The Digital Ark: Early Modern Collections of Curiosities in England and Scotland, 1580-1700

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Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange (1567 - 1625)

Stadtholder (chief magistrate) of the provinces of the Dutch Republic (except for Friesland) from around 1585 until 1625 Other biography:,_Prince_of_Orange Relationships: Frederick Henry (1584-1647) was a son of Maurice of Nassau
References in Documents:
Consolidated catalogue of 1695: The Book of the Vice-Chancellor (MacGregor, ed.) 39 925 Numisma in honorem Princip. Mauritij percussum cujus auspicijs Bergæ ad Zonam receptæ Oct. 2. 1622. Ar. Medal struck in honour of Prince Maurits, under whom Berg op Zoom was captured, 2 October 1622.
A Catalogue of Many Natural Rarities (Authorial, print 1664) A Sticke that is grown hollow like a nett; it was Prince Maurice of Nassaw's Rarity, that he brought out of Brasil.
A Catalogue of Many Natural Rarities (Authorial, print 1665) A Stick that is grown hollow like a Nett; it was Prince Maurice of Nassawes Rarity, that he brought out of Brasil.
A Catalogue of Those Rarities Collected (Authorial, print 1669) A stick like a Net of Brasil, that Prince Morice of Nasson brought over for a Rarity.
Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The STALK of a Plant like a NET. 'Tis only the woody part of it, the Barque and Pith being both taken away. 'Tis above an Eln long; likely, when entire, much longer, for now 'tis broken at both ends. Almost six inches about. The spaces between the reticulated portions of Wood, are a bout ¼ or ⅓ of an inch over, and from two inches to four, in length. Prince Maurice, looking upon This as a Curiosity, upon his Return from Brasile, brought it thence with him.

Sale Catalogue of Musaeum Thoresbyanum (1764) 92 four Medals of the United Provinces on the Synod of Dort, Peace of Munster, Battle of Newport, and Prince Maurice 4
Musaeum Tradescantianum (1656) Maurice Pr: of Orange, 1632.