The Digital Ark: Early Modern Collections of Curiosities in England and Scotland, 1580-1700

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Henry Thomson ( - )

Relationships: Walter Calverley (1670-15 Oct 1749) was a visitor to the collection of Henry Thomson
Linked print sources: as Donator of object(s) - Ducatus Leodiensis; or the topography of the town and parish of Leedes and parts adjacent ...
References in Documents:
Thoresby, Musaeum Thoresbyanum (1713)

The Tellenites: These are distinguishable enough from the Pectunculi by their oblong Form; but from the Musculites, and some Sort of the Ostracites, it is more difficult to distinguish them. Very fair ones from Scotland. Don. D. Jac. Sutherland. Tellina minima, Nat Hist. of North, Tab. VI. Fig. 12. The Trigonella: The Name discovers its Triangular Form; the larger and lesser Species. Don. R. D. Episc. Carl. These have a smooth Surface, and bright. The Terebratula are striated, more gibbous, and the Margin thicker, with the middle Part depress'd or elated. The Stones divested of their Shells, Margine sinuato, Lh. 830. from Boston Com. Linc. Don. D. Hen. Thomson. A small one found in the midst of a large Stone at Coxwold School Com. Ebor. Don. D. Hey. A very large one, five Inches in Circumference, from Dr. Hargrave of Coln. Others of different Sizes, Lh. 829. with transverse StriƦ. A thin Shell including Chalk, with the Bill perforated (whence the Name.) Don. Rog. Gale Arm. The Pholas amygdaloides. Lh. 878. The Solenites, so called from its resemblance of the Solen or Sheth-shell (n)(n) Lister, p. 192., or perhaps Conchites Mytuloides (o). This and(o) Lhwyd, N. 878. the Pholas were from Heddinton. Don. Rev. Cav. Nevile.