The Digital Ark: Early Modern Collections of Curiosities in England and Scotland, 1580-1700

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Captain Finny ( - )

References in Documents:
A Catalogue of Many Natural Rarities (Authorial, print 1664) A Ribb of a Triton or Mereman, taken by Captain Finny, upon the shouts of Brasil, five hundred Leagues from the Maine; given by Doctor Esgate Physitian.;
A Catalogue of Many Natural Rarities (Authorial, print 1665) A Rib of a Triton or Mereman, taken by Captain Finny upon the shouls of Brasil, five hundred Leagues from the Maine; given by Doctor Estgate Physitian.
A Catalogue of Those Rarities Collected (Authorial, print 1669) A Rib of a Mair-Man, taken by Captain Finney upon the shouls of Brasil, 500 leagues from the main, given by Doctor Esgate, Physitian.