The Digital Ark: Early Modern Collections of Curiosities in England and Scotland, 1580-1700

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Francis Godwin (1562 - 1633)

Bishop of Hereford, historian, collector of antiquities, and writer of The Man in the Moon (1638). In 1590 he accompanied the William Camden into Wales in search of antiquities for the revised edition of Britannia and provided Camden with transcripts of an Anglo-Saxon charter. Three surviving stones in are extant in Caerleon museum (Hepple, p. 169), which is evidently now incorporated into the National Roman Legion Museum in Caerleon. He "used local information, a 'report of the people,' to decide to 'bestowe some money in diggyng' at Caerleon in 1602" (Hepple 2003, 161).
Dictionary of National Biography entry: Other biography: Author (in assoc. with a ms or print source)
Collector (minor)
Relevant locations: Housed collection or remnant at National Roman Legion Museum, Caerleon
Originating Location (object) Caerleon , South Wales
Linked print sources: as Agent - help in locating an object - William Camden and Early Collections of Roman Antiquities in Britain.
as Collector (minor) - William Camden and Early Collections of Roman Antiquities in Britain.
References in Documents: