Abraham Fleming Bibliography




Primary Sources

Works by Fleming

A Panoplie of Epistles, Or, a looking Glasse for the unlearned. Conteyning perfecte plattforme of inditing letters of all sorts, to persons of al estates and degrees, as well our superiours, as also our equalls and inferiours: used of the best and the eloquentest Rhetoricians that have lived in all ages, and have beene famous in that facultie. London, 1576. Compiled and translated in parts by Fleming.

A straunge, and terrible Wunder wrought very late in the parish church of Bongay, a Town of no great distance from the citie of Norwich, namely the fourth of this August, in ye yeere of our Lord 1577. In a great tempest of violent raine, lightning, and thunder, the like wherof hath been seldome seene. With the appeerance of an horrible shaped thing, sensibly perceived of the people then and there assembled. Drawen into a plaine method according to the written copy. London, 1577.

The Footepath of Faith, leading the Highwaie to Heaven. Wherunto is annexed the Bridge to blessednes. London, 1578. Earliest extant copy, London, 1581.

The Conduit of Comfort. Containing sundrie comfortable Prayers, to the strengthening of the faith of a weak Christian. London, 1579.

A Memoriall of the famous monuments and charitable almesdeedes of the Right worshipfull Maister William Lambe Esquire, somtime Gentleman of the Chappell, in the reigne of the most renowned King Henrie the eight, &c. And late Citizen of London, and free of the Right worshipfull companie of Clothworkers: deceased the 21. Of April. An. 1580. London, 1580.

An Epitaph, or funerall inscription, upon godlie life and death of the Right worshipfull Maister William Lambe Esquire, Founder of the new Conduit of Holborne, &c. Deceased the one and twentith of April, and intumbed in S. Faiths Church under Powles, the sixt of Maie next and immediatly following. Anno. 1580. London, 1580.

The Diamond of devotion, Cut and squared into sixe severall points: Namelie, 1. The Footpath to Felicitie. 2. A Guide to Godlines. 3. The Schoole of Skill. 4. A Swarme of Bees. 5. A Plant of Pleasure. 6. A Grove of Graces. Full of manie fruitfull lessons, availeable to the leading of a godlie and reformed life. London, 1581.

Works by Others to Which Fleming Contributed

Aelianus, Claudius. A Registre Of Hystories conteining Martiall exploits of worthy warriours, Politique practises of Civil Magistrates, wise Sentences of famous Philosophers, And other matters manifolde and memorable. Written in Greeke by Aelianus a Romane: and delivered in Englishe (as well, according to the truth of the Greeke text, as of the Latine) by Abraham Fleming. London, 1576.

Autpertus, Ambrosius. A Monomachie of Motives in the mind of man: Or aBattell betweene Vertues and Vices of contrarie qualitie. Wherein the imperfections and weaknesses of Nature appeare so naked, that anie reasonable soule may soone see by what spirit he is lead: Hereunto also, besides sundrie devout praiers necessarilie interlaced, divers golden sentences of S. Barnard are annexed: and also a briefe conclusion of his upon this Theame, that Victorie is obtained by resisting temptation. Newlie englished by Abraham Fleming. London, 1582. Compiled and translated, with additions, by Fleming.

Baret, John. “In Barretti Aluearium repurgatum.” An Alvearie Or Quardruple Dictionarie, containing foure sundrie tongues: namelie, English, Latine, Greeke, and French. Newlie enriched with varietie of Wordes, Phrases, Proverbs, and divers lightsome observations of Grammar. London, 1580. Edited, with an index, by Fleming.

Caius, John. Of Englishe Dogges, the diversities, the names, the natures, and the properties. A Short Treatise written in latine by Johannes Caius of late memorie, Doctor of Phisicke in the Universitie of Cambridge; And newly drawne into Englishe by Abraham Fleming Student. London, 1576.

Calvin, John. The Sermons of M. John Calvin Upon The Fifth Booke of Moses called Deuteronomie: Faithfully gathered word for word as he preached them in open Pulpet; Together with a preface of the Minsters of the Church of Geneva, and an admonishment made by the Deacons there. Also there are annexed two profitable Tables, the one containing the chiefe matters; the other the places of Scripture herein alleged. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding. London, 1583. Edited, with an index, by Fleming.

Cancellar, James. The Alphabet of Praiers, Verie fruitfull to be exercised and used of everie Christian. Newlie drawne, into no lesse direct an order than aptlie agreeth with the name. London, 1591.

Cooper, Thomas. Certaine Sermons wherin is contained the Defense of the Gospell nowe preached, against such Cauils and false accusations, as are obiected both against the Doctrine it selfe, and the Preachers and Professors thereof, by the friendes and favourers of the Church of Rome. Preached of late by Thomas by Gods sufferance Byshop of Lincolne. London, 1580. Edited, with an index, by Fleming.

Cope, Michael. A Godly and learned Exposition uppon the Proverbes of Solomon: Written in French by Maister Michael Cope, Minister of the woorde of God, at Geneva: And translated into English by M. O. London, 1580. Translated by Marcelline Outred; edited, with an index, by Fleming.

Foxe, John. Eicasmi Sev Meditationes, In Sacram Apocalypsin. Authore Jo. Foxo Anglo. London, 1587. Edited, with an index, by Fleming.

Ellis, Thomas. “A rythme decasyllabicall, comparative, and congratulatorie.” A true report of the third and last voyage into Meta incognita: atchieved by the worthie Capteine, M. Martine Frobisher Esquire. Anno. 1578. London, 1578.

Gascoigne, George. “The pleasant tale of Hemetes the Heremite, pronounced before the Queenes Majestie 1575.” Synesius Encomium calvitii. London, 1597. “Newly recognised both in Latine and Englishe by the said A. F.”

Hemmingsen, Niels. The Epistle Of The Blessed Apostle Saint Paule, which he, in the time of his trouble and imprisonment, sent in writing from Rome to the Ephesians. Faithfullie Expounded, Both For the benefite of the learned and unlearned, by Nicholas Hemming, Professor of Divnitie in the Universitie of Coppenhagen in Denmarke. Familiarlie Translated out of Laatine into English, by Abraham Fleming. Herein Are Handled The high mysteries of our salvation, as maie appeare by the Table of common places necessarilie annexed by the same A. F. Perused and authorized. London, 1580. Edited and translated in parts, with an index, by Fleming.

Holinshed, Raphael, & others. The First and second volumes of Chronicles, comprising 1 The description and historie of England, 2 The description and historie of Ireland, 3 The description and historie of Scotland: First collected and published by Raphaell Holinshed, William Harrison, and others: Now newly augmented and continued (with manifold matters of singular note and worthie memorie) to the yeare 1586. by John Hooker aliàs Vowell Gent. and others. With convenient tables at the end of these volumes. London, 1587. Edited, with indexes and additions, by Fleming and others.

Hooper, John. Certeine comfortable Expositions of the constant Martyr of Christ, M. John Hooper, Bishop of Glocester and Worcester, written in the time of his tribulation and imprisonment, upon the XXIII. LXII. LXXIII. and LXXVII. Psalmes of the Prophet David. Newly recognised, and never before published. London, 1580. Edited, with an address to the reader, by Fleming.

Hutchins, Edward. Davids Sling against great Goliah: Conteining divers notable Treatises, the names whereof follow next after the Epistle to the Reader. London, 1581. Edited by Fleming.

Junius, Adrian. “Ad studiosos Abrahami Flemingi," in The Nomenclator, or Remembrance of Adrianus Junius Physician, divided in two Tomes, conteining proper names and apt termes for all thinges under their convenient Titles, which within a few leaves doe follow: Written by the said Ad.Junius in Latine, Greeke, French and other forrein tongues: and now in English, by Iohn Higins: With a full supplie of all such words as the last inlarged edition affoorded; and a dictional Index, conteining above fourteene hundred principall words with their numbers directlly leading to their interpretations: Of special use for all scholars and learners of the same languages. London, 1585. Edited, with an index, by Fleming.

Kendall, Timothe. Flowers Of Epigrammes, Out of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie. London, 1577. Contains a dedicatory poem by Fleming, “Abraham Fleminge upon T. K. his translated Eipgrammes.”

Knox, John. A Fort for the afflicted. Wherin are ministred many notable & excellent remedies against the stormes of tribulation. Written chiefly for the comforte of Christes little flocke, which is the smal number of the Faithfull, by John Knox. London, 1580. Edited, with an address to the reader, by Fleming.

Murel, Guillaume. Verborum Latinorum Cum Graecis Anglicisque Conivnctorum, locupletissimi Commentarij: Ad Elaboratum Gvilielmi Morelli Parisiensis, Regij in Graecis Typographi Archetypum accuratissimè excusi, Novaque Vocum Passim Insertarum Accessione adaucti, ut stellulae, quae singulis lucent paginis, indicabunt. Consultis, Praeter Ditissima Aliorum Dictionaria, viuis etiam nonnullorum doctorum vocibus, quò Anglica versio perspicua magis sit, fructiosiorq. ad communem studiosorum usum emanet. Qvid Vtilitatis In His Commentariis Contineatur, quaequa conscribendi eos ratio à primo authore inita sit, ex ipsius Morelii praefatione studiosi facillimè percipient. London, 1583. Contains "In Uberrimos nec non utilissimos Guilielmi Morelij verborum Commentatios Latinograecos, Anglica nomenclatura locupletatos; Abrahami Flemingi Londinigenae ad juventutem studiosam carmen encomiasticon & paraeneticon,” by Fleming. Edited by Fleming.

Nausea, Frederick. A Bright Burning Beacon, forewarning all wise Virgins to trim their lampes against the coming of the Bridegroome. Conteining A generall doctrine of sundrie signes and wonders, specially Earthquakes both particular and generall: A discourse of the end of this world: A commemoration of our late Earthquake, the 6. of April, about 6. of the clocke in the evening 1580. And a praier for the appeasing of Gods wrath and indignation. Newly translated and collected by Abraham Fleming. The summe of the whole booke followeth in fit place orderly divided into Chapters. London, 1580.

———. Of all blasing starrs in generall, as well supernaturall as naturall, to what countrie or people for ever they appeare in the world universall. The judgement of the right reverend Frederick Nause, Bishop of Vienna. Written and dedicated to the most high and puisaunt Emperour Ferdinand. Translated out of Latine into English, by Abraham Fleming. London, 1577. Republished as A Treatise of Blazing Starres In Generall. As well supernaturall as naturall: To what countries or people soever they appeare in the spacious world. London, 1618.

Philips van Marnix van sant Aldegonde (Isaac Rabbotenu). The Beehive of the Romishe Churche. A worke of al good Catholikes too bee read and most necessary to bee understood. Wherein both the Catholike Religion is substantially confirmed, and the Heretikes finely fetcht over the coales. Translated out of Dutch into English by George Gilpin the Elder. Newly Imprinted with a table thereunto annexed. London, 1580. Edited, with indexes, by Fleming and John Stell.

Savonarola, Girolamo. A Pithie Exposition upon the. 51. Psalme intituled, Miserere mei Deus, &c. Also a godly meditation upon the. 31. Psalme, intituled, In te Domine speraui. Written by Hierome of Ferrarie: And now newly augmented and amended, by Abraham Fleming. London, 1578.

Scot, Reginald. The discoverie of witchcraft, Wherein the lewde dealing of witches and witchmongers is notablie detected, the knaverie of coniurors, the impietie of inchantors, the follie of soothsaiers, the impudent falshood of cousenors, the infidelitie of atheists, the pestilent practises of Pythonists, the curiositie of figurecasters, the vanitie of dreamers, the beggerlie art of Alcumystrie, The abhomination of idolatrie, the horrible art of poisoning, the vertue and power of naturall magike, and all the conveiances of Legierdemaine and juggling are deciphered: and many other things opened, which have long lien hidden, howbeit verie necessarie to be knowne. Heereunto is added a treatise upon the nature and substance of spirits and divels, &c: all latelie written by Reginald Scot Esquire. London, 1584. Includes Fleming's translations of verses by classical authors.

Settle Dionyse “A Rythme Decasyllabicall, upon this last luckie voyage of worthie Capteine Frobisher. 1577,” A true reporte of the laste voyage into the West and Northwest regions, &c. 1577. Worthily atchieved by Capteine Frobisher of the sayde voyage the first finder and Generall. With a description of the people there inhabiting, and other circumstances notable. London, 1577.

Palingenius, Marcellus. "Solertia: non Socordia," in The Zodiake of Life, written by the excellent and Christian Poet, Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus. Wherein are conteined twelve severall labours, painting out moste lively, the whole compasse of the world, the reformation of manners, the miseries of mankinde, the pathway to vertue and vice, the eternitie of the Soule, the course of the Heavens, the mysteries of nature, and divers other circÈstances of great learning, and no lesse judgement. Translated out of Latine into Englishe, By Barnabie Googe and by him newly recognished. Probitas laudatur & alget. Hereunto is annexed (for the Readers aduantage) a large Table, as well of wordes as of matters mentioned in this whole worke. London, 1576. With an index possibly by Fleming.

Synesius. A Paradoxe, Proving by reason and example, that Baldnesse is much better than bushie haire, &c. Written by that excellent Philosopher Synesius, Bishop of Thebes, or (as some say) Cyren. A Prettie pamplet, to peruse, and replenished with recreation. Englished by Abraham Fleming. Hereunto is annexed the pleasant tale of Hemetes the Heremite, pronounced before the Queenes Maiestie. Newly recognised both in Latine and English, by the said A. F. London, 1579. Translated, with an address to the reader, by Fleming.

Vermigli, Pietro Martire. The Common Places of the most famous and renowmed Divine Doctor Peter Martyr, divided into foure principall parts: with a large addition of manie theologicall and necessarie discourses, some never extant before. Translated and partlie gathered by Anthonie Marron, one of the Sewers of hir Maiesties most Honourable Chamber. London, 1583. Translated by Anthonie Marren; edited, with index, by Fleming.

Veron, Jean. A Dictionarie in Latine and English, heretofore set forth by Master John Veron, and now newlie corrected and enlarged, For the utilitie and profit of all yoong students in the Latine toong, as by further search therein they shall find: By R. W. London, 1584. Edited, with additions, by Fleming.

Virgil. The Bucolikes of Publius Virgilius Maro, with Alphabeticall annotations upon proper nams of Gods, Goddesses, men, women, hilles, floudes, cities, townes, and villages &c. orderly placed in the margent. Drawne into plaine and familiar Englishe, verse for verse by Abraham Fleming. Student. London, 1575.

Whetston, George. The Rocke ofRegard, divided into foure parts. The first, the Castle of delight: Wherin is reported, the wretched end of wanton and dissolute living. The second, the Garden of Unthriftinesse: Wherein are many sweete flowers (or rather fancies) of honest love. The thirde, the Arbour of Vertue: Wherein slaunder is highly punished, and vertuous Ladies and Gentlewomen, worthily commended. The fourth, the Ortchard of Repentance: Wherein are discoursed, the miseries that followe dicing, the miseries of quareling, the fall of prodigalitie: and the souden overthrowe of foure notable cousners, with divers other morall, natural, & tragical discourses, documents and admonitions: being all the invention, collection and translation of George Whetstone Gent. London, 1576. Contains a dedicatory poem by Fleming, “Abraham uppon G. Whetstons worke.”

Withals, John. A Shorte Dictionarie in Latine and English, verie profitable for yong beginners. Compiled at the first by John Withals: afterwards revised and increased with Phrases and necessarie additions by Lewis Evans. And nowe lastlie augmented with more than six hundred rythmical verses, wherof many be proverbial, some heretofore found in old authours, and othersome never before this time seene or read in the Latine tongue, as having their originall grace in English: Newlie done by Abraham Fleming. London, 1584. Republished as A Dictionarie in English and Latine for Children, and yong beginners. Ed. William Clerk. London, 1602.

Wittewronghelus, Jacobus. De vera Christiani hominis fide, Dialogus elegantissimus et utilissimus Jacobe Wittewronghelo authore. Hue accessit, praeter annotationes marginales praecipuas doctrinas indicantes oratio pia et luculenta, quae ipsam totius operis hypothesin breviusculis quibusdam petitionibus complectiture per Abrahamum Flemingum Londinigenum. London, 1581. Edited and annotated by Fleming; translated by Fleming and Arthur Golding as Concerning the true Beleefe of a Christian man, a most excellent and profitable Dialogue, London, 1582.

Editions of Fleming’s Work

A straunge and terrible Wunder, wrought very late in the parish church of Bongay. London, 1820.

The Diamond of Devotion [excerpts]. Select Poetry Chiefly Devotional of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Ed. Edward Farr, 2 vols.. Cambridge, 1845.

Some Account of William Lambe, Citizen and Clothworker, 1568; Master, 1569, Born 1495, Died 1580. London, 1875.

“An Epitaph, or Funerall Inscription, Upon Godlie Life and Death of the Right Worshipfull Maister William Lambe Esquire.” Ballads & Broadsides Chiefly of the Elizabethan Period and Printed in Black-Letter. Ed. Herbert L. Collman. Oxford, 1912. 136-138.

Editions of Works to Which Fleming Contributed

“A Rythme Decasyllabicall, upon this last luckie voyage of worthie Capteine Frobisher. 1577.” Restituta; or Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature. Ed. Sir Egerton Brydges. London, 1814-1816.

Caius, John. Of Englishe dogges, the diversities, the names, the natures, and the properties. A short treatise written in Latine. London, 1880.

———. Of Englishe dogges, the diverities, the names, the natures, and the properties. In An English Garner. Ed. Edward Arber. 8 vols. London, 1877-1897. Enlarged to 12 vols.. Westminster, U.K.: Constable, 1903-1904

——— Of English dogges: tr. by Abraham Fleming (1576), in The Works of John Caius, M.D., second founder of Gonville and Caius college and master of the college, 1559-1573. With a memoir of his life by John Venn . . . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1912.

———. Of Englishe dogges. The English Experience 110. Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum / New York: Da Capo Press, 1969.

Fleming, Abraham. "Abraham Fleming uppon G. Whetstons worke." Illustrations of Early English Poetry. Ed. J. P. Collier, 5 Vols. London, 1866-1870. pp. xi-xii.

———. "To the religious reader," in The Works of John Knox. Ed. David Laing. 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1846-1864.

Holinshed, Raphael. The Scottish Chronicle or, a complete history and description of Scotland, etc. 2 vols. Arbroath, U.K, 1805.

———. Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 6 vols. London, 1807-1808.

Kendall, Timothe. "Abraham Fleminge upon T. K. his translated Eipgrammes," in Flowers Of Epigrammes by Timothe Kendall. Publications of the Spenser Society 15. Manchester, 1874. 13-14.

Palingenius, Marcellus. The Zodiake of Life. Ed. Rosemond Tuve. New York: Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, 1947.

Scot, Reginald. The Discoverie of Witchcraft by Reginald Scot, Esquire, Being a Reprint of the First Edition Published in 1584. Ed. Brinsley Nicholson. London, 1886.

———. The Discoverie of Witchcraft by Reginald Scot. Ed. Montague Summers. London: John Rodker, 1930.

Settle, Dionyse. A true reporte of the laste voyage into the West and Nothwest regions, &c. 1577. Providence, R.I, 1868.

———. A true reporte of the laste voyage into the West and Northwest regions, &c. 1577 and Thomas Ellis, A True Report of the Third and Last Voyage into Meta Incognita, in The Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher., 2 vols. Ed. Vilhjalmur Stefansson, London: Argonaut, 1938.


Secondary Sources

Brace, Patricia. "Abraham Fleming." Dictionary of Literary Biography. First Series Volume 236. British Rhetoricians and Logicians, 1500-1660. Ed. Edward A. Malone. Detroit: Gale Research, 2001. 126-139.

Cooper, Charles Henry, and Thompson Cooper. "Abraham Fleming." Athenae Cantabrigienses. Vol. 2. Cambridge: Deighton, Bell & Macmillan, 1858-1913. p. 459-464.

Dodson, Sarah C. "Abraham Fleming, Writer and Editor." University of Texas Studies in English 34 (1955): 51-66.

Donno, Elizabeth Story. "Abraham Fleming, A Learned Corrector in 1586-87." Studies in Bibliography 42 (1989): 200-211.

Miller, William C. "Abraham Fleming, Elizabethan Man of Letters: A Biographical and Critical Study." Diss. University of Pennsylvania, 1957.

Miller, William E. "Abraham Fleming: Editor of Shakespeare's Holinshed." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 1 (1959-60): 89-100.

Peck, Francis. Desiderata Curiosa. Vol. 1, Bk. 6. London: James Bettenham, 1735. 49-56.

Stockard, Emily E. "Raphael Holinshed." Dictionary of Literary Biography. Third Series. Vol. 167. Sixteenth-Century British Nondramatic Writers. Ed. David Richardson. Detroit: Gale Research, 2001. 94-101

Taufer, Alison. "The 'Historie of England.'" Holinshed's Chronicles. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1999. 21-53.

Wootton, David. “Reginald Scot/Abraham Fleming/The Family of Love.” Languages of Witchcraft: Narrative, Ideology and Meaning in Early Modern Culture. Ed. Stuart Clark. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000. 119-39.


Fleming Biography

Fleming Text