ. 298 Elongated rectangle of crystalline gypsum or Parian marble.
AMS803560299 Basaltes forma globosâ. 299 Sphere of basalt.
AMS803570300 Thyites Italis Verdello, lapis viridis cuneoformis, forte Ophites Orientalis. Vid. Philos. Trans. N. 185. P. 223. 300 Thyites, called verdello in Italian; a green wedge-shaped stone, perhaps oriental ophites. See Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society no.185, p. 223.
AMS803580301 Marmor Leucophæum forma ovali. 301 Ovoid, ash-coloured marble.
AMS803590302 Marmor cinereum Seravitanũmaculis cinereis insigne, forma quadrangulâ oblongâ. 302 Ovoid rectangle of ash-coloured marble of Seravitanum, with grey markings.
AMS803600303 Ophites, sive marmor SerpentinũZeibliciũforma quadr. 294 Square ophite or serpentine-marble of Zöbliz.
AMS803610304 Marmor hiberum venis luteis interstinctũformâ quadrangulâ oblongâ. 295 Elongated rectangle of Iberian marble, with saffron-yellow veins.
AMS803620305 Amianthus alias lapis asbestinus. P. Veneto Salamandra. 304 Earth-flax, otherwise known as asbestos; known to P. Venetus as salamandra.
AMS803630306 Pyrites aureus multiformis politus. 303 Irregular gold-coloured pyrites, polished.
AMS803640307 Marmor Parium impolitum de Templo Apollinis in civitate Delphi juxta Parnassum. 305 Unpolished Parian marble from the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, near Mount Parnassus.
AMS803650308 Marmor Parium impolitum de femore statuæ Apollinaris in eodem Templo. Unpolished Parian marble taken from the thigh of the statue of Apollo in the same temple.
AMS803660309 Robur Britannicum petrificatum formâ oblongâ. Elongated piece of petrified British oak. 208
AMS803670310 Coagula Sulphurea Tiburensia, instar bellariorum aridorum saccharat. Italis, Confetti de Tivoli of these See Mr Ray's Observat. Topograph. p. 376. 308 Conglomerate of sulphur from the River Tiber, looking like a lump of dried sweetmeat. Called in Italian, confetti di Tivoli. See Ray 1673, p. 376367.
AMS803680311 Lapides Bononienses tres. Three Bologna stones.
AMS803690312 Lapis (ut videtur) scissilis oblongus coloris subnigri, nominibus sacris Jesu, Mariæ, Josephi inscriptus, quod artificio (vereor) non naturaliter factum: cujusmodi apud Germanos Gamahujæ dicuntur. 309 Elongated darkish laminar stone, inscribed with the names of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, which (I fear) were made artificially and not by nature. Stones of this kind are called Gamahe among the Germans. MacGregor 1983, no. 189.
AMS803700313 Gamahuja alia, Lapis crucis dictus, qui in corpore leucophæo crucem nigrâ ostentat. 310 Another Gamahe, known as Stone of the Cross, showing a black cross on an ash-grey background.
AMS803710314 Lapis crucis alius, formâ quadrangulâ oblongâ, qui in corpore robeo albescente, crucem etiam nigram ostentat. 311 Another Stone of the Cross, rectangular and elongated, which also shows a black cross on a whitish-red ground.
AMS803720315 Lapis Asteria dictus, lutei coloris. Stone called asteria, saffron-yellow in colour.
AMS803730316 Lapis Asteria dictus, coloris cinerei. From Marston, Nhshire. Ash-coloured stone called asteria, from Marston in Northamptonshire.
AMS803740317 Lapis Asteria dictus, coloris robei. From Humber Cliffes. Stone called asteria, red in colour. From the cliffs of the Humber.
AMS803750318 Trochitæ et Entrochi e Comitatu Ordevicũ Flintensi. AMS803753Trochitæ and AMS803755entrochi from Flintshire, the county of the Ordivices.
AMS803760318. Lignum petrefactum. Petrified wood.
AMS803770319 Lapis quodamodo Bufonem referens. 312 Stone in some way representing a toad.
AMS803780319. Lapis fungi caput referens. Stone resembling a mushroom cap.
AMS803790320 ætites, sive lapis Aquilinus coloris cinerei ad rotunditatem accedens, aliũlapidem vel argillam in secontinens. 313 ætites or eagle-stone, ash-grey in colour and rounded in shape, with another stone or a lump of clay inside it.
AMS803800320 Ostreum petrefactum Petrified oyster. 209
Drawer H
AMS803820321 Repræsentatio cretacea tum forma tum magnitudine, Calculi e vesica urinaria Hispanioli agrarij, excisi; in Com Icenorum Huntingdonensi. A.o 1654. 314 Chalk facsimile, identical in shape and size, of a stone cut from the urinary tract of a Spanish peasant; in Huntingdonshire, county of the Iceni, 1654.
AMS803830Fragmentum Lapidis in quo est Representatio Sti. Johannis Baptiste Capitis &c. De quô fertur quod in Pulverem redactus Oculis lippis et male se habentibus plurimum inservit. Piece of stone on which is represented the head of St John the Baptist etc. from which scrapings reduced to powder were commonly used to cure inflamed and watery eyes.
AMS803840322 Lapis a Dno Goodale Navarcho Anglo excisus ex ventriculo Rhinocerotis a se confossi, in India orientali. 315 Stone cut by Mr Goodale, an English ship's master, from the belly of a rhinoceros which he had shot in the East Indies.
AMS803850323 Calculus humanus e vesica urinaria Dñæ Cole de Bedhampton in Com Belgarum Hantoniensi, ab obstetrice sine ulla sectione aut dilaceratione extractus. 316 Stone from the urinary tract of Mrs Cole from Bedhampton in Hampshire, removed by the midwife without any incision or cutting.
AMS803860324 Calculus humanus eximiæ magnitudinis e vesicâ urinaria puellæ octennis Cantuariensis a Johanne Eliot M.D. excisus. 317 Stone of exceptional size, cut from the urinary tract of an eight-year-old girl from Canterbury by John Eliot, MD.
AMS803870325 Calculus humanus tantæ magnitudinis e vesica cujusdam Beatricis Shreve de Tunsted in ComNorwicensi sine ullâ aut sectione aut dilaceratione extractus, ut rei veritas, sub sigillo Comuni Civitat. Norwic. posteris transmitti par esse videbatur. 322 Stone removed, without any incision or cutting, from the urinary tract of a certain Beatrice Shreve from Tunstead in Norfolk, of such a size that it seemed fitting to preserve the event for posterity, by recording it under the seal of the city of Norwich.
AMS803880326 Globulus vitreus pomiformis opere lucernali, multis tum figuris tum coloribus eleganter variegatus.323 A small glass sphere, shaped like a fruit, made in Lucerne; it is elegantly decorated, with various figures and colours.
N.B. All from hence to No.366. Are cross'd out in ye. Old Catalogue there being silver medals, &c. substituted in the room of ye things here mentioned, at least of most of ym. 210
AMS803900327 Vitrum aliud cuneoforme; similibus opere, figuris, coloribus. Another, wedge-shaped glass, similar in workmanship, figures and colours.
AMS803910328 Ampulla vitreo-Chrystallina eleganti ad stuporem usque cælata. Bottle of crystalline glass, engraved with stunning elegance.
AMS803920329 FragmentũVasculi Vitreo-chrystallini admiranda itidem cælaturâ ornatum. Fragment of a small crystalline glass vessel, as wonderfully engraved.
AMS803930330 Microscopium minimum ebore tornato munitũ. A very small microscope with a turned ivory support.
AMS803940 Monile ex globulis vitreo-chrystallinis. A necklace made of small spheres of crystalline glass.
AMS803950Anulus ex vitro-chrystallino. A ring of crystalline glass.
AMS803960331 Aleæ species ex ebore facta, inusitatæ formæ maculis citrinis, rubris, et virescentibus, insignita. A type of die, made of ivory and of unusual form, marked with yellow, red and greenish spots.
AMS803970332 Alearum alia species rarioris formæ. Another type of die, of a rarer form.
AMS803980333 Manipulus latrunculorum lusoriorum semiuncialium cum globulo, ex Ebore tornati. f. A set of playing men, turned in ivory and half an inch tall, together with a little sphere.
AMS803990334 Pelvis et Aqualis item ex ebore tornati, plus minus unciales. Basin and ewer, also turned in ivory, each about an inch high.
AMS804000335 Plaustrum unciale item eburneum. f Wagon, also made of ivory, an inch high.
AMS804010336 Dodecas cochlearium argenteorum in pyxide eburnea; magnitudine, nucem avellanâ sylvestrem, nonexcedente. Twelve silver spoons in an ivory box, no larger in size than a hazel-nut. Tradescant 1656, p. 39.
AMS804020337 Manipulus latrunculorum ex ebore tornatorum in unico piperis semine contentus. Set of playing men, of turned ivory, contained within a single peppercorn. Tradescant 1656, p. 39. 211
These things have been shifted about till it has become impossible to discover more than a part in [their] new positions.
AMS804040338 Tres globuli eburnei multifori, alius intra aliũ eximie tornati, cum alea versatili in centro intimi. Three small ivory spheres, pierced with many holes, and all beautifully turned one inside the other, with a revolving die in the middle. Tradescant 1656, p. 39; MacGregor 1983, no. 239.
AMS804050339 Quinque Dodecaedra quinquangula eburnea quaquaversum perforata, unum intra aliud mirum inmodum, torno elaborata. Five ivory dodecahedrons, with quinquangular faces, pierced on all sides; wonderfully turned on a lathe, one inside another. Tradescant 1656, p. 39; MacGregor 1983, no. 244-8.
AMS804060340 Tres globuli eburnei perforati, singuli in 30 partim hexangula, partim quinquangula alternatim posita, alius intra alium mirè detornati; in quorum centro, globulus solidus mobilis, aculeis hirsutus per foramina trajectis. Three pierced ivory spheres, all marvellously turned, one inside the other; each with thirty pieces, some with hexangular, some with quinquanglular faces, arranged alternately. In the centre is a solid moveable sphere with spikes which stick out through the holes. Tradescant 1656, p. 39; MacGregor 1983, no. 240.
AMS804070341 Armilla seu monile ex 50 globulis e gagate, et quibusdam margaritis filo argenteo connexis, constans; in ossiculo cerasi cordiformis comprehensa. Bracelet or necklace made of fifty small jet beads alternating with pearls on a silver thread, and kept in a heart-shaped cherry-stone.
AMS804080342 Quatuor cultelli cum bidente argentei; simili ossiculo inclusi. Four small silver knives, with two prongs, similarly contained in a cherry-stone.
AMS804090343 Sex scutellæ argenteæ item in ossiculo contentæ. Six small silver saucers, also contained in a cherry-stone.
AMS804100344 Cerasi ossiculum in quo quondam dodecas cochlearium ligneorum. Cherry-stone in which twelve wooden spoons were once kept.
AMS804110345 Nucis avellanæ sylvestris putamen dimidium in quo quondam 70 utensilia. Half a hazel-nut shell, in which there once were seventy utensils.
AMS804120346 Idem iterum. Another of the same.
AMS804130347 Anulus e filis matallicis, pilisque multicoloribus artificiosissimè textus, rubino insignitus. Ring made of metal wires, skilfully intertwined with multicoloured balls, and set with a ruby. 212
AMS804140348 Tres alij anñuli annular e pilis multicoloribus faberrimè plicatis. Three other rings, skilfully woven with multicoloured balls.
AMS804150349 Crux aurea cavata, in quæ (ut dicitur) segmentum minimum veræ crucis, in qua passus est Dñs. Hollow gold cross, in which is found (so they say) a very small fragment of the True Cross, on which our Lord suffered.
AMS804160350 Catena pulicina aurea. Gold flea-chain. Tradescant 1656, p. 39.
AMS804170351 Catena pulicina aurea et argentea, commissuris utrius alternatim positis. Flea-chain of gold and silver, the links of each arranged alternately. Tradescant 1656, p. 39.
AMS804180352 Quatuor aliæ, superiori similes, quibus sera pensilis annexa, e Margaritâ auro munita. Four more chains, similar to the last, to each of which is attached a pendent bar and a pearl mounted in gold. Tradescant 1656, p. 39.
AMS804190353 Digitale argenteum, in superiori limbo, auro et encausto interstinctum. Silver ring, with the upper part decorated with gold and enamel.
AMS804200354 Microscopium antiquum capsula argentea munitum. AMS804203Ancient microscope AMS804205in a silver case.
AMS804210355 Fibula cuprea varijs coloribus encausto picta. Copper brooch enamelled in various colours.
AMS804220356 Cymbalum majus æneum. 325 Fairly large brass cymbal.
AMS804230357 Cymbalum minus ejusd metalli. 324 Smaller cymbal, of the same metal.
AMS804240358 Quatuor catenæ pulicinæ ferreæ. Four iron flea-chains.
AMS804250359 Aliæ catenæ pulicinæ ferreæ, interruptæ et implicatæ. Other iron flea-chains, broken and tangled.
AMS804260360 Instrumenta chirurgica in acuum cuspidibus fabrefacta Surgical instruments formed on the points of needles. Tradescant 1656, p. 37.
AMS804270361 Sclopus cum omni apparatu suo sesquiuncialis. Scalpel, one and a halfinches in length, with all other associated equipment. Tradescant 1656, p. 39.
AMS804280 Exemplar isituis percelebris Adamantis a Dño Pitt Regi Franciæ Venditi ex Adamante Bristoliensi seu Chrystallo Facsimile of the celebrated diamond sold by Mr Pitt to the King of France, made of Bristol diamond or crystal. 213
AMS804290362 Catena juncea, colorem cupreum tam politè referens, ut Judicem ύόv decipiat. Copper-coloured chain of rushes, so exquisitely made that it would deceive a judge looking at it with his own eyes.
AMS804300363 Oratio Dominica intra ambitum Denarij Angl. conscripta cum benedictione Annæ Reginæ. per T. Baker. The Lord's Prayer, written around the edge of an English penny, with a blessing on Queen Anne. By T. Baker.
AMS804310364 Oratio Dominica; Symbolum Apostolorũ; Præceptorum decalogi synopsis; Psal. 134; Psal. 147; Oratio pro Rege; Oratio pro bono statu Ecclesiæ; etc. intra ambitum Dioboli. by old Abraham ... The Lord's Prayer; Apostles' Creed; list of the precepts from the Ten Commandments; Psalm 134; Psalm 147; Prayer for the King; Prayer for the well-being of the Church; all along the edge of a diobolos. By old Abraham [ ].
AMS804320365 Chirotheca Scotica in globũcomplicata. Scottish glove folded into a ball. Tradescant 1656, p. 49.
AMS804330366 Alia, explicata. Another, not folded. Tradescant 1656, p. 39.
AMS804340367 Tessella, pavimenti tessellati deaurata, tria. 327 Three gilded cubes from a mosaic pavement.
AMS804350368 Tessellum coloris limonei. 328 Yellow cube from a mosaic.
AMS804360369 Tessella cærulea duo, sive coloris cyanei. 329 Two blue, or rather blue-green cubes from a mosaic.
AMS804370370 Tessella lurida 3, seu potius cæsia. 330 Three yellowish, or rather blue-grey cubes from a mosaic.
AMS804380371 Tessella duo smaragdina. 331 Two emerald-coloured cubes from a mosaic.
AMS804390372 Tessellum unũSubviride, sive coloris chrysolitholini. 312 A greenish or topaz-coloured cube from a mosaic.
AMS804400373 Tessellum coloris Persici. 333 Peach-coloured cube from a mosaic.
AMS804410374 Tessella 32 coloris ferruginei. Horū figura naturalis est, et in lapide scissili per tota Walliâ fere occurrunt. Est Ludus Paracelsi ap.' Helmont. 334 Thirty-two tesserae, of metallic colour. Their shape is natural and they are found in all the laminar stones of Wales. [Examples of] the Ludus Paracelsus and Ludus Helmontii. 214
AMS804420375 Tessella 3 Anthracina. 335 Three deep black tesserae.
AMS804430376 Idolum Isidis ægyptiacum characteribus itidem. Ægyptijs insculptum, et incrustatione e cæruleoviridescente tectum. 336. 337 Egyptian idol of Isis, incised with Egyptian characters, and covered with an incrustation of blue shading to green.
AMS804440377 Latrator Anubis simili incrustatione tectus. Idolum istud minùs cauté observavit D. Plot: siquidem idem est omnino cum proximè sequenti. Anubis, the Dog, with a similar incrustation. Dr Plot paid less attention to this idol, since it is in all respects very close to the one below.
AMS804450378 Idolum ægyptium capite ovino, quod colebant in Sahid, seu ægypto superiori, incrustatione sub viridi tectum. 338 Egyptian idol with a sheep's head, found in Sahid or Upper Egypt, and covered with a bluish incrustation.
AMS804460379 Idolum ægyptium sub forma cati, quod ægyptus tota adorabat, coloris ex viridi albescentis. 339 Egyptian idol in the form of a cat, which all the Egyptians worshipped, green in colour, shading to white.
AMS804470380 Idolum ægyptium sub forma Galli, incrustatione ex cæruleo viridiscente, tectum. 340 Egyptian idol in the form of a cock, with an incrustation of blue shading to green.
AMS804480381 Idolum ægyptium sub forma Scarabæi, incrustatione simili tectum, de quo vid. Plutarchum in Iside et Osir. 341 Egyptian idol in the form of a scarab, with a similar incrustation. On this see Plutarch's On Isis and Osiris.
AMS804490382 Osiris mitratus e lapide cineritio sculptus, forma fere quadrangulâ. 342 Osiris, wearing a mitra; almost rectangular in form, made of volcanic stone.
AMS804500383 Lampas cuprea Romana, ansula dotata, et foramine uno ampliore per quod oleum infunditur, et duobus minoribus per quæ Elychnia prominebant. 343 Roman lamp made of copper, with a little handle, and with a single large hole through which the oil is poured and two smaller ones through which the wicks protrude. 215
AMS804510384 Atramentum Sinicum formâ oblongâ duarũcirciter unciarum, floribus utrinque ornatum. Chinese inkwell, elongated and about two inches in length, decorated on both sides with flowers.
AMS804520385 Ampulla in qua aliquantulum sanguinis qui per duas horas forma pluviæ decidebat in Insula Vecti, Ao Dñi 1177o. et Reg. Regis Henr. 2. 23o. A bottle containing some of the blood that fell like rain for two hours on the Isle of Wight in 1177, the 23rd year of the reign of Henry II. Tradescant 1656, p. 44.
AMS804530386 Aurantium, de malo aurantia, quæ Zabulonis sepulchro agnascitur. Orange, from the orange-tree which grows on Zebulon's tomb. Tradescant 1656, p. 43.
AMS804540387 Semina nonnulla, quæ (uti existimatur) per modum pluviæ decidebant apud Paulers-perry in Com. Northampt. Various seeds, which (it is thought) fell in the form of rain over Paulerspury in Northamptonshire.
AMS804550388 Tria Auditûs ossicula sc. malleus, incus, et stapes. Three small ear bones, that is a hammer, anvil and stirrup.
AMS804560389 Ossiculum forma pedis talpæ e carnosiori parte coxæ. Small bone shaped like a mole's foot, from the fleshier part of the hip.
AMS804570390 Crumenæ e serico nigro, Ebeno munito. Black silk purses, with ebony trimmings.
AMS804580391 Anulus ex Ebeno sigillaris, imagine Christi in cruce pendentis insculpti, cum hac inscriptione circum posita: In hoc signo vinces. 471 An ebony seal-ring, engraved with the image of Christ hanging on the Cross, enclosed by the following inscription: 'In this sign shall ye conquer.'. MacGregor 1983, no. 129.
AMS804590392 Sex globuli electrini perforati majores, e quibus (ut opinor) quondam armilla electrina. Six fairly large pierced amber spheres, which may once have formed part of an amber bracelet. MacGregor 1983, no. 120.
AMS804600393 Sex globuli electrini perforati minores, è quibus forte olim etiam armilla electrina. Six smaller, pierced amber spheres, which perhaps also once formed part of an amber bracelet. MacGregor 1983, no. 120.
AMS804610 344 Icuncula (ut opinor) Martis aenea, Regulbii reperta. Idol of Mars (in my opinion), of brass, found at Reculver.
AMS804620 345 Sigillum antiquum æneum cum hac inscriptione in Limbo. S. Potis. Mři Ebie ordi[ni]s beate Marie de Carmel. Ancient bronze seal, with this inscription around the edge: 'The Seal of the Principal Master of the order of the Blessed Mary of Carmel'.
AMS804630 346 Anulus Romanus æneus, gemmâ e loculo excussâ. Roman brass ring, the gem knocked out of its setting.
AMS804640 347 Idem iterum, vel forte fibula gymnastica. Another of the same, or perhaps a fibula used in exercise.
AMS804650 348 Cinguli forte Romani ansula ænea. Girdles with a brass buckle, perhaps Roman.
AMS804660 349 Cinguli Romani, bulla ænea, effigie militis impressa, labarum dextra tenentis. Roman girdles, with a brass stud impressed with the image of a soldier holding a standard in the right hand.
AMS804670 350 Fibulæ Romanæ æneæ Johis Rhodii, in præfat. Roman brass fibulae: see Rhode 1728, preface.
AMS804680 351 Idem iterum N. Johis Smetu commissura p.86. Another of the same. Compare with Johannes Smetius 1678, p. 86.
AMS804690 352 Fibula Romana quadrata oblonga. Elongated rectangular Roman fibula.
AMS804700 353 Fibulæ Roman æneæ, caniliculâ effigiatâ. Roman brass fibulae, with a little moulded groove.
AMS804710 354 Fibula vestiaria adunca ænea, sine acu. Joh. Rhodii. p. 54. Fibula or dress-fastener of brass, bent inwards, lacking a pin. Rhode 1728, p. 54.
AMS804720 388 Marmor Ovi Speciem petrifactri representans. Marble in the form of a petrified egg.
AMS804730 355 Lapis ex Porci Pene desumptus. Stone taken from a pig's penis.
AMS804740 356 Lapis ex Bahamiâ Insulâ allatus. Stone brought from the Island of Bahama.
AMS804750 357 Lapis ex Reni Tho. Lyttleton de Franckly Bart: post mortem ejus, argento munitus.f Stone taken from the kidneys of Thomas Lyttleton of Franckley, Bart., after his death; mounted in silver.
AMS804760 358 Tres lapides ex Stomacho Troctæ piscis desumpti,Sarrat in agro Hertford: captæ. Anno 1748. Three stones taken from a trout's stomach, caught at Sarratt in Hertfordshire, 1748.
AMS804770 359 Cauda Serpentis Americani caudisoni. Tail of an American rattlesnake.
AMS804780 360 Quatuor digiti humani fulmine tacti. Four human fingers struck by lightning.
AMS804790 361 Lapis ex Stomacho – Gore Primarii Civis London. Stone from the stomach of [ ] Gore, Mayor of London.
AMS804800 362 Marmor ovi speciem petrifacti representans. Marble in the form of a petrified egg.
AMS804810 363 Scloppus cum omni apparatu suo. sesquiuncialis. Musket with all its apparatus, measuring 1½ inches.
AMS804820 364 æneus Ensis Tippsburiæ juxta Sarum inventus. D.D. Wyndam Knatchbull Bart. d. 1. Bronze sword found at Tippsbury near Old Sarum. Given by Sir Wyndham Knatchbull, Baronet. 216
AMS804830394 Undecem globuli electrini forma quodamodo depressiori, etiam perforati; e quibus solis, aut cumsuperioribus mixtis, forsan armilla electrina. Eleven amber beads, somewhat flatter, also pierced, which either alone, or with the beads mentioned above, perhaps formed part of an amber bracelet. MacGregor 1983, no. 120.
AMS804840 394a Tres lapides ex Stomacho Troctae piscis desump: Sarrat in Agro Hertfordiensi captæ. An:1748 Three stones taken from a trout's stomach, caught at Sarrat in Hertfordshire, 1748.
AMS804850 394b. Quatuor digiti humani Fulmine tacti. Four human fingers struck by lightning.
AMS804860 394c. Lacerti duo. Two lizards.
AMS804870 394d Cauda Serpentis Americani caudisoni. Tail of an American rattlesnake.
AMS804880 394e Concha marina. Barnacle dicta. Sea shell, known as a barnacle.
AMS804890 394f Panis e radice quadam Indicâ factus. Bread made from a certain Indian root.
AMS804900 394g Lapis e Porci pene desumptus Oxoniensi D.D. D. Atwood. Stone, taken from the penis of a pig in Oxford. Given by Mr Atwood.
AMS804910 394h Frustrum sepulchri Edward Confessoris. A fragment from the tomb of Edward the Confessor.
AMS804920 394i Ova Gallinæ minima deformata. D.D. D. Smith de civitate Oxon. Jul: 10. 1747. Fract. Tiny deformed hen's eggs. Given by Mr Smith of Oxford, 10 July 1747. Broken.
AMS804930 394k Lapis ex Bahama Insula delatus. D.D. Major Huntingdon. Stone brought from the island of Bahama. Given by Major Huntingdon.
AMS804940 394l Crucificum argentum cum pyxide etiam argenteâ. AMS804943Silver crucifix with a AMS804945box, also of silver.
AMS804950 394m Manus eburnea. Ivory hand.
AMS804960 360 Duo Globuli electrini perforati majores e quibus (ut opinor) quondam armilla electrina. Two little spheres of amber, extensively perforated, once (so it seems) from an amber bracelet.
AMS804970395 Massa succini candidi vel potius mellei coloris non transparens, cæteris longè pretiosior. 365 Lump of opaque white, or rather honey-coloured amber, much more valuable than the others.
AMS804980396 Columellæ duæ e tali succino venulis albis distinctæ. 366 Two little columns of amber of the same kind, marked with small white veins.
AMS804990397 Cranium humanum e tali succino sculptum. 367 Human skull carved from that same sort of amber. Tradescant 1656, p. 43; MacGregor 1983, no. 177.
AMS805000398 Succinum melleum transparens cordiforme, in quo B. Maria virgo filium in sinu gestans, forte ex ebore inclusa. Transparent, honey-coloured, heart-shaped amber, in which is contained a figure, possibly in ivory, of the Blessed Virgin Mary holding her Son at her bosom.
AMS805010399 Massa ampla succini fulvi transparentis instar auri rutilantis. 369 Large lump of transparent, deep yellow amber, like reddish gold.
AMS805020400 Massa alia ejusdem succini paulo minor, sed non minus rutilans. k Another somewhat smaller lump of the same sort of amber, but no less red.
AMS805030401 Succinum fulvum cordiforme in quo imago Herois cujusdam ex ebore inclusa. 370 Heart-shaped deep yellow amber, in which is enclosed an ivory figure of a hero.
AMS805040402 Succinum fulvum ovale in quo orbes electrini splendidé repræsentantur. 371 Ovoid, deep yellow amber, in which nine shining spheres are formed. MacGregor 1983, no. 180.
AMS805050403 Succinum fulvũphryganio prægnans. 372 Deep yellow amber, with a creature embedded within it.
AMS805060404 Quatuor musculæ succino flavo implicitæ. 373 Four small flies caught in yellow amber.
AMS805070405 Aranea Succino flavo cordiformi incarcerata. 374 Spider imprisoned in heart-shaped yellow amber.
AMS805080406 Phryganeũaliud sepulchro suo succinato nobilitatum. Another small creature notable for its amber tomb.
AMS805090 375. Tres Gemmæ auriculares succini flavi, in quibus Animalia continentur. Three ear-rings of yellow amber, in which small creatures are enclosed.
AMS805100 376. Succinum oblongum animalia inclusum. Elongated amber in which small creatures etc. are enclosed.
AMS805110 377. Succinum flavum Araneam inclusum. Yellow amber enclosing a spider.
AMS805120378. Idem iterum. Another of the same. 217
AMS805130407 Idem iterum. Succini rudioris fragmentum, rubigine incrustatum; coloris intùs ocroleuci. Donavit Dña Madox. 391 Another of the same. Fragment of fairly coarse amber, encrusted with red, coloured whitish internally. Given by Mrs Madox.
AMS805140408 Musca contempta funere item suo pretiosa. Common fly rendered precious by its death.
AMS805150409 Apis melleo suo carcere detenta. A bee held in its honey-coloured prison.
AMS805160410 Araneus binoculus longipes, Opilio quibusdâ dictus, succino fulvo compeditus. 379 Spider with two eyes and long legs, called the Shepherd by some, trapped in yellow amber.
AMS805170411 Idem iterum. Another of the same.
AMS805180412 Succini flavi pellucidi Lamella, in qua Perla sivè libella minima inclusa. Ex dono Dñæ Madox. A flat piece of transparent yellow amber, in which a pearl or tiny silver coin is enclosed. Given by Mrs Madox.
AMS805190413 Ampulla nitidissima e succino fulvo elaborata. Elegant flask made of yellow amber.
AMS805200414 Succini fulvi frustulum tenue eleganter detornatum. Little piece of yellow amber, elegantly turned. MacGregor 1983, no. 179.
AMS805210415 Succini flavi sive mellei fragmentum, rubigine incrustatum. Donavit Domina ... Madox. 390 Fragment of yellow or honey-coloured amber, encrusted with red. Given by Mrs Madox.
AMS805220416 Anulus e tali succino, in cujus parte sigillari eadem imago Christi; et sacra nomina S.ti Josephi et Mariæ, cum crucifixionis instrumentis, in circulo. Fr. Lege fractus. Ring, made of this kind of amber; the seal shows the same image of Christ and the holy names of St Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary, together with the instruments of the Passion arranged in a circle For 'fr.' read broken.
AMS805230417 Anulus alius e simili succino. Fr. Another ring, of similar amber; broken.
AMS805240418 Item tertius ex eodem genere succini. Fr. A third ring, of the same kind of amber; broken.
AMS805250 380, 381, 382, 383. Quatuor Globuli electrini perforati majores è quibus (ut opinor) quondam armilla electrina. Four small amber spheres, mostly perforated, probably once from an amber bracelet.
AMS805260 384. 385. Idem iterum, sed superioribus minora. Another of the same, but smaller than the above.
AMS805270 386. Globulus Succini fulvi transparentis. Small sphere of transparent, yellow amber.
AMS805280 388. Succinum formâ cylindraceâ. Fract. Amber, cylindrical in form; broken.
AMS805290 392. Tres Globuli perforati succini flavi. Three small perforated spheres of yellow amber.
AMS805300 393. Duo Globuli depressi perforati succini flavi. f Two small flattened spheres of yellow amber.
AMS805310 394, 395, 396 Idem iterum. Another of the same.
AMS805320 397. Tres Globuli depressi ejusdem succini. Three small flattened spheres of the same amber.
AMS805330 398. Fragmenta tria succini flavi. Three fragments of yellow amber.
AMS805340 399. Fragmenta tria succini flavi elaborata. d Three worked fragments of yellow amber.
AMS805350 400. Fragmenta 11 Succini flavi. Eleven fragments of yellow amber. 218
AMS805360419 Succini fulvi frustulum formâ stalactitis. Piece of yellow amber shaped like a stalactite.
AMS805370419a Succini pellucidi rutilantis, massa rudis sive impolita. 387 Lump of transparent red amber, natural or unpolished.
AMS805380419b Succinum rude sive informe. Topazium referens. 389 Natural or unshaped amber, resembling topaz.
AMS805390419c Succini flavi semiopaci frustulum. Hæc tria donavit Dña Madox Londinensis. Fragment of translucent yellow amber. Mrs Madox of London gave these three.
AMS805400420 Talcum argenteum. Silver talc.
AMS805410421 Talcum argenteum subrufescens. Silver talc, reddish.
AMS805420422 Talcum coloris limonei. Lemon-coloured talc.
AMS805430423 Talcum aureum. Golden talc.
AMS805440424 Talcum coloris chrysolitholini. Topaz-coloured talc.
AMS805450425 Talcum gramineum. Green talc.
AMS805460426 Talcum coloris robei. Reddish talc.
AMS805470427 Talcum nigrum Black talc.
AMS805480428 Torquis e succino fulvo, vel forte potius tesseræ precatoriæ, plerumque ovales, nonnullæ cruciformes, in quibus crucifixionis instrumenta sparsim depicta. 401 Necklace of deep yellow amber, or rather they may be prayer-beads; most of them are oval and several are cruciform, on which the instruments of the Passion are depicted here and there. MacGregor 1983, no. 123.
AMS805490429 Torquis e diversis particulis succini fulvi, ac eboris varie formatis ac dispositis. 402 Necklace of various fragments of deep yellow amber and of ivory, variously shaped and arranged.
AMS805500430 Torquis ex ovalibus vitreis, auro varijsque coloribus encausto pictis. 403 Necklace made of oval glass [beads], in gold and various colours of enamel. MacGregor 1983, nos. 118-119.
AMS805510431 Torquis e quadrangulis oblongis vitreis, colore lazurio, encausto pictis. 404 Necklace made of azure blue, elongated glass [beads], enamelled. MacGregor 1983, no. 117. 219
AMS805520432 Rosarium ligneum. 405 Wooden rosary. MacGregor 1983, no. 122.
AMS805530433 Rosarium ligneum cujus tesseræ cinnabrij coloris. 406 Wooden rosary with cinnabar-coloured beads.
AMS805540434 Rosarium ligneum cujus tesseræ coloris æthiopici. 407 Wooden rosary, the beads of which are black. MacGregor 1983, no. 121.
AMS805550 434a Rosarium partim (ut opinor) ex ebore, partim ex ossibus cum cruce. 408 A rosary, made (I believe) partly of ivory and partly of bone, with a cross.
AMS805560 434b Rosarium ex tesseris vitreis quarum sex Coloris cærulei, reliquæ Chrystallini: quibus annexæ duo parvæ cruces. Hæc ex ebore, Illa ex Matre Perlarum. 409 A rosary with glass beads, six of which are sky-blue and the remainder crystal, to which are attached two small crosses, one of them ivory and the other of mother-of-pearl.
AMS8055704934c. Rosarium vitreum. 410 Glass rosary.
AMS805580435 Tres globuli eburnei perforati manubrio affixi, alius intra alium mire detornati, quorũintimus aculeishirsutus per foramina trajectis. 411 Three admirably turned, pierced ivory balls fixed on a handle, one inside the other; the innner most one has spikes sticking out through the holes. Tradescant 1656, p. 39.
AMS805590436 Decem tales globuli filo conserti. 412 Ten such balls strung together on a string. Tradescant 1656, p. 39.
AMS805600437 Prisma æquilatero-triangulare vitreochrystallinum, pro repræsentandis coloribus Iridum emphaticis. 413 Equilateral triangular prism of crystal glass, which is intended to display the colours of the rainbow.
AMS805610438 Prisma aliud, in omnibus simile, nisi colore citrino. 414 Another prism, similar in all respects, save for its yellow colour.
AMS805620439 Unum e cornibus Mariæ Davies de Saughall in districtu Wyrehallensi in Com Cestriæ, quæ solet exuere, Cervorum instar quibusdam annis interpositis. 415 One of the horns belonging to Mary Davies from Saughall, in the Wirral, Cheshire, which she habitually shed as stags do, after a certain number of years.
AMS805630 a. Catena gagatea Turcica, ex (duodecem) undecim lamellis quadratis duobus globulis interpositis constans. Ex dono Dñi Buckridge e Coll. Divi Joannis. Baptistæ Socio commensalis. 416 A chain of jet from Turkey, consisting of twelve [eleven] square pieces each separated by two spheres. Given by Mr Buckridge, Fellow-Commoner of St John's College.
AMS805640440 Manus e gagate, cujusmodi solent Turci suis puerulis dono dare, utpote quorum virtute (uti stulteexistimant) a fascinationibus tuentur. 417 Hand of jet, of the kind that the Turks are accustomed to giving to their small boys since by their power (as they foolishly think) they are protected from the evil eye. Tradescant 1656, p. 44; MacGregor 1983, no. 190.
AMS805650 b. Manus alia Turcica lunâ dimidiatâ insignita. Ex dono Dñi ... Buckridge e Coll. Divi Joan. Bapt. Socio-Com. 418 Another Turkish hand carved with a half moon. Given by Mr ... Buckridge, Fellow-Commoner of St John's College. 220
AMS805660441 Ampulla argentea undiq. deaurata pro suffimentis conservandis. 419 Silver flask, gilded overall, for keeping incense. Tradescant 1656, p. 40.
AMS805670442 Alcoranum Turcicum in pyxide argentea rubino ornatâ varijsque coloribus encausto pictâ. 420 Turkish Koran in a silver box, adorned with a ruby and enamelled in different colours. Tradescant 1656, p. 37; MacGregor 1983, no. 24.
AMS805680443 Silex acuta qua utitur sacerdos, cum exercet circumcisionis munus. Sharp flint which a priest uses for the rite of circumcision. Tradescant 1656, p. 43.
AMS805690 443. Pictura Sti. Cuthberti jussu Alfredi facta: Agro Somersetensi apud vicum Athelny dictum inventa. D.D. Tho. Palmer Arm. de Fairfeild in Com. Som. 421 Picture of St Cuthbert made by the order of Alfred, found in a field in Somerset, near the village of Athelney. Given by Thomas Palmer Esq., of Fairfield, Somerset.
AMS805700444 Instrumentum argenteum quo perstringit præputium, characteribus Hebræis inscriptum, id innuentibus. David Aben Attar, his end be good. fract. Silver instrument with which the foreskin is removed with an inscription in Hebrew letters meaning 'David Aben Attar, his end be good'. Broken.
AMS805710445 Diversa specimina papyri ægyptiacæ Malabaricæ, characteribus Arabicis inscripta: in ægypto enimhujusmodi chartâ (quæ aliud non est quam folium cujusdam palmæ) non utuntur. 422 Various examples of Egyptian papyrus, inscribed in Arabic. [Or] Malabarica, for paper of this kind (which is nothing other than a palm leaf) is not, and never was, used in Egypt. cf. MacGregor 1983, nos. 80-82.
AMS805720446 Inaurium par straminetũ. fract. Pair of straw earrings. Broken.
AMS805730447 Pegma ligneum pro glomerandâ bysso, intra phialam strictioris orificij exstructum. Wooden device in the form of a dish, containing flax, with a narrow aperture through which it is drawn out.
AMS805740448 Ventilabrum e ligno eleganter sculptum. Fan, elegantly carved out of wood.
AMS805750449 Calamistrum sive acus crinalis, item ligno cælata, cum simili ventilabro, ac alijs ornamentis fastigioappendentibus Curler or hair-pin, again carved in wood like the similar fan and with other decorations hanging from the top.
AMS805760447 Igniarium e spurio auro fabrefactum eleganter cælatum instrumentis suis omnibus repletum. 424 AMS805763Tinder-box made of false gold, AMS805765and elegantly carved, filled with all its appropriate implements.
AMS805770448 Catena e ligno solido exculpta. 425 Chain cut out of solid wood.
AMS805780449 Catena Eburnea. 426 Another chain, of ivory.
AMS805790450 Larva lignea inusitati artificij. Wooden mask, of unusual workmanship.
AMS805800451 Corpus solidum ligneum eâ formâ donatum; ut foramina, rotundum, ovale, quadrangulũ, omnia ad unguem expleat. 427 Solid wooden figure of such a shape that it fills all holes perfectly, whether round, oval or square.
AMS805810 423 Manuscriptum Caroli I mi &c. in vitreum. Manuscript of Charles I etc., under glass. 221
AMS805820452 Calendarium suecicum ex asseribus oblongis fabricatum literis Runicis inscriptum, suecis a Rimstock. 428 Swedish calendar made of elongated tablets, inscribed with Runic letters, from Rimstock in Sweden. MacGregor 1983, no. 194.
AMS805830453 Abacus Japonicus, in quo rationes colliguntur per globulos stannos perforatos filo ferreo consertos, stylo item ferreo hinc inde mobiles. 429 Japanese abacus on which accounts are calculated using perforated tin beads, strung on iron wire, and movable from side to side on the said iron rod. Tradescant 1656, p. 54; MacGregor 1983, no. l93.
AMS805840454 Aliud genus Abaci ex quandrangulis eburneis encausto pictis, in quo rationes colliguntur per foraminaimmobilia variè disposita. Another kind of abacus with square, ivory beads, encaustically painted on which sums are calculated by means of fixed holes, variously positioned.
AMS805850 454 Frustrum ligni e medio saxi desump. Oxon 430 A piece of wood found in the middle of a stone, in Oxfordshire.
AMS80586015 ...
AMS805870455 Schema quasi topiarium in matre perclarum Chanquo dictà, forma ovali. 431 Oval-shaped design, looking like a landscape, made from a type of mother-of-pearl (known as chanquo), oval in outline, looking almost like topiary work.
AMS805880456 Schematis topiarij alia species, eisdem materiâ ac formâ. 432 Another piece resembling topiary, of the same form and substance as the former.
AMS805890457 Vitrum Chrystallinum rotundum flore, quasi in parmâ, erectè posito, insculptum. Round, crystalline glass carved with a flower placed upright as if on a shield.
AMS805900458 Idem iterum. Another of the same.
AMS805910459 Vitrum Chrystallintũovale Iride aureâ in solo cyaneo, encausto pictum. Ovoid, crystalline glass, with a golden rainbow on a blue ground, painted in enamel.
AMS805920460 Vitrum Chrystallinum octogonum flore coccinio in area deaurata encausto pictũ, opere posterganeo. 434 Octagonal, crystalline glass intaglio, enamelled with a scarlet flower on a gilded backround.
AMS805930461 Carneolus ovalis planta quadam insculptus. Italis, Intagli. 455 Ovoid carnelian, engraved with a plant; called in Italian intaglio. MacGregor 1983, no. 126.
AMS805940462 Vitrum Chrystallinum rotundũpectine insculptum. Rounded, crystalline glass intaglio, carved with a lyre. 222
AMS805950463 Carneolus ovalis, animali nescio quo, cælatus. Ovoid carnelian carved with an unknown animal.
AMS805960464 Onyx octogona, animali ignoto cælata, opere levato; Italis, in basso rilievo. Octagonal onyx, magnificently carved, with an unknown animal; called in Italian basso relievo.
AMS805970465 Vitrum chrystallinũovale aquilâ Imperiali insculptum. 433 Ovoid, crystalline glass intaglio, engraved with an imperial eagle.
AMS805980466 Vitrum etiam chrystallinum Ovoide gryphe erecto cælatum. 435 Another ovoid, crystalline glass intaglio, carved with an upright griffin. MacGregor 1983, no. 176.
AMS805990467 Aquila coronata alis expansis e Corallio rubro cælata. opere elato, cum stalagmijs ex eadem materiaappendentibus. 445 Crowned phoenix with outspread wings, carved in high relief from red coral, with pendants of the same material. MacGregor 1983, no. 114.
AMS806000468 Leo gradiens faberrime sculptus in basso relievo in obverso; et Leæna in Reverso; uterq. ex onyche ovali, auro munitâ. 444 Walking lion, skilfully carved in bas-relief on the obverse surface; with a lioness on the reverse; both on ovoid onyx and mounted in gold.
AMS806010469 Stalagmiorum par elegantissimum, e Corallio rubro affabrè cælatorum. 446 Very elegant pair of earrings, skilfully carved in red coral.
AMS806020470 Vitrum chrystallinum ovale in quo Insignia gentilitia familiæ de ... in scuto bipartito insculpta. 443 Ovoid, crystalline glass intaglio, carved with the impaled arms of the family of [ ] on a shield.
AMS806030471 Vitrum chrystallinum octogonum in quo Insig gentilitia familiæ de ... in scuto bipartito cælata. Octagonal, crystalline glass intaglio, carved with the impaled arms of the family of [ ] on a shield.
AMS806040472 Vitrum chrystallinum rotundum in quo etiam Insignia gentilitia familiæ de...simplisi scuto incisa. 449 Rounded, crystalline glass intaglio, carved again with the arms of the family of [ ] on a plain shield.
AMS806050473 Vitrum chrystallinum rotundum in quo Insignia familiæ de ... duobus distinctis clypeis opereposterganeo ostenduntur. Round crystalline glass intaglio showing the arms of the family of [ ] on two separate shields. Worked from the back. 450, 451 Idem iterum. Another of the same. 223
AMS806060474 Vitrum chrystallinum octogonum, in quo Cor sanguineum in solo aureo, opere item posterganeoexhibetur. Octagonal, crystalline glass intaglio, on which a bleeding heart on a gilt background is displayed. Again worked from the back.
AMS806070475 Vitreum chrystallinum rotundum, in quo Cor argenteum alis aureis, diademate ducali aureocoronatum, simili opere posterganeo adumbratur. 442 Round, crystalline glass showing a silver heart with golden wings, crowned with a golden ducal coronet. Also worked from the back.
AMS806080476 Vitrum chrystallinum ovale, duabus lævis junctis insculptum. Ovoid, crystalline glass intaglio, carved with two clasped left hands.
AMS806090477 Vitrum chrystallinum ovale in quo Craniũ humanum, inter clepsommidium, et duo ossa femoraliadecussatim posita, cælatum. 436 Ovoid, crystalline glass intaglio, on which is carved a human skull between an hourglass and two crossed femoral bones. MacGregor 1983, no. 175.
AMS806100478 Vitrum chrystallinum ovale, in quo Turci caput Tiarâ indutum in solo miniato, opere posterganeoexhibetur. 437 Ovoid, crystalline glass intaglio, showing the head of a Turk, wearing a turban, on a red background. Worked from the back. MacGregor 1983, no. 172.
AMS806110479 Vitrum chrystalinum ovale, in quo item Turci caput Tiarâ indutum in solo cyaneo, opere posterganeo adumbratur. Ovoid, crystalline glass intaglio, showing the head of a Turk wearing a turban, on a sea-blue background. Worked from the back.
AMS806120480 Vitrum chrystallinum ovale, in quo Herois caput galeatum in solo coccineo, simili opere posterganeoostenditur. 438 Ovoid, crystalline glass intaglio, showing the helmeted head of a hero on a scarlet background. Similarly worked from the back. MacGregor 1983, no. 173.
AMS806130481 Vitrum chrystallinum ovale, in quo æthiopis caput cælatum. 439 Ovoid, crystalline glass intaglio, on which is carved the head of an Ethiopian.
AMS806140482 Idem iterum. Another of the same.
AMS806150483 Cama, in qua Heroinæ caput Carneolo ovali incisum. 454 Cameo, on which is carved the head of a lady on an ovoid carnelian. MacGregor 1983, no. 124. 224
AMS806160484 Cama, in qua Herois caput galeum in onyche ovali cælatum. Cameo, on which is carved the helmeted head of a hero on an ovoid onyx.
AMS806170485 Cama, in qua figura hominis integra in Lapide Lazuli insculpta est. 440 Cameo, on which is carved the complete figure of a man in lapis lazuli.
AMS806180486 Capita 12 11 Apostolorum in argento, toreumate seu opere anaglyptico exhibita, contenta in pyxide item argentea, varijs coloribus encausto pictâ. 1700 468 Heads of [eleven of] the Twelve Apostles, in silver, shown in embossed or low-relief work; contained in a silver box enamelled in various colours. Tradescant 1656, p. 37; MacGregor 1983, no. 188.
AMS806190487 Apollo Arion citharizans e Corallio cælatus, una cũmultis stalagmijs circum circa pendentibus. 447 Apollo [Arion] playing on the lyre, carved in coral, with many pendants hanging all around.
AMS806200488 Cama, in qua figura Achate ovali insculpta super columnam sedens, dextra tenet cassidē, sinistracolumnæ innixa. Cameo carved on an oval agate, showing a figure seated on a pillar holding a helmet with the right hand, and leaning on the column with the left.
AMS806210489 Vitrum chrystallinum ovale, figura insculptum sagittam jaculante. 441 Ovoid, crystalline glass intaglio, carved with a figure shooting an arrow. MacGregor 1983, no. 174.
AMS806220490 Cama, in quâ figura se inclinans carneolo ovali cælata. 452 Cameo on which a reclining figure is carved on an ovoid carnelian. MacGregor 1983, no. 125.
AMS806230491 Cama, in quâ Angelus galeatus (S.tus Michæl manibus tenens tubam; carneolo item ovali incisus. 453 Cameo on which a helmeted angel (St Michael), holding a trumpet in his hands, is carved, also on an ovoid carnelian. MacGregor 1983, no. 127.
AMS806240492 Cama, in quâ homo vestitus dormiens, cum fæmina nuda astante, achate ovali insculptus. 505 Cameo on which is carved a clothed man asleep, and a naked woman standing by; on an ovoid agate. MacGregor 1983, no. 143.
AMS806250493 Vitrum chrystallinum ovale, in quo, opere posterganeo, Salvator Mundi in cruce pendens exhibetur, una cum Stisf æminis asseclis, et omnibus crucifixionis instrumentis circum circa dispositis. Ovoid, crystalline glass intaglio, worked from the back, on which the Saviour of the World is seen hanging on the Cross, with the holy women followers, and all the instruments of the Passion lying around. 225
AMS806260494 Christi Nativitas, cum Josepho, B. Mariâ, Angelo et pastoribus in pruni ossiculo faberrimè sculpta. 465 The Birth of Christ, with St Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, an angel and shepherds, skilfully carved on a plum-stone.
AMS806270495 Imago Dni nostri Jesu Christi intra ovale incisa, in quo hæc Inscriptio Ecce Salvator mundi; supra, spiritus sanctus descendens; infra Clepsammidium supra Calvariam: in parte aversâ Christus in cruce pendens cũomnibus crucefixionis instrumentis adjunctis; atque omnia hæc in Pruni ossiculo, opere multiforo, mirè cælata. Figure of Our Lord Jesus Christ carved within in an oval, with the following inscription: 'Behold the Saviour of the World'; above, the Holy Ghost descending: below an hourglass over a skull. On the other side, Christ hanging on the Cross with all the instruments of the Passion around. All this marvellously carved on a plum-stone, in openwork.
AMS806280496 Christi crucefixio, cum S.tisf æminis asseclis, milite latus transfi gente, totâque comitante catervâ, in pruniossiculo item graphice sculpta. 461 The Crucifixion of Christ, with his holy women and followers, and with a soldier piercing his side, accompanied by a crowd of people; finely carved on a plum-stone. MacGregor 1983, no. 182.
AMS806290497 Corbis ex ossiculo Cerasi, opere multiforo sculptus. fract. 1692 Basket carved from a cherry-stone, in openwork. Broken in 1692.
AMS806300498 Imago DnĩnrĩJesu Christi intra ovale incisa, in quo hæc inscriptio, Ecce Salvator mundi. 462 Figure of Our Lord Jesus Christ, carved within an oval, bearing this inscription: 'Behold the Saviour of the World'. MacGregor 1983, no. 185.
AMS806310499 Imago B. Mariæ Virginis item intra ovale incisa, in quo hæc inscriptio, Ecce mater Christi. utraque opere multiforo. 463 Carving of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also cut within an oval border, bearing this inscription: 'Behold the Mother of Christ'. Executed in openwork from both sides. MacGregor 1983, no. 186. 226
AMS806320500 Calceorum par nitidissimum e duobus cerasorum ossiculis Highly polished pair of shoes, made out of two cherry-stones.
AMS806330501 Facies Heroinæ formosissimæ, ac mortis, in eodem cerasi ossiculo. Face of a very beautiful lady, and of Death, carved on the same cherry-stone.
AMS806340502 Orpheus citharizans in una facie ossiculi unius pruni sculptus, et omne genus bestiarũcomitatium inaliâ, opere multiforo. 464 Orpheus playing the lyre carved on one side of a single plum-stone, and accompanied on the other a following of all kinds of animals. Executed in openwork . MacGregor 1983, no. 181.
AMS806350503 Sanctus Jacobus in pruni ossiculo insculptus. 456 St James carved on a plum-stone. MacGregor 1983, no. 183.
AMS806360 457 Sportula è Cerusi ossiculo sculpta. A little basket carved from a cherry-stone.
AMS806370504 Calceus nitidissimus e Cerasi ossiculo. 458 An elegant boot, carved from a cherry stone.
AMS806380505 Cantharus e pruni ossiculo sculptus. 466 Tankard, carved from a plum-stone.
AMS806390506 Item cymba e pruni ossiculo sculpta. 467 A boat, also carved from a plum-stone.
AMS806400507 Insignia sex familiarum uno clypeo contenta, in unica facie ossiculi pruni cælata. 459 The arms of six families on one shield, carved on one side of a plum-stone. MacGregor 1983, no.184.
AMS806410508 Crux lignea in qua multa Christi gesta incisa. 474 Wooden cross on which many of the deeds of Christ are carved. MacGregor 1983, no. 228.
AMS806420 475 Crux altera lignea præcedente major, in quâ etiam multa Christi gesta incisa. Another wooden cross, larger than the previous one, on which are carved many of the deeds of Christ.
AMS806430509 Cerasi ossiculum in cujus uno latere, Sanctus Georgius cum Dracone, in alio 88 Imperatorũfacies, arte thaumaturgicâ, cælati. 460 Cherry-stone with St George and the dragon carved with wonderful skill on one side, and the faces of eighty-eight emperors on the other. MacGregor 1983, no. 439i.
AMS806440510 Christi resurrectio e Sepulchro, cum Angelis ipsi famulantibus, in miniatura eximiè adumbrata. 469 The Resurrection of Christ from the Tomb, attended by angels marvellously outlined in miniature. MacGregor 1983, no. 130.
AMS806450511 Christi crucifixio intra latrones cũequitibus peditibusque astantibus omnes inclusi in theca vitro instructa. The Crucifixion of Christ between the thieves, with cavalry and foot-soldiers standing around, all enclosed in a glass case.
AMS806460470 Achatis fragmentum variis coloribus eleganter signatum. Fragment of agate, finely marked in various colours. 227
AMS806470512 Facies Dni nostri Jesu Christi & B. Mariæ Virginis miniaturâ. 473 Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, shown in miniature.
AMS806480 512a Annulus argenteus in quo Corneolus Arabicè inscriptus. Donavit D. Georgius Walker Arm. 472 Silver ring, set with a carnelian inscribed in Arabic. Given by George Walker, Esq.
AMS806490512b Annulus argenteus antiquus sigillo quibusdâ literis insculptus. Hunc annulum in Coll. Ænei Nasi effossum, dedit Ds. B. Brown ejusdè Coll. Soc. et. Acad. procurat. Ancient silver ring, carved with a seal and certain letters. This ring was dug up in Brasenose College; given by Mr B. Brown, Fellow of that College and Proctor of the University.
AMS806500513 Imago Dñi nostri Jesu Christi crucem suâ portantis, in ichthyocollâ. Figure of Our Lord Jesus Christ carrying his cross, in isinglass.
AMS806510514 Imago B. Mariæ Magdalenæ, selenite obducta, in theca auro et argento acupicta. Figure of the Blessed Mary Magdalene, carved in crystalline gypsum. In a case, painted in gold and silver.
AMS806520515 Imago Jacobi primi Angl. &c. Serenissimi Regis in Ichthyocollâ. 478 Figure of His Majesty King James I of England, in isinglass.
AMS806530516 Ciphra ignota ex Ichthycolla. 478 Unknown figure in isinglass.
AMS806540517 Amator illecebris amasiam suam tentans, in Ichthyocolla. 479 A lover tempting his loved one, in isinglass.
AMS806550518 Legatus Marocciensis. ex emplastro in circello vitri; accurante ... Simmonds. Donavit Guilielmus Charlton e medio Templo. 480 The Moroccan ambassador, in plaster enclosed in glass by [ ] Simmonds. Given by William Charleton Esq., of Middle Temple.
AMS806560519 Quatuor figuræ in Chalcedonio lapide insculptæ quarum prima parvulum quendam exhibet, secunda fæminam cornucopiæ gestantem, tertia ... 4ta militem quendam hastatum et galeatum. Donavit Rev. V. Dñs Carolus King ædis Christi Alumnus. Four figures engraved in chalcedony, of which the first represents some small person, the second a woman holding a horn of plenty in her right hand, the third ... and the fourth Mars or, in any event, a soldier with a spear and helmet. Given by the Revd Charles King, Student of Christ Church.
AMS806570520 Caput humanũignotum in matre Perlarum incisum. Head of an unknown person, engraved in mother-of-pearl.
AMS806580520 Manuscriptum Caroli Primi. Ang. Reg. Manuscript of Charles I, King of England.
AMS806590521 Venus nuda navigans in dorso Delphini, in matre Perlarum cælata. 486 Venus, nude, riding on the back of a dolphin, carved in mother-of-pearl. MacGregor 1983, no. 168. 228
AMS806600522 Pictura Reverendissimi Patris ac Domini D. Georgij Abbot Archiep. Cantuar. coloribus dilutis. 481 Portrait of the Very Revd Father and Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, George Abbot, in watercolours. MacGregor 1983, no. 252.
AMS806610523 Pictura Carmelitæ cujusdâ, in sublitione lazuriâ. 482 Portrait of a certain Carmelite monk, on an azure background. MacGregor 1983, no. 251.
AMS806620524 Pictura illustrissimi Ducis Chastillion Galliæ Thalassiarchæ, coloribus dilutis, item in sublitionelazuriâ. 484 Portrait of the most illustrious Duke of Châtillon, Admiral of France, in watercolours, also on an azure background. MacGregor 1983, no. 249.
AMS806630525 Pictura eujusdem Herois ignoti formosissima, coloribus dilutis et simili sublitione. 483 A most beautiful portrait of an unknown hero, in watercolours and on a similar background. MacGregor 1983, no. 250.
AMS806640526 Pictura ignoti cujusdam ex emplastro, in circello vitri; auctore ... Symmonds Donavit Clari. Vir. Guil.Charlton e medio Templo Armig. 485 Portrait of an unknown person in plaster, by [ ] Simmonds. Given by the celebrated William Charleton Esq., of Middle Temple.
AMS806650527 16... Cama, seu Caput humanũPrasio cælatum, Italis Prasina di Smiraldo. 500 Cameo, or human head carved in prase, called by the Italians prasina di smiraldo. MacGregor 1983, no. 133.
AMS806660528 Cama, seu Caput humanum in Leucachate sculptū. 491 Cameo or human head, carved from white agate. MacGregor 1983, no. 134.
AMS806670529 Cama, seu Caput humanum in Leucachate incisum. 490 Cameo, or human head, again incised in agate. MacGregor 1983, no. 135.
AMS806680530 Cama, seu Caput humanum Turchesia insculptum. Cameo, or human head, incised in turquoise.
AMS806690531 Cama, seu Caput Cherubini in Leucachate cælatum. Cameo, or cherub's head, carved in white agate.
AMS806700532 Cama, seu Caput humanũlapide quodâ mortuo. 508 Cameo, or human head, carved as if on a tombstone. MacGregor 1983, no. 178.
AMS806710533 Cama, seu Imago S.ti Michælis Archangeli lapide item mortuo incisa. Cameo, or image of St Michael the Archangel, again carved on a funerary stone.
AMS806720534 Cama, ex Achate figurâ hominis humi procumbentis insculpta. Cameo, of agate, carved with the figure of a man lying on the ground. MacGregor 1983, no. 145.
AMS806730535 Cama, ex Leuachate figurâ Angeli cælata. Cameo of white agate, carved with the figure of an angel. 229
AMS806740536 Cama, ex Achate figurâ Angeli stantis incisa. Cameo of agate, carved with the figure of a standing angel.
AMS806750537 Cama ex Rubicello vel Amethysto albo, in quo Neptunus in concha et tridentem dextra gerens. Camaauro munita. 497 Cameo of ruby or white amethyst, in which Neptune rides on a shell and holds a trident in his right hand. The cameo is mounted in gold. MacGregor 1983, no. 152.
AMS806760538 Cama ex Rubicello vel Amethysto albo, figurâ Herculis clavæ innixi sculpta. 496 Cameo of ruby or white amethyst, engraved with the figure of Hercules leaning on his club, again mounted in gold. MacGregor 1983, no. 151.
AMS806770539 Cama, in qua figura Satyri, vel forte Dei Panis tubas sonantis item ex Rubicello sculpta, auro inclusa.507 Cameo in which the figure of a satyr, or possibly the god Pan blows his trumpets; engraved in ruby and mounted in gold. MacGregor 1983, no. 171.
AMS806780540 Cama, in qua figura Mercurij dextra crumenam, sinistra caduceum gestantis, Rubicello cælata, auro inclusa. 498 Cameo, in which the figure of Mercury, carrying a purse in his right hand and a caduceus in his left, is carved in ruby and mounted in gold. MacGregor 1983, no. 150.
AMS806790541 Cama, in qua figura hominis puerulum projicientis, Saturni filium voraturi. Rubicello insculpta, auro munita. 504 Cameo in which the figure of a man throwing a young boy, [Saturn about to devour his son], is engraved in ruby and mounted in gold.
AMS806800542 Cama, in qua figura Jovis, vel forte Junonis læva fulmen gestantis, Rubicello incisa, auro item inclusa. 499 Cameo, with the figure of Jupiter (or perhaps Juno) brandishing a thunderbolt with the left hand; carved in ruby and mounted in gold. MacGregor 1983, no. 149.
AMS806810543 Cama ex Achate in quo figura Christi in cruce pendentis, una cum S.tis fæmis asseclis, cælata. 501 Agate cameo, carved with the figure of Christ hanging on the Cross, with the holy women followers. MacGregor 1983, no. 148.
AMS806820544 Cama ex Leucachate figurâ Equitis insculpta. 502 White agate cameo carved with the figure of a knight. MacGregor 1983, no. 141.
AMS806830545 Cama item ex Achate figura hominis procumbentis ac Cantauri ex arcu sagittam mittentis, incisa. 509 Another agate cameo, in which is incised the figure of a man lying down and a centaur shooting an arrow from a bow. MacGregor 1983, no. 142.
AMS806840546 Cama ex Achate in quo figuræ tres, duæ stantes, una procumbens cælatæ. 503 Agate cameo, in which are carved three figures, two standing and one lying down. 230
AMS806850547 Cama ex Leucachate, in quo figuræ duæ, una stans, alia sedens, sculptæ. White agate cameo, on which are carved two figures, one standing and the other sitting.
AMS806860548 Cama ex Achate, in quo figura sedens cum puerulo astante insculpta. 506 Agate cameo, on which are carved a seated figure and a young boy standing nearby. MacGregor 1983, no. 139.
AMS806870549 Cama, seu Caput fæminæ illustris in Leucachate incisum. Cameo or head of an illustrious woman, incised in white agate. MacGregor 1983, no. 136.
AMS806880550 Cama seu Caput fæminæ illustris item in Leucachate insculptum. 492 Cameo or head of an illustrious woman, also cut in white agate. MacGregor 1983, no. 138.
AMS806890551 Idem iterum. 493 Another of the same. MacGregor 1983, no. 137.
AMS806900552 Idem iterum. 494 Another of the same.
AMS806910553 Idem iterum. 495 Another of the same.
AMS806920554 Idem iterum. Another of the same.
AMS806930555 Cama seu Imago S. Catharinæ lapide quodâ mortuo cælata. 510 Cameo, or image of St Catherine, carved as if on a tombstone. MacGregor 1983, no. 170.
AMS806940556 Cama seu Imago Veneris Delphinũinequitantis in Leucachate sculpta. 512 Cameo, or the image of Venus riding on a dolphin, carved in agate. MacGregor 1983, no. 146.
AMS806950557 Cama ex Achate magno ovali in quo figura Europæ in tergo Tauri æquora trajicientis, incisa. 511 Large ovoid agate cameo, on which is carved the figure of Europa crossing the seas on the back of the bull. MacGregor 1983, no. 144.
AMS806960558 Camæ duæ ex Leucachatibus, in quibus duæ dexteræ junctæ. 515 Two white agate cameos, on each a pair of clasped right hands.
AMS806970559 Scarabæus in concha insculptus. 527 Figure of a scarab carved in shell. MacGregor 1983, no. 157.
AMS806980560 Aquila volans item in conchâ cælatâ. 526 An eagle in flight, again carved in shell. MacGregor 1983, no. 164.
AMS806990561 Gallus gallinaceus simili concha sculptus. 518 Domestic cock, engraved on a similar shell. MacGregor 1983, no. 153.
AMS807000562 Cama ex Achate insuasi coloris, in quo figura Basilisci cameli incisa. 516 Yellowish agate cameo, carved with the figure of a basilisk [camel]. 231
AMS807010563 Basiliscus in testa cælatus. Basilisk carved in shell.
AMS807020514 Cama, seu Caput fæminæ illustris, in vitro viridi incisum. Cameo or head of an illustrious woman, carved in glass.
AMS807030564 Cama ex achate Persici coloris, in quo figura Gryphis sculpta. 513 Peach-coloured agate cameo, carved with the figure of a griffin. MacGregor 1983, no. 147.
AMS807040565 Syren tubam sonans in testa cælatâ. 519 Siren blowing a trumpet, carved in shell. MacGregor 1983, no. 156.
AMS807050566 Crocodilus item testa insculptus. Crocodile, again carved in shell.
AMS807060567 Bufo in concha incisus. 520 Toad incised in shell. MacGregor 1983, no. 162.
AMS807070568 Serpens in Helicem contortus, item in concha cælatus. 521 Serpent coiled in a spiral, also carved in shell. MacGregor 1983, no. 163.
AMS807080569 Simia (cum suo catulo) in conchâ insculpta. 523 Monkey with its young, again carved in shell.
AMS807090570 Sciurus item in concha incisus. 522 Squirrel, also incised in shell.
AMS807100571 Elephantus in testa sculptus. Elephant engraved in shell. MacGregor 1983, no. 161.
AMS807110 572 Camelus item testa cælatus. Camel, also carved in shell. MacGregor 1983, no. 154.
AMS807120573 Cama ex Achate coloris Persici in quo figura Capri insculpta. 517 Peach-coloured agate cameo, on which is carved the figure of a goat.
AMS807130574 Capra in testa incisa. 528 Goat engraved in shell. MacGregor 1983, nos. 155,160.
AMS807140575 Cama ex Achate lurido, in quo figura ursi antrũ intrantis sculpta. 529 Pale-yellow agate cameo, carved with the figure of a bear entering a cave.
AMS807150530 Gryphis in Conchâ incisus. Griffin engraved in shell.
AMS807160576 Animal nescio quoddam monstrosum in concha cælatum. 524 Figure of some unknown monstrous animal, carved in shell. MacGregor 1983, no. 159.
AMS807170577 Animal nescio quoddam item in concha insculptũ. Figure of some unknown animal, again carved in shell. MacGregor 1983, no. 158.
AMS807180578 Simile animal ignotum in concha incisum. Similar unknown animal, incised in shell. MacGregor 1983, no. 165.
AMS807190579 Salutatio B. M. Virginis arte cereoplasticâ. fract Anno 1694. 531 Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, made in wax. Broken in the year 1694. MacGregor 1983, no. 187.
AMS807200580 Salutationes B. M. Virginis, et S.t æElizabethæ in Ebore cælata. 532 The greeting between the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Elizabeth, carved in ivory. MacGregor 1983, no. 234. 232
AMS807210581 Magi adorantes Christum et ei offerentes aurum thus, et myrrham, ebore insculpti. 533 The Magi adoring Christ, and their offerings to him of gold, frankincense and myrrh, carved in ivory. MacGregor 1983, no. 233.
AMS807220582 B. Maria Virgo filium in sinu gestans e lapide deaurat. 535 The Blessed Virgin Mary holding her Son on her lap, in gilded stone.
AMS807230583 B. Maria Virgo filium in sinu gestans in Ebore sculpta. 536 The Blessed Virgin Mary holding her Son on her lap, carved in ivory.
AMS807240584 Dñs noster Jesus Christus, quibusdam benedictionē impertiens in Ebore incisus. 537 Our Lord Jesus Christ bestowing blessings on some people, carved in ivory. MacGregor 1983, no. 232.
AMS807250585 Christi congressus cum Johanne in eremo, item Ebore cælatus. 538 The meeting of Christ with St John in the desert, also carved in ivory.
AMS807260586 Christus in cruce pendens cum Stis fæminis asseclis, multisque alijs astantibus. 539 Christ on the Cross, with the holy women followers, and many other bystanders. MacGregor 1983, no. 235.
AMS807270587 Duo pugiles equestres ex Ebore sculpti. 540 Two combatants on horseback, carved in ivory. MacGregor 1983, no. 236.
AMS807280588 Duo pugiles pedestres, cum Harpyijs comitantibus item ex ebore cælati, in concavo rotundo. 541 Two combatants on foot, accompanied by Harpies, carved in a hollowed disc of ivory. MacGregor 1983, no. 237.
AMS807290589 Idem iterum (ut opinor) in concavo rotundo simili. 542 Another of the same, it seems, again on a similar hollowed disc. MacGregor 1983, no. 238.
AMS807300543 Diana ex Ebore cælata. Diana, carved in ivory.
AMS807310590 Duæ pugiles fæminiæ, in testæ convexo incisæ, quarum una clavam in sinistra gerens, aliam videturprostrâsse. 488 Two female combatants, incised on a convex shell, one of whom, with a club in her left hand, may be seen to knock down the other. MacGregor 1983, no. 167.
AMS807320591 Tria navigia vento secundo vecta, Iride in cælis supereminente simili testâ convexâ faberrimè insculpta. 487 Three ships driven by a following wind, with a rainbow in the sky above; skilfully engraved on a similar convex shell. MacGregor 1983, no. 166.
AMS807330592 Caput Imperiale laureatum Ebore cælatum, fortè Antonini. Imperial head crowned with laurel, carved in ivory, possibly of Antoninus.
AMS807340593 Caput Imperiale fæmineum item Ebore incisũ, fortè Cleopatræ. 489 Female imperial head, again carved in ivory, possibly of Cleopatra. MacGregor 1983, no. 169.
AMS807350594 Cultri manubrium forma balænæ ex Ebore sculptum, in cujus fastigio figura Jonæ e faustibus ejusprodeuntis. 544 Knife-handle carved in ivory in the form of a whale, on the tip of which is the figure of Jonah emerging from its mouth. MacGregor 1983, no. 207. 233
AMS807360595 Cultri manubrium instar torquis ex ebore detornatum, in cujus fastigio Turci caput Tiara indutũ. 545 Knife-handle turned in a spiral from ivory, on the tip of which is the head of a Turk wearing a turban. MacGregor 1983, no. 206.
AMS807370596 Cultri manubrium forma puellæ ex Ebore cælatũ. 546 Knife-handle in the form of a girl, carved in ivory. MacGregor 1983, no. 204.
AMS807380597 Idem iterum. 547 Another of the same. MacGregor 1983, no. 205.
AMS807390598 Caput fæmineum item ebore incisum. 534 Head of a woman, also carved in ivory.
AMS807400599 Cultri manubrium formâ humanâ ex Ebore imperfecte cælatum. 548 Knife-handle in human form, incompletely carved in ivory. MacGregor 1983, no. 203.
AMS807410 550 Pictura ex Avium plumis conficta &c.a Picture composed of birds' feathers, etc.
AMS807420 551 Collare miro artificio ex Chartâ acus puncturis confict: opera A.M. Woodford. Paper collar, intricately made by piercing with a needle, the work of A M Woodford.
AMS807430 552 Equi Imago forficibus Scissoribus confict: Figure of a horse, made with scissors.
AMS807440 553 Folii sceleton. Skeletons of leaves.
AMS807450 554 Idem iterum. Another of the same.
AMS807460 555 Quatuor Seræ pensiles quæ in loculo Argenteo continentur. AMS807463Four silk hangings, AMS807465enclosed in a little silver box.
AMS807470 556 Cultri duo queis utuntur Chinenses. Two knives used by the Chinese.
AMS807480600 Fastigium (ut dicitur) Pastoralis pedi S.ti Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi, ex Ebore cælatum. 549 The head of a bishop's crozier, said to be that of St Augustine of Hippo, carved in ivory.
AMS807490601 Pars Mitræ S.ti Polycarpi Archiep. Smyrnensis, præcisæ, et inde delatæ, a Tho. Sherrie, Dec. 16 An. Dnĩ 1640. A fragment from the mitre of St Polycarp, Archbishop of Smyrna, cut off and brought by Thomas Sherrie, 16 December 1640.
AMS807500602 Capita Caroli. I. et Henriettæ Mariæ Regis et Regin. Angl. gypso conflata. The heads of Charles I and Henrietta Maria, King and Queen of England, in plaster.
AMS807510603 Capita Henr. 4. et Mariæ Augustæ, Regis et Regin Galliæ item gypso conflata. The heads of Henry IV and Maria Augusta, King and Queen of France, also in plaster.
AMS807520604 Caput (ut opinor) Honoratiss D. Guilielmi Com. Pemb. &c. item gypso conflatum. The head (I believe) of the most honourable William, Earl of Pembroke etc., also in plaster.
AMS807530605 Caput Honoratis. Tho. Cary Regi Carol. I. Cubicular. Itē gypso conflatum. The head of the most honourable Thomas Cary, chamberlain to King Charles I, also in plaster.
AMS807540606 Caput Honoratis. D. Rich. Weston Com de Portland &c. Sum Angl. Thesaur. etiam gypso conflatũ. Head of the most honourable Richard Weston, Earl of Portland, Chancellor of the Exchequer of England, also in plaster.
AMS807550607 Caput Johannis Tradescanti patris, Cimelarchiæ celebrati nominis, item gypso conflatũ. The head of John Tradescant the father, the collector of great renown, also made in plaster.
AMS807560608 Caput Bethlemi Gabor, Transylvaniæ Principis, arte cereoplasticâ. Head of Gabor Bethlen, prince of Transylvania, made in wax. 234
AMS807570609 Caput B. M. Virginis in Selenite encausto pictum. Head of the Blessed Virgin Mary, painted encaustically on crystalline gypsum.
AMS807580610 Caput Pelopidæ galeatum, in vitro convexo, varijs coloribus encausto pictum. Helmeted head of Pelopidas, painted in various colours, on convex glass.
AMS807590611 Sanctus Marcus in Selenite auro adumbratus, adorans Christum in cruce pendentem. St Mark adoring Christ hanging on the Cross, shown in gold on crystalline gypsum.
AMS807600612 Caput DnĩnrĩJesu Christi, in Selenite encausto pictum. Head of our Lord Jesus Christ, painted encaustically on crystalline gypsum.
AMS807610613 Duo capita humana, in lapide coloris badij cælata; osculum charitatis invicem impertientia. Two human heads, carved in chestnut-coloured stone, mutually bestowing a kiss of charity.
AMS807620614 Caput Antonij van Rossendael arte Thaumaturgicâ Buxo cælata. Head of Antonius van Rosendæl, miraculously carved in boxwood.
AMS807630615 Pictura Satyri, Nympham formosam perdite ardentis, coloribus dilutis. Satyrus opere figlino. Picture in watercolours of a satyr desperately lusting after a beautiful nymph. The satyr worked in clay.
AMS807640616 Prospectus amænus nigro delineatus, in sublitione aureâ opere posterganeo. Beautiful landscape, drawn in black, on a golden background; worked from the back.
AMS807650617 Pictura B. Mariæ Virginis filium in sinu gestantis, in Cupro delineata. 7 Picture, engraved in copper, of the Blessed Virgin Mary holding her son on her lap.
AMS807660618 Magi Christum adorantes, et aurum, thus et myrrhâ, offerentes, Alabastro cælati, opere elato, margine deauratâ muniti. 8 Adoration of Christ by the Magi who bring him gold, frankincense and myrrh: carved in alabaster in high-relief, in a gilded frame.
AMS807670619 Angeli Christo ministrantes in præsepi, item Alabastro sculpti, et margine deauratâ inclusi. 9 Angels attending Christ in the stable; also carved in alabaster, in a gilded frame. MacGregor 1983, no. 218.
AMS807680 10. Marcus Hieronymus Vida Cremonen albæ Episcopus. Marco Girolamo Vida of Cremona, Bishop of Alba.
AMS807690620 Christi octavo die circumcisio; a Sacerdote, Alabastro incisa, et simili margine munita. The Circumcision of Christ on the eighth day by a priest, incised in alabaster, in a similar frame.
AMS807700621 Pictura Quercus ingentis selenite obductæ. 11 Picture of a giant oak-tree, carved in crystalline gypsum. 235
AMS807710622 Pictura capitis admodum deformis sine margine. 12 Picture of a head, much deformed, without a frame.
AMS807720 13-14 Duo scripta, nomen Viri cujusdam John &c. Præ se ferentia, quorum unum imitatio est. Two texts, with the name of some man named John, one of which is a copy of the other.
AMS807730623 Pictura Sti Francisci arte cereoplasticâ in sublitione e lapide scissili. Picture of St Francis in wax, on a ground of laminar rock.
AMS807740624 Pictura B. Mariæ Virginis precantis coram imagine Christi in cruce pendentis. 15 Picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary praying before an image of Christ hanging on the Cross.
AMS807750625 Imago Christi in loco Gethsemane dicto precantis, discipulis interim dormientibus, alabastro cælata,margine deauratâ munita. 16 Representation of Christ praying in the place known as Gethsemane, with his disciples asleep. Carved in alabaster, in a gilded frame. MacGregor 1983, no. 219
AMS807760626 Imago Christi ad columnam virgis cæsi, alabastro sculpta, opere elato, margine deauratâ itē inclusa. 17 Representation of Christ bound to a column and scourged with rods; carved in alabaster in high relief, in a similar gilded frame. MacGregor 1983, no. 220.
AMS807770627 Imago Josephi Arimathæensis, et Nicodemi, Christũin sepulchro novo sepelentium, alabastro cælata opere levato, et simili margine munita. Representation of Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus burying Christ in a new tomb; carved in alabaster in high-relief in a similar frame. MacGregor 1983, no. 221.
AMS807780628 Pictura duorum Rusticorum et prospectus amæni ruralis, Selenite obducta, et margine ex Ebeno inclusa. 19 Representation of two peasants and a pleasant rural landscape carved in crystalline gypsum and kept in an ebony frame.
AMS807790629 Pictura Principis Arausiensis quibusdam Psalmorum versiculis adumbrata, Selenite obductâ, etmargine ex Ebeno munita. 20 Picture of the Prince of Orange, with certain lines from the Psalms, carved in crystalline in gypsum, in an ebony frame.
AMS807800630 Pictura Caroli primi Mag. Brit. &c. Regis, margine ex Ebeno conservatâ. 21. Picture of His Majesty, Charles I, King of Britain, kept in an ebony frame.
AMS807810631 Pictura Serenis. Henriettæ Mariæ Angliæ Reginæ coloribus dilutis. Picture of the most serene Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, in watercolours.
AMS807820632 Figura Persei Pegasũinequitantis, Andromedâ a Dracone liberantis, Ebore cælata. 25 Figure of Perseus, riding on Pegasus, and freeing Andromeda from the dragon, carved in ivory.
AMS807830 22. Pictura Annæ Dei Gratiæ &c:a Jacobi primi Uxoris. Ex Lamina Argentea in Scrinio D:ni Ashmole. No. 6. Loculo Picture of Anne, by the Grace of God etc. wife of James I. Taken from a silver coin in Mr Ashmole's cabinet; no. 6 in the first drawer.
AMS807840 23 Ex eadem in Rev: The reverse of the same.
AMS807850 24 Exemplar ex Ligno ægyptiacis Hieroglyphicis insculpto. A specimen of Egyptian hieroglyphics carved in wood. 236
AMS807860633 Imago Henrici magni Galliæ et Navar. Regis opere in Cornu anaglyptico. 26 Figure of Henry the Great, King of France and Navarre, worked in low-relief in horn.
AMS807870634 Pictura Johĩs Tradescanti senioris margine ex Ebeno ornata. 27 Portrait of John Tradescant the Elder in an ebony frame. MacGregor 1983, no. 253.
AMS807880635 Pictura prospectûs elegantissimi margine ex Ebeno insignita. 28 Picture of a most beautiful landscape in an ebony frame. MacGregor 1983, no. 254.
AMS807890636 Pictura Sti Hieronymi coloribus dilutis. 35 Picture of St Jerome in watercolours.
AMS807900637 Pictura Desid. Erasmi Roterodami. 29 Portrait of Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. MacGregor 1983, no. 255.
AMS807910 30 Insignia Regum Anglorum nitidissime è Ligno exsculpta, a tergo hæc habes: Carved by Richard Chicheley at Chatham &c:a Arms of the King of England elegantly carved in wood with this on the back: 'Carved by Richard Chicheley, of Chatham, etc.'.
AMS807920 31 Oratio Dominica verbatim, Symbolum &c.a AMS807923The Lord's Prayer in full, AMS807925the Creed, etc.
AMS807930 32 Sententiæ ex Epicteto et Seneca &c.a manu J. Thomasen: Cestr: 1728. Opinions taken from Epictetus and Seneca etc., written by J. Thomasen of Chester, 1728.
AMS807940 33 Lignum ægyptiacis Hieroglyphicis insculpt: Egyptian hieroglyphics carved in wood.
AMS807950 37 Pictura ex Lamina in Scrinio D. Ashmole loc. 2. No. 43. Picture from a coin in Mr Ashmole's cabinet, drawer 2 no. 43.
AMS807960 38 Ex eadem in Rev: The reverse of the same.
AMS807970 39 Pictura ex Numismate in Scrinio D. Ashmole. No. 7. Loc. 1mo. Picture from a coin in Mr Ashmole's cabinet, drawer no. 1 no. 7.
AMS807980 40 Ex eadem in Revers: The reverse of the same.
AMS807990 41 Tres Picturæ in eadem Margine contentæ; ita inter se involutæ &c.a Three pictures within the same frame; set up in such an intricate way etc.
AMS808000638 Figura Navis, velis expansis, opere in Cornu anaglyptico. 36 Picture of a ship with her sails unfurled, engraved in horn in bas-relief.
AMS808010639 Effigies Sti Francisci Christum in cruce pendentem adorantis, opere cereoplastico. Representation of St Francis, worshipping the crucified Christ, in wax.
AMS808020 Tabula plastica in qua exhibetur Jovis Historia in Creta Insula enutriti. Ex dono Cl Viri ... Harries Wigorn, Arm. v. Montfaucon Antiquité expliquée Tom. 1. p: 33 Moulded panel with the story of the childhood of Jupiter on the Island of Crete. Given by the celebrated Harry Wighorn, Esq. See Montfaucon, L'Antiquité expliquée, vol. 1, p. 33.
AMS808030639a Statua loricata &c. propè Iscam Legionis [Caer Lheion ar Wysc] effossa. Hanc statuam (de quâ consule Camdeni Brittaniam p. 607 & 697) dedit Ds Matthias Bird, Navarchus Kaerleionensis in argo Monemuthensi. Statue of an armed man excavated near Isca Legionis (Caerleon at Usk). This statue, (for which see Camden's Britannia, pp. 607, 697) was given by Matthew Bird, a ship's captain of Caerleon in the county of Monmouthshire.
AMS808040640 Effigies Sancti Hieronymi seriò meditantis, eodē opere. Similar figure of St Jerome deep in thought, made in the same way.
AMS808050641 Effigies dextræ ... Dñæ Claypoole Oliverij Angl. Protectoris filiæ dilectæ, item eodem opere. Representation of the right ... Mrs Claypole, the beloved daughter of Oliver [Cromwell], Protector of England, also made in the same way. 237
AMS808060642 Effigies Castri Windlesoriensis opere stramineo. 34 Model of Windsor Castle, in straw.
AMS808070643 Tabula rerum Runicarum sculpturâ exhibitarum. Slab displaying things carved in runes.
AMS808080 643b Pictura Domini Hadriani Beverlandij, quam ipse huic Museo donavit Ao 1692. 43 Picture of Hadrian Beverland, which he himself gave to the Museum in the year 1692.
AMS808090644 Fons (ut puto) Jacobi ligno cælatus opere elato. 44 Jacob's Well, I believe, carved in high-relief in wood. MacGregor 1983, no. 225.
AMS808100645 Historia passionis Dni nři Jesu Christi tabulâ ligneâ insculpta. opere Italis Intagli. 47 The story of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, incised in a panel of wood, known in Italian as intaglio work.
AMS808110646 Pictura Breviarij vel Missalis Romani, in tabula querceâ. 48 Picture of a breviary or Roman missal, on a panel of oak.
AMS808120 646b Icuncula marmorea Brachmanni Indici. Ex dono D. Rogeri Borrough civis Londinensis. Small marble figure of an Indian Brahmin, given by Mr Roger Burrough, citizen of London.
AMS808130647 Deformatio Henrici 4ti. Galliæ et Navar. Regis, speculo chalybeo cylindraceo in formâ redigenda. 1 Anamorphic picture of Henry IV, King of France and Navarre, restored to its true form with a cylindrical steel mirror.
AMS808140648 Deformatio Ludovici 13mi. Galliæ et Navar. Regis, speculo item chalybeo cylindraceo in formam redigenda. 2 Anamorphic picture of Louis XIII, King of France and Navarre, again restored to its true form with a cylindrical steel mirror.
AMS808150649 Deformatio Capitis (nescio cujus) humani, simili speculo in formam redigenda. 3 Anamorphic picture of some human head (whose I know not), corrected with a similar cylindrical type of mirror.
AMS808160650 Deformatio Calvariæ humanæ eodem modo in formam redigenda. 4 Anamorphic picture of a human skull, corrected in the same way.
AMS808170651 Deformatio Bubonis, item eodem modo in formam redigenda. 5 Anamorphic picture of an owl also corrected in the same way.
AMS808180 42 Precatio ad Deum. O.M. &c.a Prayer to God, Optimus Maximus, etc.
AMS808190 45 Il vero ritratto del &c.a The true portrait of ... etc.
AMS808200 49 Pictura Tigridis in Cupro delineata. Picture of a tiger, engraved in copper.
AMS808210 50 Cadaver Balsamo conditum, simul cum loculo ferali vϐ;o &ca. A body preserved in balsam, together with a funerary casket in the shape of a man.
AMS808220 51 Lignum arte tinctum &c.a. D.D. Dnus: Seymour. Wood coloured by chemical dye, etc., given by Mr Seymour.
AMS808230 56 Ectypum parmulæ Woodwardianæ in opere Plastico, formâ rotundâ, ebeno munitum. Facsimile of the Woodward shield, cast in plaster; circular in form, framed in ebony.
AMS808240 58 Pictura clar: Viri Roberti Plot. M.D. primi hujusce Musei Custodis. Picture of that learned man Robert Plot, MD, first keeper of this Museum. 238
AMS808250652 Deformatio Asini ita etiam in formâ redigenda. 6 Anamorphic picture of an ass, restored to its original form.
AMS808260653 Deformatio Rustici Batavi, ad Amasiam suâ citharizantis simili speculo in formâ redigenda. 7 Anamorphic picture of a Dutch peasant, playing on his lyre to his lover, corrected with a similar type of mirror.
AMS808270654 Deformatio Angeli, Adamum et Evam gladio flammeo e Paradiso fugantis. 8 Anamorphic picture of the angel, banishing Adam and Eve from Paradise with a flaming sword.
AMS808280655 Pictura doctissimi Viri Johannis Seldeni margine deauratâ. in Bibliothecâ Ashm. sub. N. 9. Portrait of the most learned John Selden, in a gilded frame; in the Ashmolean Library, under the number 9. MacGregor 1983, no. 256.
AMS808290656 Pictura excellentissimæ Heroinæ Dñæ Molineaux, cathedrâ sedentis, sine margine. 62 Portrait of that most excellent of ladies Mrs Molineaux, seated on a chair; without a frame. MacGregor 1983, no. 257.
AMS808300657 Pictura M.ri le Neve, Pictoris celeberrimi. 104 Portrait of the famous painter, Master Le Neve. MacGregor 1983, no. 258.
AMS808310658 Pictura DnĩOliverij de Cretz Pictoris celeberrimi. 107 Portrait of Mr Oliver de Critz, also a renowned painter. MacGregor 1983, no. 259.
AMS808320659 Pictura DnĩJōhs Tradescanti senioris Cimeliarchæ egregij, in margine bullis aureis ornatâ. 106 Portrait of Mr John Tradescant the elder, the famous collector, in a frame ornamented with golden bosses. MacGregor 1983, no. 260.
AMS808330660 Pictura Cl. viri ... 74 Portrait of an illustrious man.
AMS808340661 Pictura Ornatissimi Viri ... 73 Picture of a very handsome man. MacGregor 1983, no. 284.
AMS808350662 Pictura excellentissimæ Heroinæ ... 65 Portrait of a most estimable lady ... MacGregor 1983, no. 261.
AMS808360663 Picturæ DnĩJōhĩs Tradescanti junioris et uxoris suæ, limbo aureo munitæ. 102 Picture of John Tradescant the Younger and his wife, in a golden frame. MacGregor 1983, no. 262.
AMS80837098 Pictura Johannis Middleton de Hale &c.a Picture of John Middleton of Hale, etc.
AMS808380664 Le vray portrait du Siege de Pavie mist sur la fin d'Octobre en l'an 1524 par le Roy de Franse. Commen les Gens de L'Empereur deffirent les Francoys en pregnant le Roy le jour S. Matthias en l'an 1525. 96 True picture of the siege of Pavia, at the end of October 1524, under the King of France. And how the Emperor's people defeated the French, taking their King prisoner on St Matthew's Day, 1525. MacGregor 1983, no. 263.
AMS808390664b Le Canal royal de Languedoc. 97 The royal canal of Languedoc. 239
AMS808400665 Pictura (ut dicitur) Inegonis Jones Architecti celeberrimi. 89 Picture of (it is said) Inigo Jones, the famous architect.
AMS808410 665b Pictura Bubali tum marij tum fæminæ ex dono Cl. Viri Wilhelmi Henrici Ludolphi. 68 Picture of oxen, male and female, donated by the celebrated William Henry Ludolph.
AMS808420 69 Pictura Annæ Reginæ, cui ad dextram Insignia Regia, ad &c.a. Picture of Queen Anne, holding in her right hand the insignia of state, etc.
AMS808430 70 Ecclesiæ S.ti Petri et S.ti Pauli in oppido Buckingh: a parte Boreali prospectus. The churches of St Peter and St Paul in the town of Buckingham; viewed from the north.
AMS808440666 Pictura B Mariæ Virginis Christum in sinu gestantis Picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary, holding Christ on her lap.
AMS808450667 Pictura Johannis Tradescanti junioris cũamico suo ... Friend Zythepsâ Lambetha = no. 53 Picture of John Tradescant the younger with his friend [Roger] Friend, brewer of Lambeth. MacGregor 1983, no. 265.
AMS808460668 Pictura Honoratissimi Dni D. Thomæ Arundelliæ Comitis, Marmorum Arundellianorũprocuratorissolertissimi. 101. Picture of the most noble Thomas, Earl of Arundel, most astute collector of the Arundel Marbles. MacGregor 1983, no. 266.
AMS808470669 Pictura illustrissimi Principis Thomæ Ducis Norfolciensis, filij sui natu maximi. 100 Picture of the illustrious Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, with his eldest son. MacGregor 1983, no. 267.
AMS808480670 Pictura Caroli primi Mag. Brit. Fra. Et Hib. Regis. 88 Picture of Charles I, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland. MacGregor 1983, no. 268.
AMS808490671 Pictura Uxoris Johannis Tradescant cum filio filiâque astantibus, omnes intra marginem bullis aureisornatam. 52 Picture of the wife of John Tradescant with her son and daughter standing by, all within a frame ornamented with gold bosses. MacGregor 1983, no. 269.
AMS808500672 Pictura Honoratis Dñi Edwardi Baronis Wotton de Marley. 82 Picture of the most honorable Edward, Baron Wotton of Marley. MacGregor 1983, no. 270. 240
AMS808510673 Pictura Dñæ Estheræ Baronissa Wotton uxoris suæ. 84 Picture of his wife, Esther, Baroness Wotton.
AMS808520674 Pictura Honoratissimi Dñi Thomæ Comitis Essexiæ, Baronis Cromwell de Okeham, Vicarij generalis. 93 Picture of the most honourable Thomas, Earl of Essex, Baron Cromwell of Oakham and Vicar-General.
AMS808530675 Pictura (ut dicitur) Oliverij Cromwell Angl. Protectoris. 87 Picture said to be of Oliver Cromwell, Protector of England.
AMS808540676 Pictura Dñi Johannis Suckleing Militis 103 Picture of John Suckling, Knight. MacGregor 1983, no. 271.
AMS808550677 Pictura Cl. Viri Mancunij Comitis Cantab. Cancellarij. 108 Picture of the celebrated Duke of Manchester, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. MacGregor 1983, no. 272.
AMS808560678 Pictura eversionis omne genus artium. 92 Picture of the destruction of all the arts.
AMS808570679 Pictura Herculis et Atlantis orbem alternatim sustentantium. 79 Pictures of Hercules and Atlantis, holding up the world by turns.
AMS808580680 Pictura Dñæ Elizabethæ Wodvill Reginæ Angl. Conjugis Edwardi 4ti. Regis Angl. &c. 94 Picture of Elizabeth Woodville, Queen of England and consort of Edward IV, King of England, etc. MacGregor 1983, no. 273.
AMS808590681 Pictura (ut dicitur) Edwardi 5tiRegis Angl. &c. 138 Picture thought to be of Edward V, King of England, etc.
AMS808600682 Pictura ... Picture.
AMS80861095 Pictura (ut opinor) Peregrini cujusdam nobilis. Picture thought to be of a noble foreigner.
AMS808620683 Pictura Jahakobi somniantis, cum Angelis scalas cælestes ascendentibus et descendentibque. Picture of Jacob's Dream, with angels ascending and descending the heavenly stairs.
AMS808630684 Pictura Johannis Tradescanti junioris Cimeliarchæ item celeberrimi, Botanici habitu intra marginem bullis aureis ornatam. 105 Picture of John Tradescant the younger, also a celebrated collector, dressed as a gardener, in a frame ornamented with golden bosses. MacGregor 1983, no. 274.
AMS808640685 Pictura celeberrimi senis Thomæ Parr Salopiēsis qui annos centũ quinquaginta unũcomplevit 86 Picture of the celebrated old man, Thomas Parr of Shropshire, who lived to be 151 years old. MacGregor 1983, no. 275. 241
AMS808650686 Pictura Cl. Viri ... 128 Picture of a distinguished man.
AMS808660129 Fulleri Pictura ad Altare Coll: Magd: Oxon. Picture by Fuller for the altar of Magdalen College, Oxford.
AMS808670130 Figura Halcyonis colorata. Coloured representation of a kingfisher.
AMS808680131 Papiliones duo. Two butterflies.
AMS808690687 Pictura B. Mariæ Magdalenæ alabastrum Nardi liquidæ manum tenentis. 91 Picture of the Blessed Mary Magdalene, holding in her hand an alabaster jar full of liquid nard.
AMS808700688 Reprasentatio mensæ dapibus stratæ 116 Picture of a table laid for a banquet.
AMS808710 Pictura Johannis GalliarũRegis in prælio Pictavensi ab Anglis capt. 136 Picture of John, King of France, captured by the English at the battle of Poitou.
AMS808720 Pictura Ludovici undecimi item Galliæ Regis. 112 Picture of Louis XI, King of France.
AMS808730689 Pictura repræsentans ConventiculũDæmonũ Veneficorum, sagarumque, per Brugelium. 110 Picture representing an assembly of demons, sorcerers and soothsayers, by Brueghel.
AMS808740690 Pictura Cl. Viri ... 83 Picture of a distinguished man.
AMS808750691 Pictura ornatissimæ fæminæ ... 126 Picture of a beautiful woman.
AMS808760692 Pictura Johannis Tradescanti senioris nuper admodũ mortui. 117 Picture of John Tradescant the elder, soon after his death. MacGregor 1983, no. 276.
AMS808770693 Pictura Persei Pegasum inequitantis et Andromedã a Dracone liberantis. 113 Picture of Perseus riding Pegasus, and freeing Andromeda from the dragon.
AMS808780694 Repræsentatio descensûs Christi in Gehennâ. Per Brugel. 115 Representation of the descent of Christ into Hell, by Brueghel.
AMS808790695 Johannis Tradescanti Epitaphium, literis eleganter ligatis, lineisque undantibus, adornatũ. Epitaph of John Tradescant, adorned with elegantly joined letters and wavy lines.
AMS808800696 Pictura Veneris probumbentis cum filio Cupidine adgeniculante. 61 Picture of Venus recumbent with her son Cupid kneeling beside her.
AMS808810697 Pictura Cranij humani in Libro jacentis. 76 Picture of a human skull lying on a book.
AMS808820111 Theatrum Historicum Imperi Romani. Historical theatre of Imperial Rome.
AMS808830114 Zodiacus Stellatus per Joh. Senex. The stellar zodiac by John Senex. 242
AMS808840698 Pictura Diaboli misere verberibus accepti. 118 Picture of a devil miserably receiving lashes.
AMS808850699 Pictura capitis Hispanioli agrarij. 119 Picture of the head of a Spanish peasant.
AMS808860700 Repræsentatio Mensæ varijs fructuũspeciebq stratæ. 78 Representation of a table laid with various kinds of fruits.
AMS808870701 Pictura capitis ignoti. 121 Representation of a head of an unknown person.
AMS808880701b Musei Ashmoleani prospectus orientalis. 132 The Ashmolean Museum, viewed from the east.
AMS808890702 Pictura Cl. Viri ... 125 Picture of a celebrated man.
AMS808900703 Pictura Ornatissimi Juvenis ... 144 Picture of a handsome youth. MacGregor 1983, no. 277.
AMS808910704 Pictura puellæ formosissimæ ... 145 Picture of a most beautiful girl. MacGregor 1983, no. 278.
AMS808920705 Pictura eminentissimi Cardinalis Ricolocensis. 90 Picture of the most eminent Cardinal Richelieu.
AMS808930706 Pictura illustrissimi Henrici Ducis Glocestrensis Car.1 filij natu minimi. 139 Picture of the illustrious Henry, Duke of Gloucester, youngest son of Charles I. MacGregor 1983, no. 279.
AMS808940707 Pictura Conjugis Johĩs Tradescanti cũfiliolo suo. 99 Picture of the wife of John Tradescant, with his little son. MacGregor 1983, no. 280.
AMS808950708 Pictura classis Hispanicæ PortũCartagenæ appellentis. 154 Picture of the Spanish fleet approaching the port of Cartagena.
AMS808960709 Repræsentatio volucrum peni, cum Cato unâ e maximis occupante. 141 Representation of a collection of game-birds, with a cat taking one of the largest.
AMS808970710 Pictura duorũpullorũVituli marini. 67 Picture of two young seals.
AMS808980711 Pictura Sti Hieronymi meditantis. 123 Picture of St Jerome in meditation.
AMS808990712 Pictura Americani Boreazephyri, in navigio istis partibus propio Canoě dicto, capti. 122 Picture of an American from the North-West, in a boat from those parts called a canoe, who was taken prisoner. Tradescant 1656, p. 42.
AMS809000713 Pictura Classis naviũvelis expansis. 151 Picture of a fleet of ships with sails unfurled. 243
AMS809010714 Pictura Excambij Londinensis ut floruit ante conflagrationem urbis, Ao. 1666. 133 Picture of the Royal Exchange in London as it flourished before the Great Fire, in the year 1666.
AMS809020715 Pictura Mensæ dapibus stratæ. 155 Picture of a table laid out for a banquet.
AMS809030716 Pictura vasculi floribus repleti. 120 Picture of a small vase, full of flowers.
AMS809040717 Idem, Iterum. 127 Another of the same.
AMS809050718 Pictura fæminæ (ut opinor) in furorem adactæ. 124 Portrait of a woman, so it seems, in a rage.
AMS809060719 Insignia familiæ de ... Arms of the family of [ ].
AMS809070720 Pictura Aleatoris, limbo aureo munita. 146 Picture of a dice-player, with a golden frame.
AMS809080721 Pictura ebrij cujusdam. 147 Picture of an Israelite.
AMS809090722 Pictura hominis Catũsinu gestantis. 148 Picture of a man, with a cat on his lap.
AMS809100723 Insignia Johannis Tradescanti cum margine bullis aureis insignitâ. 153 Arms of John Tradescant, in a frame decorated with golden bosses. MacGregor 1983, no. 296.
AMS809110724 Insignia illustrissimi Georgij Buckinghamiæ Ducis ser. Arms of the illustrious George, Duke of Buckingham.
AMS809120725 Fastigium seu Crista ejusdem Ducis. Device or crest of the same Duke.
AMS809130726 Charta Chorographica antiqua Academiæ et Civitatis Oxoniensis. 63 Ancient map of the university and city of Oxford.
AMS809140727 Charta Chorographica antiqua Academiæ et Oppidi Cantabrigiensis. Ancient map of the university and town of Cambridge.
AMS809150728 Africæ periplus, per Navigatores Portugallos. Circumnavigation of Africa, by Portuguese navigators.
AMS809160 184 Ectypum parmulæ Woodwardianæ. Facsimile of Woodward's shield.
AMS809170 149 Castrum Pontefracti in Agro Eborac. Pontefract Castle in Yorkshire.
AMS809180 150 Pictura Mensæ variis Conchliis stratæ. Picture of a table laden with shellfish.
AMS809190 152 Pictura Hen: 4:ti Gallianum Regis. Picture of Henry IV, King of France.
AMS809200 156 Nova deceptio Visûs, in medio Joh: Gay. Poeta lepidiss. A new illusory picture, in the centre of which is John Gay, a most charming poet.
AMS809210 157 Archit: civ: scil: Quinque ordines, Etrus: Dor: Jon: Corinth: Compo: Civil Architecture, namely the Five Orders – Etruscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite.
AMS809220 158 Expugnatio numimentorum. Archit: Mil. Military Architecture, the besieging of fortifications.
AMS809230 159 Cyclo-pædia. repesentatio omnium Artium & Scientiarum. Encyclopaedia, representing all the arts and sciences.
AMS809240 160 Homerus, de æreo Capite in Museo Rich:di Mead. M.D. Homer, a head of bronze in the museum of Richard Mead, Doctor of Medicine.
AMS809250 161 Guil: Shakespearus. William Shakespeare.
AMS80926064 Tabula Geographica Terranum orbis per Joh: Senex. Map of the countries of the world, by John Senex.
AMS809270 162 Benj:s Johnson. Ben Jonson.
AMS809280 163 Galfredus Chaucer. Geoffrey Chaucer.
AMS809290 164 Matthæus Prior. Matthew Prior.
AMS809300 165 Johannes Radcliffe M.D. John Radcliffe, Doctor of Medicine.
AMS809310 166 Joh: Christophorus Pepusch. Mus: Doct: Oxon. John Christopher Pepusch, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford.
AMS809320 167 Franciscus Junius. Francis Junius.
AMS809330 168 Ezechiel Spanhemius. Ezechiel Spannheim.
AMS809340 169 A Giovani studiosi del Disegno. Youths at their drawing lessons.
AMS809350 170 Johannes Flamsteedius Derbiensis Mathem:s Regius. John Flamsteed of Derby, Mathematician Royal.
AMS809360 171 Edmundus Halleius Astronomus Regius &c: Edmund Halley, Astronomer Royal, etc.
AMS809370 172 Joh: Wallis. S.T.P. Geom: Prof: Savil: Oxon. John Wallis, Professor of Sacred Theology, Savillian Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford.
AMS809380 173 Isaacus Newton Eq: Aur: Sir Isaac Newton.
AMS809390 174 Christophorus Wren Eques &c.a Sir Christopher Wren.
AMS809400 175 Elias Ashmole. Elias Ashmole.
AMS809410 176 Antonius a Wood. Anthony Wood.
AMS809420 177 Galilæus Galilæi Lynceus. Phil:s & Mathem: Galileo Galilei of the Academy of the Lynx, philosopher and mathematician.
AMS809430 178 Joh: Tradescantus Pater &c. a John Tradescant the father, etc.
AMS809440 179 Joh: Tradescantus Filius &c.a John Tradescant the son, etc. 244
AMS809450729 Pictura Papilionis elegantissimi, [Pavonis occulus] dicti, et Scarabæi elephantini sive Tauri volantis maximi anthracini, aliorumque Insectorum. 71 Picture showing a most elegant butterfly (called Peacock's eye) together with an elephant beetle or very large black bull-chafer, and other insects.
AMS809460730 Pictura Venustissima Ornatissimi Viri Dnĩ Eliæ Ashmole hujus Musei instructoris munificentissimi,Limbo e Tiliâ arte prorsus Thaumaturgicâ cælato, adornata. 57 Very beautiful portrait of the distinguished and very celebrated Mr Elias Ashmole, most generous founder of this museum; in a quite magnificently carved limewood frame. MacGregor 1983, no. 281.
AMS809470731 Effigies Serenissimi Principis Caroli 2di Regis Angl. ser. Limbo e Tilia elegantissime cælato; acdeaurato, adornata. 54 Portrait of His Majesty King Charles II of England etc., with an elegantly carved and gilded limewood frame. MacGregor 1983, no. 282.
AMS809480732 Effigies Serenissimi Principis Jacobi 2.di Regis Angl. &c. simili Limbo adornata. 54 Portrait of His Majesty King James II of England etc., with a similar frame. MacGregor 1983, no. 283.
245 Picturæ a Dño Ashmole huic Museo legatæ quæ in Bibliotheca Ashm. asservantur. Pictures bequeathed to this Museum by Mr Ashmole, which hang in the Ashmolean Library.
AMS8094901 Erasmus Rot AV. 135 Erasmus of Rotterdam, in gold.
AMS8095002 Jacobus sextus Scotorũ: ætate puerilli. 60 James VI of Scotland as a boy.
AMS8095103 Carolus I. 143 Charles I. MacGregor 1983, no. 287.
AMS8095204 Reverendus Vir. D ... SS. Th. D. 59 The Revd [ ], Doctor of Theology. MacGregor 1983, no. 288.
AMS8095305 Joannes Lewen celebris Comædus tempore Caroli I.mi. 142 John Lowin, a famous actor from the time of Charles I. MacGregor 1983, no. 289.
AMS8095406 Olivarius Cromewellus superius dictus. AV. Oliver Cromwell (referred to above), in gold.
AMS8095507 Michæl Burck Eques Eleemosynarius Vindlesoriensis. 109 Michael Burck [Nicholas Burgh], pensioner of Windsor. MacGregor 1983, no. 290.
AMS8095608 Uxor Guilielmi Dobson Pictoris Regij Car. I. 137 The wife of William Dobson, painter to Charles I.
AMS8095709 Clariss Seldenus iam antea dictus. 140 The celebrated Selden, referred to earlier.
AMS80958010 Joannes Dee SS. Th. P. 80 John Dee, Professor of Sacred Theology. MacGregor 1983, no. 291.
AMS80959011 Richardus Napeyr Medicus et Astrologg percelebris. 75 The very well-known physician and astrologer, Richard Napier. MacGregor 1983, no. 292.
AMS80960012 Gulielmus Lilly insignis Astrologus. 81 William Lilly, the famous astrologer. MacGregor 1983, no. 293.
AMS80961013 Venus et Cupido. 66 Venus and Cupid.
AMS80962014 Effigies Dñi Joannis Aubrey de Easton-Pierce in agro Wiltoniensi, Armigeri. 72 Portrait of Mr John Aubrey Esq., of Easton Percy in Wiltshire.