The Digital Ark: Early Modern Collections of Curiosities in England and Scotland, 1580-1700

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Lot [Biblical figure] ([?] - [?])

Messenger sent to Sodom & Gomorrah by God, where he was to preach virtue and monotheism. He failed and had to flee the city. Dictionary of National Biography entry: Other biography: Relevant locations: Residence at Sodom [Biblical]
Relationships: Lot [Biblical figure] was a nephew of Abraham (biblical) (-)
Lot [Biblical figure] was a employed by God (-)
Lot [Biblical figure] was a husband of Lot's wife [biblical figure] (-)

Linked print sources: as Mentions or references - Geschichte der Deutschen in England von den ersten germanischen ansiedlungen in Britannien bis zum ende des 18. jahrhunderts..
References in Documents:
Consolidated catalogue of 1695: The Book of the Vice-Chancellor (MacGregor, ed.) 386 Numisma signat. figura Loti vinum bibentis cum filiabus suis, in obverso, et figura Davidis Bathschebam sc. lavantem, de tecto domus suæ conspicientis, in Reverso. Ar. deaurat. Coin struck on the obverse with Lot drinking wine with his daughters; on the reverse, the figure of David watching Bathsheba washing herself, from a part of his house; silver gilt.
Thomas Platter's travel diary (1599)

The history of Lot on a golden tapestry was in another room. As also Abraham's history, both of these thought to be the finest and most artistic in England, indeed the representations are immense in size. In another apartment we were shown a very costly bed which the queen's mother and her ladies worked themselves.

Inventory of Ornamental Plate, &c formerly at Oxnead Hall (1844) A picture done upon beuer of Lott and his 2 daughters.
Musaeum Tradescantianum (1656) {Lot & his 2 daughters.}