MESA seafarer_07 The Seafarer: A Revised Hypertext Edition The Seafarer University of Saskatchewan Digital Research Centre Anonymous Owen, Corey Bath, Jon Dase, Kyle Manuscript Literature Manuscript Studies Poetry TRUE FALSE TRUE English No later than 975, 09uu,0975 Uncertain

The Seafarer in Manuscript

The Seafarer is extant only in this manuscript, Exeter Cathedral Library MS 3501, more commonly known as The Exeter Book.

Textual Communities, the Tool that allows for dynamic viewing of the manuscript, is currently in a transition phase. For the moment we can only offer the images and transcription in a basic format. The new format will be ready before the end of February 2016.

These high resolution images were kindly contributed to the project by Professor Bernard Muir of the University of Melbourne

MÆG ic beme selfum soð gied wrecan siþas secgan huic geswinc dagum earfoð hwile oft þrowade bitre breost ceare gebiden hæbbe gecunnad in ceole cear selda fela atol yþa gewealc þær mec oft bigeat nearo niht wacoætnacan scefnan þōonn hebe clifum cnossað calde geþrungen wæron mine fet forste gebunden caldūum clommūum þærþa ceare seofedun hat ymb heortan hungor innan slat mere werges mod þæt se mon newat þe him onfoldan fægrost limpeð huic earm cearig iscealdne winter wunade wræccan lastum wine mægum bidroren bihongen hrim gicelum hægl scurum fleag þær ic ne gehyrde butan hlimman iscaldne wæg hwilūum ylfete song. dyde ic me to gomene ganetes hleoþor ond huilpan sweg fore hleahtor wera æw singende fore medo drince scormas þær stan clifu beotan þær him stearn oncwæð isig feþera ful oft þæt earn bigeal urig feþra nænig hleo mæga ea sceaftig ferð feran meahte forþon him gelsfeð lyt seþe ah lifes wyn gebiden inburgūum bealo siþa hwon wlonc ond win gal huic werig oft In brim lade bidan sceolde nap niht scua norþan sniwde hrim hrusan bond hægl feol on eorþan corna caldast forþon cnessað nu heortan geþohtas þæt ic hean

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ær his tid geto tweon weorþeð adl oþþe yldooþþe ecghete fægum from weardumfe1orh þringeð forþon þæt eorla gehwamæfter cweþendra loflifgendra•last worda betst þæt he gewyrceærhe onweg scyle fremman onfoldanwið feonda niþ deorum dædumdeofle togeanes þæt hine ælda bearnæfter hergen ond his lof siþþanlifge mid englum awa to ealdreecan lifes blæd• dream mid dugeþumdagas sind gewitene ealle onmedlaneorþan rices nearon nu cyningasnecaseras ne gold giefanswylceiu wæron þōonn himæst mid himmærþa gefremedon ondon dryht licestumdome lifdon• gedroren is þeos duguð ealdreamas sind ge witene wuniað þawacranond þas woruld healdaþ brucað þurh bisgoblæd isge hnæged eorþan indryhtoealdað ond searað swanu monna gehwylcgeond middan geard yldo him on fareonsyn blacað gomel feax gnornaðwat his Iuwine æþelinga bearneorþan for giefene nemæg him þōonn seflæsc homaþōonn him þæt feorglosað neswete forswelgannesar gefelan nehond onhreranne mid hyge þencan þeahþe græf willegolde stregan broþor his geborenumbyrgan bedeadūum maþmum mislicūumþæt hine mid wille nemæg þære sawleþebiþ synna ful gold to geoceforgodes egsan þōonn he hit ær hydeðþenden he her leofað•

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