Nicholas Breton Bibliography



Breton Biography

Breton Text


Primary Sources

Works by Nicholas Breton

The workes of a young wyt, trust up with a fardell of pretie fancies, profitable to young poetes, prejudicial to no man, and pleasaunt to every man ... Whereunto is joyned an odde kynde of wooing, with a banquet of comfettes, to make an ende withall. London, 1577.

A Floorish upon Fancie. As gallant a Glose, upon so trifling a text as ever, was written. Compiled by N. B. Gent. To which are anuexed The Toyes of an Idle head: Containing, many pretie Pamphlets, for pleasaunt heads to passe away Idle time withall. By the same Authour. London, 1582.

Brittons Bowre of Delights. London, 1591.

The Pilgrimage to Paradise, joyned with the Countesse of Penbrookes love, compiled in verse. Oxford, 1592.
Greenes Funeralls
. London, 1594.

The Arbor of Amorous Devices. London, 1597.

Auspicante Jehoua. Maries Exercise. London, 1597.

The Wil of Wit, Wits Will, or Wils Wit, chuse you whether. London, 1599.

Melancholike humours, in verses of diverse natures. London, 1600.

Pasquils mad-cap, and Pasquil's fooles-cap. London, 1600.

A Divine Poeme, divided into two Partes: The Ravisht Soule, and the Blessed Weeper. London, 1601.

An Excellent Poeme, upon the longing of a blessed heart: which loathing the world, doth long to be with Christ. With an addition, upon the definition of love. London, 1601.

The soules heavenly exercise set down in diverse godly meditations, both prose and verse. London, 1601.

No whippinge, nor trippinge: but a kinde friendly Snippinge. London, 1601.

The Mother's Blessing. London, 1602.

Olde Mad-cappes new Gally-mawfrey. Made into a merrie messe of minglemangle out of these three idle conceited humours following. 1. I will not. 2. Oh, the merrie time. 3. Out upon money. London, 1602.

The Soules Harmony. London, 1602.

Wonders Worth the Hearing, etc. London, 1602.

A Dialogue full of pithe and pleasure: between three Phylosophers: Antonio, Meandro, and Dinarco: upon the dignitie, or indignitie of man. Partly translated out of Italian, and partly set downe by way of observation. London, 1603.

A Merrie Dialogue betwixt the Taker and Mistaker. London, 1603.

Grimmellos Fortunes, with his Entertainment in his travaile. A discourse full of pleasure. London, 1604.

Honest Counsaile. A Merrie fitte of a Poeticall Furie: Good to read, better to follow. London, 1605.

The honour of valour. London, 1605.

An Olde Mans Lesson, and: a Young Mans Love. London, 1605.

The Soules immortall crowne consisting of seaven glorious graces . . . Devided into Seaven dayes Workes. London, 1605.

Choice, Chance and Change: or, Conceites in their colours. London, 1606.

A Murmurer. (Against murmurers, and murmuring.). London, 1607.

Wits private Wealth. Stored with choise commodities to content the minde. London, 1607.

Divine Considerations of the Soule, concerning the excellencie of God, and the vilenesse of man, etc. London, 1608.

A Poste with a Packet of Madde Letters. The fourth time enlarged. London, 1609.

I Would, and would not. London, 1614.

Characters upon Essaies Morall, and Divine written for those good spirits that will take them in good part, and make use of them to good purpose. London, 1615.

Crossing of Proverbs. The second parts. With certaine brief questions and answeres. London, 1616. Reprinted with corrections in 1650.

The Good and the Badde, or, Descriptions of the Worthies, and Unworthies of this Age. Where the best may see their graces and the worst discerne their basenesse. London, 1616.

The shepheards delight. To the tune of Frog Galiard. London, 1617.

Machivells Dogge. London, 1617.

Conceyted Letters, newly layde open: or a Most excellent bundle of new wit, wherin is knit up together all the perfections or arte of Episteling, etc. London, 1618.

The Passion of a Discontented Mind. London, 1621.

Strange Newes out of divers Countries, never discovered till of late, by a strange Pilgrime in those parts. London, 1622.

A Solemne Passion of the Soules Love. London, 1623.

Fantasticks: serving for a perpetuale Prognostication, etc. London, 1626.

Wits Private Wealth. Stored with choise of commodities to content the minde. London, ?

England's selected characters, describing the good and bad worthies of this age, etc. London, 1643.


Editions and Anthologies

The Arbor of Amorous Devices, 1597. Ed. Hyder Edward Rollins. Huntington Library Publications. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1936.

Books of Characters. Ed. J.O. Halliwell-Phillips. London: J. E. Adlard, 1857. Contains excerpts from Fantasticks.

A Bower of Delights; Being Interwoven Verse and Prose from the Works of Nicholas Breton: the Weaver. Ed. Alexander B. Grosart. Elliot Stock: London, 1893.

Breton's Praise of Virtuous Ladies. [A Discourse from “The Wil of Wit”]. Ed. Sir Egerton Brydges. Lee Priory, 1815.

Brittons Bowre of Delights, 1591. Ed. Hyder Edward Rollins. Huntington Library Publications. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1933.

Characters Upon Essays, Moral and Divine ... From the Edition of 1615. And The Good and the Bad ... From the Edition of 1616. London: Longman, 1815.

Choice, Chance and Change, 1606, or Glimpses of Merry England in the Olden Time. [By N. Breton?] Ed. Alexander B. Grosart. Manchester: C. E. Simms, 1881.

The Court and Country, or, a Briefe Discourse Dialoguewise Set Downe Betweene a Courtier and a Country-man. Contayning the Manner and Condition of Their Lives, with Many Delectable and Pithy Sayings Worthy of Observation. Also, Necessary Notes for a Courtier. [London],1868.

A Divine Centurie of Spirituall Sonnets. Heliconia. Vol. 2. Ed. Thomas Park. 1815.

An Excellent Poeme, Upon the Longing of a Blessed Heart: Which Loathing the World, Doth Long to be with Christ. With an addition, Upon the Definition of Love. Breton's Longing of a Blessed Heart, etc. Ed. Sir Egerton Brydges. Lee Priory, 1814.

The Good and the Badde. The English Experience 853. Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1977.

A Mad World My Masters, and Other Prose Works. Ed. Ursula Kentish-Wright. London: Cresset Press,1929.

Melancholike Humours, in Verses of Diverse Natures. Pref. Sir Egerton Brydges. Lee Priory, 1815.

Melancholike Humours. Ed. G.B. Harrison. Elizabethan Gallery 2. London: Scholartis Press, 1929.

Nicholas Breton, Pastoral Poems; George Wither, Selected Poetry; William Browne of Tavistock, Pastoral Poetry. Pref. W. B. Kempling. Hull: J. R. Tutin, 1906.

No Whippinge, Nor Trippinge: but a Kinde Friendly Snippinge. Pref. Charles Edmonds. London: Elkin Mathews, 1895.

The Passionate Shepheard. Ed. Frederic Ouvry. London, 1877.

Pasquils Mad-Cap, and Pasquils Foolescap. The English Experience 200. Amsterdam: Teatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1969.

Poems, Chiefly Lyrical: From Romances and Prose Tracts of the Elizabethan Age: With Chosen Poems of Nicholas Breton. Ed. A.H. Bullen. London: J.C Nimmo, 1890.

Poems Not Hitherto Reprinted. Ed. Jean Robertson. Liverpool English Texts and Studies. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1952.

A Smale Handfull of Fragrant Flowers, And a Flourish upon Fancie, To which are annexed The Toyes of an Idle Head. Longman & Co.: London, 1815. From1582 edition.

The Twelve Moneths. Ed. Brian Rhys. Golden Cockerel Press: Waltham St. Lawrence, 1927. Excerpts from Fantasticks.

Two Pamphlets of Nicholas Breton. Grimellos Fortunes, 1604. An Olde Mans Lesson, 1605. Ed. E. G. Morice. Bristol, 1936.

The Wil of Wit, Wits Will, or Wils Wit, Chuse you Whether. Containing Five Discourses, the Effects Whereof Follow. Ed. J. O. Halliwell-Phillips. London: Thomas Richards, 1860. Reprinted from the rare edition of 1599

The Whipper Pamphlets. Ed. A. Davenport. Liverpool reprints 5-6. Liverpool: University Press of Liverpool, 1951.

The Works in Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton. Ed. Alexander B. Grosart. Edinburgh, 1879. Rept. Anglistica & Americana. Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1969.


Secondary Sources

Bullen, A. H. Elizabethans. Great Neck: Core Collection Books, 1924.

Crupi, Charles. "The Date of Breton's Mavillia." Notes-and-Queries 16 (1969): 27-28.

Cutts, John P. "An Entertainment for Queen Elizabeth, 1591." Studies-in-Medieval-Culture 4 (1974): 554-60.

Doughtie,Edward. "Nicholas Breton and Two Songs by Dowland." Renaissance-News17 (1964) : 1-3.

Harmon, Elson T. A Study of the Religious Works of Nicholas Breton. Diss. Duke University. Ann Arbou: UMI, 1974. AAT 7407540.

Howlett,Timothy R. "A Critical Edition of Part I of Nicholas Breton's A Poste with a Madde Packet of Letters."
Diss. Northern Illinois University, 1972.

Howlett, T. R. "Nicholas Breton: A Note on Revised 'Wing'." Notes-and-Queries. 21(1974): 411-12.

Magnusson, A. Lynne. "Nicholas Breton Reads Jane Anger." Renaissance Studies 7 (1993):291-300.

Neilson, James. “Nicholas Breton.” Dictionary of Literary Biography. 2nd Series. Vol. 136. Sixteenth-Century British Nondramatic Writers. Ed. David Richardson. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994. 31-38.

Pritchard, R.E. Shakespeare’s England: Life in Elizabethan and Jacobean Times. Stroud: Sutton, 1999.

Ringler,-William-A,-Jr. "Bishop Percy's Quarto Manuscript (British Museum MS. Additional 34064) and Nicholas Breton." Philological-Quarterly 54 (1975): 26-39.

Shakeshaft, Mary. “Nicholas Breton’s ‘The Passion of a Discontented Mind’: Some New Problems.” Studies in English Literature 5 (1965): 165-174.

Trill, Suzanne. "Engendering Penitence: Nicholas Breton and 'the Countesse of Penbrooke.'" Voicing Women: Gender and Sexuality in Early Modern Writing. Ed. Kate Chedgzoy, Melanie Hansen, and SuzanneTrill. Pittsburgh, PA : Duquesne UP, 1997. 25-44.

Tannenbaum, Samuel Aaron, and Dorothy (Rosenzweig). Elizabethan Bibliographies. Port Washington: Kennikat Press, 1967.


Breton Text