The Digital Ark: Early Modern Collections of Curiosities in England and Scotland, 1580-1700

Ralph Thoresby's Guestbook
John Lozinskyeditor
Honours Thesis Project for CMRS 402
Leeds Yorkshire Archaeological Society YAS MS27 Album ... begun 31rst August 1696 Individual hands for each visitor, plus additions by Ralph Thoresby. 31 August 1696-1 September 1724Leeds
This Album was begun 31rst August 1696
when His Grace the most Reverend & Excellent
Dr John Sharp Lord Arch Bishop of Yorke
condescended to view this poor Musæum.

all with the * have published Sermons or other tracts.
1 1 31 Aug.t 1696. Omnia vobis cum charitate fiant.[*] 1 Corinth. 16:14: "Let all of yours be done with charity"
Jo.John Ebor. July 1719.
Enjoy the present hour, be thankfull for the past,
And neither fear, nor wish, the approaches of the last.[*] Abraham Cowley (1618-1667), Imitations, Martial., Lib X, Ep. XLVII.

Vitæ summa brevis spem nos vetat inchoare longam.[*] Horace, Odes, 1.4, line 15: "The shortness of life forbids us long hopes."
W:William Ebor
(both learned &
pious Authors)
31 Aug: 96
Mens cujuscujusque is est quisquisque[*] Cicero, De Republica, Book VI, 24: "The spirit is the true self."
Edv:Edward Clarke (MA Vicar of Nottingham)*

31 Aug: 96  —  Se
Judice nemo nocens absolvitur[*] Juvenal, Satires, Satire XIII, Lines 2-3: "No one who is guilty is acquitted by his own verdict."

Ric.Richard Thornton
(EsEsqueEsquire Recorder of Leedes)

—Mors sola fatetur
Quantula sint hominum corpuscula.[*] Juvenal, Satires, Satire X, Lines 172-173: "It’s only death that reveals the minuscule size of human bodies."
Jo:John Siser
(Fellow of University Col:College Oxford)
2 3 3 31 Aug: 1696 —Deus nobis hæc otia fecit.[*] Virgil, Eclogues 1.6 "God has given to us this leisure"
Jo:John Killingbeck. (BD. Vicar
of Leedes

*[*] pen stroke, either underlining "eck" in Killingbeck or a line connecting the next entry to the addition (BD etc.)

Amicus; vsque ad Aras[*] Latin Proverb: "A friend to the end"
Henry Robinson. (MA in:
(:cumbent of S.t Johns Leedes
4 5 5 May 24 1697
Deus Meus et Omnia[*] Motto of the Third Order of St. Francis: "My God and my All"
Tim:Timothy Manlove (of Leedes VDM)*

Quid Deus nisi Meus?[*] "Who is God except mine"
ThoThomas Whitaker (of Leedes VDM)*

Θεὸς Άγαπὴ[*] 1 John 4:8: "God is Love" JJoseph Boyse (of Dublin VDM)*

Illi mors gravis incubat
Qui notus nimis omnibus
Ignotus moritur Sibi[*] From Bacon's essay "Of Great Place". "It is a sad fate for a man to die too well known to everybody else, and still unknown to himself":

J.Jabez Cay (of Newcastle MD)*

Gaudium verum est res severa.[*] Seneca the Younger, Epistulae morales, 23, 4: "True joy is a serious thing." S.n:Seneca
W.William Tong (of London VDM.)*

—Fecimus et nos
Hæc juvenes.[*] Juvenal, Satires, Satire VIII, 163-164: "We too behaved like that when we were young.”

Arthur Woolley (of London GentGentleman)

Post mortem vera voluptas[*] "After death is true pleasure". From an Epicurian proverb: Post morten nulla voluptas: "After death is no pleasure"
David Noble (of Heckmondwicke VDM)*

Hem! quantum est in rebus inane[*] Latin Proverb: "Hah! How much folly there is in the world!"
Richard Wilsone[*] The "e" at the end of his name may be an ornamentation. (of Leedes EsEsqueEsquire)

May 1707 Non est mortale quod opto[*] distich by Gabriel Rollenhagen; also title of a poem by Suckling; a misquotation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book II, Line 56--"non est mortale quod optas": "Not for mortals is that thou askest."
RRichard Stretton (of London VDM)

May 12 1707 Antiquior melior[*] "The older the better" Will.William Taylor (of
London VDM)
7 15 June 1697 Hic murus aheneus esto, nil conscire tibisibi nullâ palescerepallescere culpâ.[*] Horace Epistles 1.1.60-61: "Be this our wall of bronze, to have no guilt at heart, no wrongdoing to turn us pale." _
Thomas Dickonson (of Rathmell VDM)

1 July 97

Integer vitæ, scelerisscelerisque purus,
non eget Mauri jaculis etc[*] Horace Odes 4.2: "The man of unblemished life who is unstained by crime has no need of Moorish javelin."

Charles: Hammond (50 years Vicar of
14 July 97 Non est mortale quod opto.[*] distich by Gabriel Rollenhagen; also title of a poem by Suckling; a misquotation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book II, Line 56--"non est mortale quod optas"; "Not for mortals is that thou askest."
Joseph Dawson. (of Morley VDM)

Nihil est ab omni parte beatūbeatum[*] Horace, Odes, II, 16, line 27-28: "Nothing is happy in every respect."
Abraham Dawson. (of Rochdale VDM)

Augt 1699
In necessariis Unitas, in non necessariis Libertas in utrisutrisque CharitasCaritas[*] "In essentials, there should be unity; in doubt, liberty; in all things, charity (love)." Incorrectly attributed to St. Augustine
John Rastrick. (of Spalding Com:Comitatu Linc:Lincolnshire VDM) 23.d 99.
Jovis omnia plena.[*] Virgil, Eclogues, Book III, Line 60: "Of Jove all things are full."
Peter Peters. (of Leedes VDM)

July 17th. 1702/
Est Deus in Mundo, qui providus omnia curat[*] "God is in the World, who provided care to all." From a distych by Wolfgang Musculus (1497-1563)./
Matthew Smith (of Mixenden

Upon seeing Mr Thoresby's MusæūMusæum.
Segnius irritant animos dimissademissa per aures
Quam quæ sunt oculis comissacometissasubiecta fidelibus[*] Horace, Ars Poetica, Line 180-181: "Less vividly is the mind stirred by what finds entrance through the ears than by what is brought before the trusty eyes."
Aug. 29th 1702 John Hotham
(of York VDM)

7b:er 25:to/ 1703[*] date is entered on a slant. May have been entered later on. Bordered by lines above and below
Ars non habet Inimicum nisi Ignorantem[*] Proverb: "Art has no enemy except the ignorant."
Robert Jackson (of Leedes writing Master &
8 9 9 Leedes16 June 1697 À ferendo Adversa Fortificor[*] "from having to bear adversary, I am strengthened"
H:Henry Fairfax
(EsEsqueEsquire high Sheriffe of Yorkshire)[*] Henry Fairfax was high sheriff of Yorkshire from 1690–1691

22d June 97
Hunc Deus hanc Destruet[*] 1 Cor. 6:13 "[Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but] God shall destroy [both] it [and them]"
Lawr:Lawrence Cullum

Industria placet animi[*] Latin Proverb: "Diligence is pleasing to the mind"
W:William Rooke Junior
(EsEsqueEsquire Mayor of Leedes)[*] William Rooke was Mayor of Leeds in 1683.

Memento mori[*] Latin Proverb: "Remember death"
WmWilliam Ellis EsEsqueEsquire of Kiddale)

28 June 1697
Nè Te quæsiveris extrà.[*] Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance and Other Essays: "Do not seek for things outside of yourself"
John Fielding. (EsEsqueEsquire

Si deus nobiscum quis Contra nos[*] Romans 8:31: "If God be with us, who shall be against us?"
Alex Bieres (Gent.Gentleman
10 11 11 5th Aug.t 1697. He ÿtthat takes an Oath against his will
is of ÿethe same opinion still.[*] misquote of Samuel Butler's (1612-1680) Hudibras III.iii.547-550. Should be "He that complies..."

Jn:oJohn Skinner (of Leedes MerchtMerchant)

Amantium iræ, amoris redentegratio est[*] title of a poem by Richard Edwards ca.1523–1566; Misquote of Terence, Andria, Act III, scene 3, line 23 (555). Amantium irae amoris integratio est: "The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love"
John Hodgson
ffebFeb th 24th 1698/9[*] 8/9 is in fraction form
(of Leedes MerchtMerchant).[*] Since this entry has a date in between the previous and the next entries, it was probably added in to fill in a gap at a later date

Octobris 18o 1697
Merere Plus.[*] "Get more"
Josias Dockwray.
(Vicar of

Ni vidissem vix credideram[*] "If I had not seen, I would hardly have believed"
Oct: 22ma 1706
T. Myers

Junii 15:o 1700
Utile Dulci[*] Latin Proverb: "the useful with the agreeable"
W:mWilliam Cookson (EsEsqueEsquire Mayor of
[*] William Cookson was Mayor of Leeds in 1712.

Deus nobis Hæc otia fecit.[*] Virgil, Eclogues, Book I, Line 6: "God has given us these days of leisure."
Jos:Joseph Cookson (MA Vicar
of Leedes)
12 Antiqua exquirere Dulce est[*] "To seek antiquity is Sweet" 170⅔ John Cookson
(of London MerchtMerchant)

Hirto sed non cito[*] "Rough but not quick"
Richard Pennyman September ye 28 1703
Antiquam exquirite matrem[*] Virgil, Æneid, Book III, Line 96: "Seek out your ancient mother"
7ber 28 1703
Josephus Wasse C.R.S.A.M.
(now Rector of Aynhoe *)

sat cito si sat bene[*] Jerome, Epistle. LXVI. Par. 9: "Quick enough, if good enough."
Sept: 28 1703. Carolus Daubuz A.M. VicrVicar de Brotherton

Sept. 28th 1703 Gulielmus Garbritt Ne quid nimis[*] Terrence, Andria (The Lady of Andros), Prologue, line 61: "Moderation in all things."

— Mihi res, non me rebus subjungere conor[*] Horace Epistolarum 1.1.19: "I suit life to myself, not myself to life."
Octob. 19. 1703. JJames Talbot Ling.Lingua Hebr.Hebraica apud Canta -
brigiensis Prof.Professor Reg.Regius (Rector
of Spofford*)

— — —nova veteribus non sunt potiora.[*] Æsop's Fables, Fable XII: "New things are not better than old"
Tho:Thomas Clapham (Vicar of

Octob:er 28:th 1703.
Difficilia quæ pulchra[*] Title of a poem by John Davies of Hereford (1565-1618). "Things that are excellent are difficult"
John Paley (ministrminister at Huns: -
13 13 Memento Mori[*] Latin Proverb: "Remember Death"
Thomas Dixon (EsEsqueEsquire Mayor of Leedes)[*] Thomas Dixon was Mayor of Leeds in 1693.

Mirabile Dictu[*] "Wonderful to relate"
C Smith (of London

Fra:Francis Gore (of Lond:London

Audax et honestus[*] "Bold and honest"
Johan:JohannesJohn Myonnet.(of Lond:London

Sept.r 1st 1724
Nil desperandum[*] Horace, Odes, I. VII. 27: "There is no need for despair."
WmWilliam Dixon of London
14 21 March 169⅞ Impuvidum feriantferient ruinæ[*] Horace, Odes, Book 3, Ode 3, Line 8: "He will still be unafraid when hit by the wreckage."
Tho:Thomas Fairfax
(RC Priest & Jesuit)

Quod ultrà est oderit curare[*] Horace, Odes, Book II, Ode 16, Lines 25-26: "Refuse to worry about what is further ahead." Ra:Ralph Brandling.
(EsEsqueEsquire of Midleton)

May 11th 1698
Non nobis nascimur[*] Latin Phrase: "We are not born for ourselves alone."
Ric:Richard Richardson (of North Byerley MD &FRS)*

2 June 1698
Non ultra[*] "Not beyond"
Tho:Thomas Wainwright (LLD ChancelrChancellor of Chester)

Antiquitas proximè accedit ad Deos.[*] Cicero, De Legebus 2. 27: "Antiquity stands in utmost proximity to the gods."
Hen:Henry Prescott. (EsEsqueEsquire of Chester)

10th 1698/
upon my recovery.
Sit mens sana in corpore sano.[*] Juvenal, Satires 10.356-64: "A healthy mind in a healthy body."
Br:Bryan Fairfax (EsEsqueEsquire of London

omnia vincit amor[*] Virgil, Eclogues, X, line 69: "Love conquers all."[*] penstrokes
Jacobo Pauwels
Den 16 van december 1698

Ludl16: Xber 1698
Who say. I care not. Those I give for lost
[*] George Herbert
olim hæc meminisse[*] Adaptation of Virgil Aeneid 1.203: forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit. "Perhaps even this distress it will some day be a joy to recall."-- Sa:Samuel Crompton Marc. 23 170¾
Deus cælum celat ut homines vivere durent[*] "God hides heaven so that men might continue to live"
July 3d 1705 Eli Fenton
(of Newcastle VDM)
15 15 15 Febr.ry 1698/9
Quiod non est hodie cras minus aptus erit[*] Ovid, Remedia Amoris, line 94: "He who is not prepared today will be less so tomorrow."
Henry Thursby
(of Newcastle GentGentleman)

I have seen Rariteyes of seuerell sortes
RobtRobert Webster
(of Newcastle)
March 14th 1698/9
Cælum solum anhelo.[*] "I grasp only heaven."
Joshua Sager. (of WakefdWakefield VDM)
May. 2. 1699
Non est mortale quod opto.[*] motto of Charles de Lorraine; a misquotation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book II, Line 56--"non est mortale quod optas": "Not for mortals is that thou askest." John Chorlton. (of Man: -
May 8th 1699
Corda serata curo.[*] "I care for closed hearts" Ja:James Coningham (of Penrith
apr of London VDM)*
June 3.d 1699.
Sursum Corda[*] from Eucharistic Prayers: "Lift up your Hearts"
N Scholes (of . . .
comcomitatu Lanc:Lancashire VDM)
Julie 31. 1699
Comberbach Leech (VDM of. . .
Literarum Alumnus.[*] "Nourished by Letters"
Aug. 2d 1699 sua quemquemque voluptas[*] Virgil, Eclogues, Book II, Line 65: "Each is led by his Liking." John Owen (of Wales
Tendit adin Ardua Virtus[*] Ovid, Tristia Ex Ponto, 2.2.111: "Virtue aims at what is difficult."
Tho:Thomas Dickenson[*] Ornamentation at the end of his name.
(of North Owram VDM)
16 16 31 March 1705 γΗα ρε γεσψγιthe Græcian
Sept: 24 1705
Vivimus in hoc mundo, tanquam in
hospitio, non tanquam in Domo.
[*] "Let us live in this world, just as in hospitality, not at Home."

Henry Humfrey (Chaplain to the
Lord Fairfax of Denton)
[*] Lord Fairfax here was probably Thomas Fairfax, 5th Lord Fairfax of Cameron.

Sept: ye 25t 1705
Omne bonum superne[*] "All good comes from above." Motto of the Miller family.
Jonathan Priestley (of Winter edge)

Veni, Vidi.Nov. ye 6th 1705./
Veni, Vidi.[*] "I came, I saw." G.Gulielmus Pendlebury (of Leedes VDM)

Jan. 8o 170⅚
Impendam & Expendar[*] 2 Corinthians 12:15: "I will spend and be spent"
A:Accepted Lister. (of Thornton VDM)*

May. X.o 1706.
Non patris comporese magna solebor[*] "Not of father I will become accustomed to consume together" ?
Rob:Robert Jackson. (Rector of

En Dieu est tout[*] "In God is everything"
Geo:George Clarke (Curate at Hunslet)
June ye 26th 1706
18 18 September 16
— Nec desinat unquam
Tecum Graja loqui tecum Romana vetustas.
[*] Claudius Claudianus, Panegyricus de Quarto Consulatu Honorii Augusti, Book VIII, Lines 397-398: "never may Greece’s story, never may Rome’s, cease to speak with thee."

T.Thomas Thornhill.
(of Fixby EsEsqueEsquire) 1699
Cavendo Tutus[*] Motto of the Duke of Derbyshire (the Cavendish family): "Safe through caution"
Gilb:Gilbert Heathull
(of. . . . in Derbyshire Physician)

Octer 18th 1699
Nil tam difficile quod non solertia vincit.[*] Latin Proverb: "There is nothing so difficult that skill will surmount."
John Cay (of Newcastle

Oct. 20. 99.
A Thor Idolo laxonico vel (ut fertur) Deo Dies Unicus;
A Radulpho Thor-esby Anglo literis et antiquitatilux &
lumen perpetuum; Tanto major est Deo
Saxonico Homo Christianus.
Numquam dixisset Ovidius [in Nova fert animus]
si tot et tam Egregia antiquitatis vidisset
monumentæ, quæ apud ThorsebeiūThoresbeium reperiuntur.

GilbtGilbert Atkinson
(Rector of Medley)[*] Town now known as Methley

Oct. 20. 99.
Ut magnus in parvis relucet Deus![*] Johann Baptist von Hofer, SJ, Magisterium divinæ sapientiæ, Caput VIII, pg. 126: "How the great God shines in the small!"
Hæc scripta Calamo Acantho-Côiritico[*] "This is written with a Acantho-Cioritic quill." Unsure of meaning.
ThoThomas Dwyer (BD head
Master of ye Free
:School at Leedes)
19 19 11 1699 J'ame la Vertu[*] "I love Virtue"; Quintus Spencer (of Attercliffe[*] Could possibly say Abbercliffe, but not likely.

11:th Decemb: -1699
De geleerde zijn mij lief[*] "The learned are dear to me"
Richard Heij (of Leedes

Jan. 28. 1699.[*] i.e. 1700
-Christus Crucifixus, Corde Fixus.[*] "Christ, having been crucified, has fastened heart."
Sam.Samuel Baxter (of York

Febr: 22nd: 1699[*] i.e. 1700. This is the same hand as Henry Pawson
Nosce Te ipsum.[*] Latin Phrase: "Know Thyself"
N:Nicholas Fenay
(of Fenay Gent.Gentleman)

Febr: 22d: Anno Dni 1699
Vincit qui patitur sed meliora spero[*] "He conquers who suffers but I hope for better"
Henry Pawson (of
Leedes MerchtMerchant)

March 1 699/700.[*] 699 is directly above 700
omnia Vincit amor & nos cedamus amori.[*] Virgil, Eclogues, X.69: "Love conquers all things, so we too shall yield to love."
hoc in signum gratidtudinis & amicitiæ apposuit
[*] "He set this before in the sign of gratitude and friendship."

Johannes Vincent
M G[*] May stand for Major General.
20 20 27.o Maris 1700 In well beware
JnoJohn Wombwell[*] there is a stylistic brevograph as part of his name; a circle above an ascender coming from the "n"
(of Leedes GentGentleman)

6to Maÿ 1700.
In quo cuncunque aliquid X.ti invenio illum diligo.[*] "In whatsoever I discover someone in Christ I value him."
Will.mWilliam Pearson. LLD ChancelerChancellor
of Yorke *

7o May 1700.
In Albo[*] "In White"
Tho:Thomas Robinson
(of Rokeby EsEsqueEsquire)

servare modum finemfinemque tueri
naturam sequi.
[*] Lucan, De Bello Civili, Book II, Lines 380-381; "To preserve due measure, and keep in view the end, and follow nature."

WillWilliam Robinson (his son)

31 May 1700.
ffestinaFestina Lente[*] Greek Proverb: "Make Haste Slowly"
Nico:Nicholas Maulyverer (of Leedes & Letwell EsEsqueEsquire)

Gratior est pulchro veniens àde corpore virtus[*] Virgil, Æneid, Book V, line 344: "Virtue appears peculiarly graceful when associated with beauty.”
Joh:John Maulyverer
(his son of    Col:College Cambr:Cambridge)[*] A fellow of Magdalen College, Cambridge.

31 May 1700
In minimo videtur deus[*] "God is seen in very small things."
WmWilliam Wilson (Rector of Guiseley)

Filius indignus, attamen ad requisicone ᵱdignusperdignus Auuod Subscribo
EdwEdward Beale (of Leedes GentGentleman) [*] yikes!
21 21 Veneranda Vetustas[*] Latin Phrase: "Hallowed Antiquity"
Charles Towneley (of Towneley GentGentleman
broerbrother of RichdRichard Towne -
:ley EsEsqueEsquire)

Nullum numen abest si sit prudentia sed te
Nos facimus fortuna Deam CaloCaloque locamus
[*] Misquotation of Juvenal, Satires, Satire X, Line 365. Juvenal writes "nullum numen habes, si sit prudentia: nos te, nos facimus, Fortuna, deam caeloque locamus.": "Fortune, you’d have no power, if we were sensible: it’s we who make you a goddess, it’s we who give you a place in the sky."
May 25 1700

Hæc olim meminisse juvabit[*] Virgil, Æneid, Book I, Line 203: "This distress it will some day be a joy to recall."
June ye 17th — 1700 Bryan Thornhill[*] May be Thomhill
(of Fixby EsEsqueEsquire)

Delectat, et prodest.[*] Cicero, De Amicitia, 22: "Delightful and profitable as it is."
Joly 19. 1700. Fran:Francis Fawkes.
(of Farnelay EsEsqueEsquire)

semper idem[*] Latin Phrase: "Always the same" John Skelton
(of Leedes Ald.Alderman

July the 20 1700
Mihi vita Christus[*] His motto: "Christ is my life." Lit. "Christ is life to me."
Jo:John Kaye: (of Woodsom

August. 12.o 1700./
PræteritumPræteriumque tuis dasdasque futura tibi[*] "The past and the future for yourself and your affairs."
WmWilliam Brooke
(of Dublin rector of. . .)

August ye 14th 1700
Nam genus, et proavos, et quæ non fecimus Ipsi,
Vix ea nostra voco.
[*] Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book XIII, Lines 140-141: "For as to race and ancestry and the deeds that others than ourselves have done, I call those in no true sense our own."
Tho:Thomas Fairfax of Menston & Leedes EsEsqueEsquire)

Aug.t 1700
JaJames Bertie[*] James Bertie was the son of James, 1st earl of Abingdon. His brother Montegu became 2nd earl of Abingdon
(broerbrother to ye Earl of Abington
Deus mi[*] "My God."

WWilloughby Hickman
of Gainsborough Baronet.[*] Willoughby Hickman was the 3rd Baronet of Gainsborough

Per varios Casus per tot discrimina Rerū
tendimus in Latium
[*] Virgil, Æneid, Book I, Lines 204-205: "Through varied fortunes, through countless hazards, we journey towards Latium."
19 1700
W:mWilliam Nevile
(of Holbeck. EsEsqueEsquire high
Sheriffe of Yorkshire)[*] William Nevile was High Sheriff of Yorkshire from 1710-1711.
22 22 1700 sua quemquemque voluptas.[*] Virgil, Eclogues, Book II, Line 65: "Each is led by his liking."
Joh:John Groome.A.B.
(D.r Woodwards emissary)

5 1700.
Illi Mors gravis incubat,
Qui notus nimis omnibus
Ignotus moritur sibi.
[*] Seneca, Thyestes, Act II, Lines 401-403: "Death weighs heavy on one who, too well known to all, dies unknown to himself." Quoted with translation from Francis Bacon's "Of Great Place." "It is a sad fate for a man to die too well known to everybody else, and still unknown to himself"
ThThomas Fuller (Physician of. . . .

Crescit amor nummi quantum ipsa pecunia crescit[*] Juvenal, Satires, XIV, 139: "Your love of cash grows as much as the money itself has grown."
J.John Fuller AB.

In sana bilis est insianabilis.[*] "In the sane is the insane."
Will:William Saxby

19 1700
Placet antiquorum renovari
[*] "It pleases ancient names to be restored."
Cavendish Nevile
Coll:Collegii Univ.Universitatis Soc.Socius OxonOxoniensis[*] University College Oxford

Walter Hawksworth
Baronet)[*] He was 2nd Baronet of Hawkesworth.

30 NovemberOctobr
Omnia vincatvincit amor[*] Virgil, Eclogues, Book X, line 69: "Love conquers all."
Walter CalverleyBaronet),[*] He was 1st Baronet of Calverley.

William Emmett
23 23 6th ffebFeb 1700
Scuto amoris diuini[*] Latin Phrase: "By the shield of God's love." Motto of the Skidmore family.
Ar:Arthur Ingram (of Barrowby EsEsqueEsquire)

God gebe unß daß ebigeewige Leben[*] German: "May God give us eternal life". Some spelling differences from original: Gott gebe uns das ewige Leben.
John: Carey: (a German)

que viue tous les gens d'esprit[*] "That sees all clever people."
29 July 1701. Christop.rChristopher Watkinson
(of Hambrough MerchtMerchant)

Nescire quid acciderit ante quam natus sis,
hocid est semper esse puerum
__[*] Cicero, Ad M. Brutum, XXXIV (120b): "Not knowing what happened before you were born is to be stuck in childhood forever."
August 16 1701 Rich:Richard Blythman
(Fellow of Kings Col:College Cambr:Cambridge)

Lucidus ordo![*] Horace, Ars Poetica, Line 41: "Clearness of order." 19. 1701. WillWilliam Clayton (EsEsqueEsquire of

Post nubila Phœbus[*] Latin Proverb: "After the clouds, the Sun." 24. 1701. WWilliam Brennand.(.EsEsqueEsquire of. . .

Τά άζχαια χζα Τείτω[*] A line of ink bled through the page, and so the text is largely difficult to read
Octobr. 29o AC. 1701 Carolus Daubuz (Vic:Vicar of Brotherton*)

Lucet In Tenebris[*] A misquotation of John 1:5: "et lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non conprehenderunt.": "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."
Octo: 29— 1701   J– Walmisley VDM.
24 24 Ann: 1701 Octob: ye 24th omnia vincit amor[*] Virgil, Eclogues, Book X, Line 69: "Love conquers all."
Griffith Boynton (of Agnes Burton BartBaronet)[*] 3rd Baronet Boynton

Nov. 4. 1701. Non Nobis, sed Deo et Patriæ.[*] Latin Proverb: "Not for ourselves, but for God and Fatherland."
Will.William Nicolson (BpBishop of Car -
& now of Londonderry FRS*)
[*] Nicolson was made Bishop of Derry in 1718. 1701.
Soli Deo Gloria[*] "Glory to God Alone": One of the 5 Solae of the Protestant Reformation.
Jos:Joshua Thoresby of Chester
in ye Street

Dr ye 2d
God grant yt wee may haue a volantary Register
Sim.Simon Sterne
of Elvington & Halifax EsEsqueEsquire (ye ABpsArchBishop's son)

Febr: ye 24. Hæc olim meminisse Juvabit.[*] Virgil, Æneid, Book I, Line 203: "This distress it will some day be a joy to recall."
Rob:Robert Dennis of York

Aprill ye 1702 , þat sall be sall,[*] Christopher Marlowe, Edward the Second, Act IV, Scene VI, Line 95. "That shall be, shall." There are thick lines above and below the quotation John Boulter[*] There is an ornamentation after his name.
EsEsqueEsquire of Gawthorp

May ye 26th 1702
Laus Deo[*] Latin Phrase: "Praise be to God." : JnoJohn Birley
25 25 Aug.ti 12.o 1702 Sic Vos non Vobis.[*] Virgil, Challenge to Bathyllus: "Thus ye, not to you." The opening words to every line of an unsigned couplet by Virgil in a challenge to a minor poet named Bathyllus. Sam.lSamuel Brearey
(DD. Succentor at York)

Aug:ti 20 1702
Et nos cedamus amori[*] Virgil, Eclogues, Book X, Line 69: "Let us, too, yield to Love!"
Irwin[*] Edward Machel Ingram was 4th Viscount of Irvine [Irwin]
(EdwEdward-Machel LdLord Ingram
Visc.tViscount Irwin

Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito[*] Virgil, Æneid, Book VI, Line 95: "Yield not to ills, but go forth all the bolder to face them."
Tho:Thomas Ingram
(of Barrow -

ReicthumReichtum und ArmuhtArmut gieb mir
nicht !
[*] Proverbs 30:8. "Give me neither Wealth nor Poverty"
Johan Haning a German
August onu 20.

Impiger extremos currit mercator ad
[*] Horace, Epistles, Book I, Epistle I, Line 45: "Ardent trader that you are, you rush to the furthest Indies."Arth:Arthur Ingram Iun.Junior
(of Barrowby EsEsqueEsquire)

Vivitur Ingenio[*] "Genius lives on"; line commonly attributed to Virgil lamenting the death of his patron Maecenas; adorns On the fabric of the human body by Andreas Vesalius
20 Ag:st 1702 Charles Drury

For a man to be curious to see whats abroad & neglect to see whats
att home is a ridiculous humour
September 17 1702
TThomas Barlow
(of Midlethorp near York GentGentleman)
26 26 7r 18. 1702. Qui bene latuit, bene vixit[*] Ovid, Tristia, Book III, Tristum IV, Line 25: "He who hides well his life, lives well."
Tho:Thomas Bradbury.
(of London VDM*)

Amor meus crucifixus[*] "My love crucified." Amor meus crucifixus est is the motto of St. Bridget
RobtRobert Cay of Newcastle

Sept. 23. 1702.
Nil admirari[*] Horace, Epistulae, Book I, Epistle VI, Line 1: “Marvel at nothing”
(Pythagoras said he had got this
advantage by Philosophy, to wonder
at nothing)—

R.Roger Gale (of Scruton EsEsqueEsquire)

Ditto:  —
Trahit sua quemquemque voluptas
[*] Virgil, Eclogues, Book II, Line 65: "Each is led by his Liking."
Thomas Henley

21 Oct 1702
Treaci Xowaua detustas
Ri:Richard Witton junrjunior
(of Wakefield EsEsqueEsquire)

June 7th 1702
Magna est Veritas et prævalebit.[*] "Great is truth and it will prevail." Misquotation of Esdras 4:41: Magna est Veritas et prævalet. John Wadsworth[*] Could be Wadsworth (VDM)

June 11 1703
FœlixFelix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas[*] Virgil, Georgics, Book II, verse 490: "Blessed is he who has succeeded in learning the laws of nature’s working."
Thomas Nettleton
27 27 Jaime la vertu et je suis amis
de tout eux qui la recherche
[*] "I love vertue and I am a friend of all those who seek it."
J:James Parmentier
the celebrated Painter from France
11e mars, 1703

23 April 1703
A nihil Agendo, male agere discimus[*] Cato: "In doing nothing, we learn to do ill."
Henry Sykes

Exrotant medici, frauduntfraudant jure periti:[*] Unsure of meaning.
John Barrington

Miramur ueteres, sed nostris utimur annis[*] Adaptation of Ovid, Fasti, Book I, Line 225: "We marvel at the past, but use the present years." Ovid uses Laudamus (We praise) instead of Miramur
28 Aprill 1703
Sam:Samuel Threapland of or near
Halifax Physician Apr 1703
Omnia admirabilia[*] Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologia, Quaestio XXXII, Article VIII; or, more likely, just a simple comment about how wonderful the collection is: "All things admirable."
Godf.rGodfrey Wentworth
(of Lond:London MerchtMerchant son of S.rSir Mich:Michael W of Wooley)

nemo sine crimine viuit[*] Cato, Distichs, Book I, 5: "all, you’ll find, have faults the same." Literally, "No one lives without fault."
Tho:Thomas Ellis

mens humana novitatis avida[*] "The human mind is greedy of novelty." Adaptation of Pliny the Elder, Natural History, XII, V, 11: natura hominum novitatis avida.
June 11 1703Joshua Dunn

Experientia docet[*] Latin Proverb: "Experience teaches."
Kirby Regner. VDM.
28 28 Velle suum cuicuique[*] Persius, Satires. V. 53: "They each have their own secrets."
29.o Junij 1703. Tho:Thomas Thomson (the Judges
Associate at York)

trahit sua quemquemque voluptas[*] Virgil, Eclogues, Book II, line 65: "Each is led by his Liking."
29o Junij 1703Geo:George Mashrother (of York

Nec Votô vivitur Vnô[*] Persius, Satires. V. 53: "No single prayer fits every life."
Festo Beati Petri[*] i.e. 29 June
1703     Geo:George Halley DD
Preb:Presbyter of York

Tempora MutantrMutantur[*] Latin Proverb: "Times Change"
July 5th 1703
Nich:Nicholas Kershaw VDM

Wer sein selbst Meister ist und sich beherrschen kann
Dem ist die ganze welt und alles unterthan
[*] Paul Flemming, Teütschen Poemata. Original says "weite" instead of "ganze"; both mean "whole". "For to him who can master And control himself, The whole world will bend his way."
Jacobus Meier
Brema - Saxo.Saxony

Semper plus ultra.[*] "More than ever." Written on Roman maps to denote the border of the end of the world.
July ye 29:th 1703—
Humphrey Willettz
Brema, Saxo.Saxony
29 29 Vivitur ingenis cætera mortis erunt.[*] Virgil, Elegiae in Maecenatem 1.38
Aug. 8. 1703 Gulielmus Elstob CollCollegii Univ:Universitatis SocSocius OxonOxoniensis
(Rector of St Swithins Lond:London*)

Que sparsim alibi hic junctim[*] Latin Phrase: "Scattered here and elsewhere jointly".
Aug: 16 1703 Gulielmus Richardson

Post tenebras lux[*] Latin Phrase: "Light after darkness". It appears as Post tenebras spero lucem. "After darkness, I hope for light" in Job 17:12 in the Vulgate.
August 1703./ Johannes Jacobus Dela Corbieres

Nullius addictus jurare in verba magistri[*] Horace, Epistles, Book I, Epistle I, line 14: "I am not bound, over to swear as any master dictates."
August 17: 1703 P: Warot
of Greys Inn EsEsqueEsquire

De Lumine Lumen[*] From the Nicene Creed: "Light from Light."
Sept 23
Abr:Abraham de la Pryme
Min:Minister of Thorn FRS*
obijt June 1704.

Magna est Veritas et PrevalebitPrævalebit[*] "Great is the truth and it will prevail." Adaptation of 1 Esdras, 4:41: Magna est Veritas et Prævabit
16o decembris 1703 Ro:Robert Rockley. (of Rockley
30 30 Bibliotheca Thoresbeiana
Sit sacer ille Locus.
[*] "Thoresby's Library, it is a sacred place." 22 March

Robt:Robert Stephens (of the midle Temple EsEsqueEsquire*)

Roger Talbot EsEsqueEsquire Tout jours fidele[*] French Proverb: "Always faithful." March 30th 1704

Roger Talbot

Vetera novis potiora[*] "Prefer the old with the new"
George Jaeson[*] Could be Jacson. of. . . . Col:College Cambr:Cambridge

30 March 1704.
Medio tutissimus ibis[*] Ovid, Metamorphoses, II, 137: "In the middle is the safest path."
Hu:Hugh Sleigh[*] decoration after his name of Leedes Gen.tGentleman

Aprill ye 1704
Labor omnia vincitvicit[*] Virgil, Georgics, Book I, line 145-146: "Toil triumphed over every obstacle."
Sam.llSamuel Cookson[*] the two "l"s are crossed in his name
of Leedes MerchtMerchant

Quo semel est imbuta recens servabit odorem
testa diu
[*] Horace, Epistles, Book I, Epistle II, lines 69-70: "The jar will long keep the fragrance of what it was once steeped in when new."
19.o Maii 1704
Joh:John Clarkson.
minerminister of Hunslet since
Preb:Prebendary of York.

omnia in sacerdote debent esse vocalia[*] Jerome, Epistula ad Fabiolam: "All in the Priesthood ought to be preachers." Maij 1704
Johannes Halle
vicar of Fishlake.

Vt hora sicksic Vita[*] Latin Proverb common in England; usually carved into stone sundials: "As (is) an hour, so (is) life"
WWilliam Richardson 30o May
31 31 Non, si male nunc, et olim sic erit[*] Horace, Odes II, 10, 17-18: "If things are bad now, they will not always be so."
10 June 1704.
Tho:Thomas Myers Gen.tGentleman

Non nobis nati sumus.Non nobis solum nati sumus.[*] Cicero, De Officiis, Book I, 22: "We are not born for ourselves alone." (Cap.tCaptain)Rich:Richard West. 14 June 1704 .

Nosce TeipsumTe ipsum[*] Latin Proverb: "Know thyself." (Dr) JL Barnard[*] Could be H Barnard. June 20 / 1704

Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire, hoc sciat, alter,[*]Perseus, Satires, Satire I, line 26: "Your knowledge is so worthless unless someone else knows that you know it." Rob:Robert Barker clerk
June 20: 1704

Discite Justitiam moniti & non temnere Divos[*] Virgil, Æneid, Book VI, line 620: "Learn ye to be just and not to slight the gods!"
21 June 1704. Daniel Russel M.D.

Virtus sub pondere crescit[*] Latin Phrase: "Virtue thrives under oppression."
Jos:Joseph Wilkinson
of Dublin Preb:Presbyter
June ye 23d 1704

Nec vult abolere vetustas[*] "Nor wants antiquity to die." Adaptation of Ovid, Metamorphoses, XV, 872: Nec edax abolere vetustas. "Nor the gnawing tooth of time shall ever be able to undo."
Tho:Thomas Collins (minerminister of
June 27 1704

Oxford be silent, I this Truth must write
Leeds hath for Rarityes out done thethee quite

WmWilliam Dawsonne (MerchtMerchant
of Hackney)

July 1704

Ceceij est un plus beau Chambre que aucun a
[*] "This is a more beautiful Cabinet than any in Chatstworth."
Gilbert Heathcote (son of S.rSir Gilb.tGilbert)
32 32 July 12o 1704
Marmaducus ffothergillFothergill (of Pontefract clerk)
O in Album CooptarsturCooptantur.[*] "Oh in the list are chosen."

July 14o 1704
Dum spiro spero[*] Latin Proverb: "While I breathe, I hope." (The Hon.bleHonourable) ThThomas Wentworth
of Wentworth Woodhouse

July the 14th 1704
amo la siconda amo la

RRobert Benson (now Lord Bing -

July the 14 1704
E Quovis ligno non fit Mercurius[*] Pythagoras or Horace: "Mercury is not to be fashioned from just any piece of wood.": W:mWilliam Wombwell
of Wombwell EsEsqueEsquire

John Stanhope omnia vincit amor[*] Virgil, Eclogues, X, line 69: "Love conquers all."
(of Horsforth EsEsqueEsquire)

Cavendo Tutus[*] "Safe through Caution." Motto of the Duke of Devonshire
WmWilliam Cavendish
7th Aug.t 1704.
(of. . . . Com:Commander Derb:Derbyshire Arm:Armiger)

Tandem bona Causa
[*] "The good cause triumphs in the end." Motto of Irvine, Scotland
Ja:James Fall. (DD
Præcenter at York)

Aug. 1704.

Cap.tCaptain Richard Beau=montBeaumont[*] NB. His name is not spelt wrong; he just inserted a double hyphen into it/
Feb: ye 14 1704[*] may probably be 1705, considering previous entries
(in Jamaica w.thwith Dr Sloane)
33 33 Nominis, anGliacæ Est herOs paRs altera,
Christo PAganos altera divUs aLit.
[*] "Of a name, the English are heros of the other part of the race: Christ feeds the other god Paganos." Unsure what this means. He signed his name using the capitals in this quote; eg. anGliacæ Est herOs, etc. spells out GEO...
George Paul CollCollegii Jes.Jesu Cantab.Cantabrigiensis Soc.Socius 9 Septer 1704
Dulces ante omnia Musæ.[*] From Virgil, Georgics, Book II, line 475
Sedula doctorū recitatrix Charta Virorum,
 Quos segete haud rarâ Terra Britanna tulit,
Quid Tibi nobiscum? quid me precor ordine Vulgi
 Detrahis, et ponis non regione mea?[*] this line and a half is from Henricus de Nova Villa, Da Guidoni, LVIII
Hoc unum referas de me quære n tibus olim,
 Nos tamen haud Domino displicuisse tuo.
[*] This poem is composed from different sources

Les sis dira[*] "The located will tell." Unsure of meaning.
John Middleton (of. . .
in NorthumberldNorthumberland KntKnight)

Sep: 1704

Bonorum laudes et congressus sibi accumulavit, cujus
Fama tam meritò pernota est
[*] "Of good praises and meetings accumulated to onself, of whose rumour is so learned with good reason."
Tho:Thomas Fairfax (junerjunior
of Mensington EsEsqueEsquire)

Jan: 20th 170⅘

Your Medals Choyce but yet theare
wants whats fine, the Stamp as
Que:th and Cuckold in on Coyn

Janr 20th 140⅘ Cap.tCaptain Jo:John Guest

Poulda o: de gardie la Raine
Jan:er ye 20
Abt:erAlbert Mullen Cornet
34 34 2d April 1705 Atque idem amor exitium est pecori
pecorisque Magistro.
[*] Virgil, Eclogues, Book III, line 101; "The same love is fatal to the herd and to the master of the herd."
W Flavill

10th of Aprill.
Vivitur Ingenio[*] "Genius lives on"; Phrase depicted with Andreas Vesalius' Fabrica
Hen:Henry Lodge (MA minerminister
of S.t Johns in Leedes)

May 1705.
Jam opus exegisexegi quod nec Jovis Ira nec
Ignis nec potuitpoterit Ferrum nec edax
Abolere Vetustas
[*] Ovid, Metamorphosis, Book XV, line 871-872: "And now my work is done, which neither the wrath of Jove, nor fire, nor sword, nor the gnawing tooth of time shall ever be able to undo."
Tho:Thomas Norton (the Poet)

Ad priora extendens[*] Could be from Philippians 3:13; "Reaching towards the past"
4t. July John Knaresbrough (Romish Priest)
35 35 Jul. 26. 1705. Prudens Simplicitas[*] Martial, Epigrams, X, 47, line 7: "Guilelessness not naive". Now translated as "prudent simplicity."
Tho.Thomas Cockman. Coll:Collegii Univ:Universitatis SocSocius OxonOxoniensis

July ye 31: 1705 omnia vincit amor[*] Virgil, Eclogues, Book X, line 69: "Love conquers all"
Will:William Stanley (of Cheshire EsEsqueEsquire)

August 7 1705
Utinam unus e vobis essem.[*] Misquotation of Phineas Fletcher, Sylva Poetica, XXIII, line 13--utinam ex vobis unus ... essem: "Were that I were one of you."
Gul.Gulielmus Hodgson ex Ade
Xti Alumnus oxon.Oxoniensis (MA)

Quid Juvat humanos sciere at evolvere Casus
Si facienda fugis et fugienda facis
[*] Distych from Epigrammata Disticha, Latomus to Sabellicus: "What profits the morality, / By you profoundly taught! / You do whatever you ought not, / And do not what you ought!"
Tho:Thomas Jackson
de Albury in ComComitatu Hertfordie

Apprendre et tenir[*] "To learn and to keep"
16 Aug.t 1705
Tho:Thomas Willoughby
(S.rSir Tho:Thomas Willoughby of Wollaton Bar.tBaronet now Baron Midleton)

Felix qui patrijs ævum transegit in agris
Ipsa Domus puerum quem vidit ipsa Senem
[*] Claudian, Short Poems, XX, line 1-2: "Happy he who has passed his whole life mid his own fields, he of whose birth and old age the same house is witness"
J Lloyd
36 36 9 October
mens sana in corpore sano[*] Juvenal, Satires, Satire X, line 356: "Sound mind in a sound body."
Hen:Henry Johnson
of York MD

citò, tutò et jucunde[*] "quickly, safely and pleasantly": motto of Asclepiades of Bithynia
JnoJohn Tomlinson
of Leedes MD.

—Rapido contrarius Orbi[*] Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book II, Line 73--"rapido contrarius evehor orbi": evehor is the verb for the subject not quoted here: "Contrary to the swift circuit of the universe"
Ed:Edward Rishton (clerk)
2d March 1708/9.[*] 8/9 is in fraction form, one above the other

Non nobis[*] "Not unto us": could be from Psalm 113:9
4 Decer 1705
Tho:Thomas Davison. (of Blakiston comitatu Durham EsEsqueEsquire)

Decem: 12/1705 Vivitur Ingenio[*] "Genius lives on": Phrase depicted with Andreas Vesalius' Fabrica
Roger Beckwith (of Aldborough
BartBaronet, high sheriffe of Yorkshire[*] He was High Sheriff of Yorkshire in 1706–1707

Decem: 12-: 1705
Quæ nos nonnon fecimus ipsi
vix ea nostra voco
/[*] Ovid, Metamorphoses, XIII, 140-141: "The deeds that others than ourselves have done, I call those in no true sense our own"
Chris:Christopher Wandesford of. . .
37 37 Decemb. 20. 1705.
Omne tulit Punctum[*] Horace, Ars Poetica, line 343: "He has won every vote"
Hen.Henry Fleming D.D. 20. 1705.
Non est Mortale quod opto.[*] a misquotation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book II, Line 56--"non est mortale quod optas": "Not for mortals is that thou askest."
Geo:George Fleming Arched.Archedeacon Carlist.Carlisle

Jan: 4:th 1705
Quid tibi fieri non vis, alteri nonne feceris[*] "Do not do to others what you do not want done to you": Quoted by Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan
Will:William Haward

Audentes fortuna juvat[*] Virgil, Æneid, Book X, line 284: "Fortune aids the daring"
War wagt der gewinnt[*] German Phrase: "Who dares, wins this."
Johan Eudnwig Gübnurr V.nVon Hamburg
@[*] figure in superscript14 Januarij 170⅚.

Jan: 26: 170⅚
NonNec sibi, sed toti genitum se creditocredere mundo.[*] Lucan, Pharsalia, Book II, line 383: "To believe that he was born to serve the whole world and not himself."
Barth:Bartholomew Cox
Scholarcha Scholæ de
38 38 Jan 26
Video, sed non Taceo[*] I see, but I am not silent"
Johannes Craister
Coll:Collegii Trin:Trinitatis Cantab:Cantabrigiensis Soc:Socius

Martij 28o
Quis Credere posset?[*] Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book XV, line, 613: "Who could believe it?"
Tho:Thomas Tatham
Vicar: de Almondbury

30 March 1706.
Dulces ante omnia Musæ[*] Virgil, Georgics, Book II, line 475: "The Muses, sweet beyond compare"
F. Barlow[*] Could be Edward Barlow, a correspondant of Thoresby's.

Dulce est antiquos exquirere Fontes.[*] Latin Proverb: "It is pleasant to seek out ancient fountains." Leonard Twells.
Coll.Collegii Jesu

F:Fieldan Dunn Minister of St. Mary's in Hull.
Non est mortale quod opto.[*] a misquotation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book II, Line 56--"non est mortale quod optas": "Not for mortals is that thou askest." April: 15:th 1706.

17 April 1706.
Video Meliora probo[*] Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book VII, line 20: "I see the better and approve it" EdwEdward Barnard EsEsqueEsquire Recorder of BevrleyBeverley
Deteriora SequarSequor[*] Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book VII, line 20 - a continuation of the previous quotation: "I follow the worse" EdwEdward Barnard junjunior

Je suis protestant originerement tant que je uiuray
Je seray fidelle amondieua mon dieu, je breulle de jolle pour
proqurer du secours a mais frere
[*] "I am a protestant originally as long as I live / I will be faithful to my God, I burn of joy for providing relief for my brother"
a: uril le 24: 1706
Gideon De Castelbrane
39 39 Nec temere nec
[*] Latin Phrase: “Neither rashly nor timidly”. Motto of Niels Juel Tho:Thomas Bury (one of theLord Chiefe Barons
of the Exchequer)[*] He was made a baron of the exchequer in 1701 and chief baron of the exchequer in 1716. It appears that Thoresby revised his annotation upon this promotion.
The BpBishop of Carlisle
had been here in ye forenoon
but his motto is before

Mar: 12th 1706

Multum in Parvo[*] Latin Phrase: "Much in Little" Tho:Thomas Ashhurst. (EsEsqueEsquire Com:Comitatu Lanc:Lancashire

s.r you haue Infynightly oblidged —
your humb server.

2.d aprill 1706/ Charles Banckes
(of Hamburgh Merch.tMerchant)

Optimj Consultores Mortui[*] "The Best Consultants are Dead." Phrase from an engraving on the title page of Basilius Valentinus' Commentarius in Currum triumphalem antimonii Basilii Valentini
Ap.r 6.o 1706 GGeorge Plaxton Rect.Rector di Birwick
in Elmet

J:Joseph Watkinson
Iuvat curiosa felicitas[*] Latin Proverb: "Luck aids the curious"
Coll:Collegii Mertonensis socius
      16 April 1706.

Superat variam Constantia Sortem[*] Latin Proverb: "Perseverance overcomes a different fate"
JJames Wilkinson Apr. 16. 1706.
Vic:Vicar de Stillingfleet.
& Coll:Collegii Eman:Emmanuelis Cant.Cantabrigiensis

Naturæ varietatem demonstrat industria[*] Latin Proverb: "Diligence reveals a difference of character"
16 April 1706. Gilbert: Cowper
e CollCollegii Jesu: Cant:Cantabrigiensis
40 40 Robert Plompton (of Plompton EsEsqueEsquire)
maij dei 24. omnia mea —
mecum porto
[*] Cicero, Paradoxa Stoicum, 1. 1. 8. "I carry all my belongings with me"
Ja:James Jones

Eadem die[*] Genesis 17:26: "That day" Richard Bartlett.

20 June 1706.[*] unclear whether this date belongs to above or below
Of net of niet[*] Dutch Proverb: "Whether just or not"
W:mWilliam Müller.
Seigdt batuvo

Mange dessous vn dais, dors dedans vn balustre
Sois fils de Mille Rois & petit fils des Dieux
Si tu n'as la vertu qui les mit dans les Cieux
Tu ne seras qu'vn sot illustre.
[*] Monsieur de Gomberville, La Doctrine des Mœurs, Figure 50: "Eat under a canopy, sleep in a baluster / Be a son of a Thousand Kings and a small son of Gods / If you do not have the virtue who put them in the Heavens / You will not be who a fool illustrates."
Anthonius Fabrot Nemausensis

Zum GedächnumGedächnis diesem Platz, Erlasse ich mein
Nahmen zum Schatz
[*] "In remembrance of this place, I leave my name as a token." Mneehiu Muiztry
suas futiutz, yib dhsus
in Muntzuigns

Per tot discrimina rerum
tendimus in LatiamLatium
[*] Virgil, Æneid, Book I, Lines 204-205: "Through countless hazards, we journey towards Latium" : PePeter Robinson
Rect.erRector de Grindon
in Comit.Comitatu Staffordie
Junij 29:o 1706:/
41 41 Medio Consistuit Virtus[*] Latin Phrase: "In the Middle Stands Strength"
Raphe Worsley

Trahit sua quemque Voluptas[*] Virgil, Eclogues, Book II, line 65: "Each is led by his Liking."
3 July 1706.
Hen:Henry Chorley
Læta res est Divina Providentia[*] "Divine Providence is a happy thing"
Ri:Richard Kirshaw DD Rector of Ripley

12 July 1706
Vivitur ex Rapto[*] Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book I, line 144: "Men lived on plunder"
Sam:Samuel Kirshaw Mercator Leod:Leodiensis

20 July 1706 Est Natura hominum Vovitatis
[*] Pliny the Elder, Historia Naturalis, XII, 5, 3: "So eager is human nature for a novelty."
Timo:Timothy Hodgson

Si christum noscis nihil est si cætera nescis[*] Distich of S. Werenfels
24 July 1706
Benj:Benjamin Bennet
of Newcastle VDM*

Obsequium amicos veritas odium parit.[*] Terence, Andrea, Act I, Scene I, Line 68: "Obsequiousness makes friends, the truth just makes you unpopular."
Tho:Thomas Chafin.

24:th July 1706 Hear Good and honor the gneew
Godfrey Haddon[*] little figure attached to his name of Leedes July 1706.
Non nova moliri, nisi formatis prioribus.[*] Misquotation of Tacitus, Annals, Book XII, Ch. 32: "ne nova moliretur nisi prioribus firmatis"-- "To attempt new conquests only when he had secured the old."
Cha.y Whitaker[*] Could be Charles.

Coll:Collegii Jes:Jesu
A.B. Virtutem amplectimuramplectitur ipsam
Præmia si tollas
[*] Juvenal, Satires, X, line 142: "If you would remove rewards" —— Tho:Thomas Croft (MA LecturrLecturer
at Fulham)

24 Aug.t 1706.
42 42 Met groot gshoegen g slure des antiquitesten my of Moind
Metveel be lecfohsd d oin de Eyginae vandit bath

Leeds 7 Augt 1706 Johannes Sheers
Amstelodammts[*] Latin name for Amsterdam is Amstelodamum

de werelt is eenspeel tonneel
Elk speelt zyn rol
En Kryght zyn Deel
[*] Joost van den Vondel, Wereld, poem in 1637 to mark the opening of the New Amsterdam Theatre: "The world is a stage play. Each plays his role and gets his share." Original: De weereld is een speel toneel. Elk speelt zyn rol en kryght zyn deel.: "The world is a stage, each plays his role and gets his share."
Leeds 7 Augto 1706 Fr Wraelman

finis coronat opus[*] Latin Phrase: "the end crowns the work"
Septer 21 1706
Jas:Jasper Blythman
EsEsqueEsquire Recordr of Leedes

Haclenus retro: gradien -
do progressi sumus
[*] "We have progressed thus far walking back."
——————— [*] May be a later addition

Ne bis Amicus Amico[*] "Not twice a friendly friend"
Chr:Christopher Driffeild EsEsqueEsquire Recorder of Rippon
Sep.t 21.o 1706

In publica Commoda Peccem
Si longo sermone Morer tua tempora
[*] Horace, Epistulae, Book II, Epistle I, lines 3-4: "I should sin against the public weal if with long talk, I were to delay your busy hours."
21 Septer 1706.
RichdRichard Wilson EsEsqueEsquire Elected Recorder of Leedes.

Video sed moliora sporomeliora spero.[*] "I see, but I hope for better."
24 Septer 1706 Char.Charles Johnston of PontfracttPontefract MD.
43 43 Veni, vidi, mirrormiror.[*] I came, I saw, I was amazed."
27th Sept.b 1706
Will:William Thornton[*] ornamentation at the end of his name Kn.tKnight
of Kirk-Deighton

Indefessus agendo.[*] motto of William Blue, the Dutch mapmaker
27 Septer Johannes Froggott Rector of Kirk Deighton

Dum vigilo vivo[*] "As long as I am awake, I live"
W.m:William Calverley/ of Leedes Gent.tGentleman

vix satis est, ohe![*] "it is hardly enough, hey!"
16 Octob: Johannes Plaxton e Coll:Collegii Linc:Lincolnensis Oxōn:Oxoniensis

ImprimisIn primis venerare Deos[*] Virgil, Georgics, Book I, line 338: "Above all, worship the gods."
Johannes Copley Rec:Rector de Emley
xber 6.

William Strickland EsEsqueEsquire Jan.ry 1706/7.[*] 6/7 is a fraction
Vivent les belles.[*] "The beautiful [things] live."

28 Jan:
Fortes fortuna juvat[*] Pliny the Younger, Vesuvian Letters, 6.16.11: "Fortune stands by the courageous." WmWilliam Robinson
E Coll:Collegii Univ:Universitatis OxonOxoniensis

28 Jan??
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi[*] Phrase used at Papal coronations from the 15th century until 1963: "Thus passes the glory of the world."
Sam.lSamuel Stopford