The Digital Ark: Early Modern Collections of Curiosities in England and Scotland, 1580-1700

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Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)

Greek scholar and philosopher Dictionary of National Biography entry: Other biography: Authority - ancient
Relationships: Alexander the Great (20 Jul 356 BC-11 Jun 323 BC) was a associate or acquaintance (general) of Aristotle
Theophrastus (c. 371 BC-c. 287 BC) was a associate or acquaintance (general) of Aristotle
Linked print sources: as Author (in assoc. with a ms or print source) - De Partibus Animalium.
as Author (in assoc. with a ms or print source) - De Partibus Animalium.
as Author (in assoc. with a ms or print source) - De Precationibus.
as Author (in assoc. with a ms or print source) - Historia Animalium.
as Author (in assoc. with a ms or print source) - Historia Animalium.
References in Documents:
MS Book of the Principal of Brasenose College (MacGregor, ed.) Yellowhammer. Emberiza flava of Gessner; Hortulanus of Belon; Lutea of another kind of Aldrovandi; the Chloreus or Aristotle's Lutea of Turner. Willughby 1678, p. 268, tab. 40.
MS Book of the Principal of Brasenose College (MacGregor, ed.) 4 Mandibulæ Catuli majoris Salviani, Caniculæ Aristotelis, Rondeletij, Aldrovandi, Lib. 3. C. 34. Pese Gatto Venetorum, Cornubiensibus a Bounce. Willughb. p. 62 Jawbones of the greater Catulus of Salviano 1554, p. 138; Aristotle's dog fish; the Canicula of Aldrovandi 1613, bk. 3, ch. 34; the Pesegatto of the Venetians. Called by the Cornish a Bounce. Willughby 1686, p. 62.
MS Book of the Principal of Brasenose College (MacGregor, ed.) 28 Acûs Arist. Spec altera major Gesn. Will. p. 159. T. J.25. ж. 2. quarum altera inter cæteros pisces, altera cum Hippocampis mox dixtis in Scrinio Dni D. Plot. The Acus of Aristotle. A species different to and larger than that described by Gessner. Willughby 1686, p. 159, tab. J25. Two of them, of which one is placed among the other fishes, the other with the Sea-horses. In Dr Plot's cabinet.
Consolidated catalogue of 1695: The Book of the Junior Proctor (MacGregor, ed.) 33 Echinites quintus Aristotelis Nat. Hist. Oxõn. p. 107. The fifth sort of echinites of Aristotle. Plot 1677, p. 107.
Consolidated catalogue of 1695: The Book of the Junior Proctor (MacGregor, ed.) The Regulus cristatus of Aldrovandi, book 17 chapter 1; The Trochilus of Pliny and Aristotle, a small bird commonly found in the woods of Cardiganshire, called syvigw beneraud, i.e. the golden-headed tit.
Bargrave's catalogue: Rara, Antiqua, et Numismata Bargraviana (Canterbury Cathedral Lit MS E 16a)

(29). Item, a gold ring, with the cutt of an ancient Graecian head on a garnet stone set in it. An° 1650, being the year of jubilee, I had the honour to conduct the Earl of Chesterfield, Phillip Lord Stanhop, into Italy; and at Rome he presented me with this stone, telling me that it was sold him not only for a Graecian head, but for Aristotle’s. I sett it in gold at Rome, as the jeweller advised me, in that transparent posture as it now hath, that so, the stone being pelluced, the head is much the plainer to be seen both ways. The side next to the finger will soil, and must sometimes be cleaned. The cutt is certainly a very very ancient intaglio, (as they use to call such cutts at Rome), melting away the g in the pronunciation, and pronouncing it almost with a llintallia.

Gentle Traveller (Curatorial catalogue) (a) Almandine garnet, oval convex; bearded bust, perhaps of Jupiter, in profile to left, hair bound in fillet, himation around shoulders. D: 19mm. Ano 1650. . ., I had the honour to conduct. . . Phillip Lord Stanhop into Italy; and at Rome he presented me with this stone, telling me that it was sold him not only for a Graecian head, but for Aristotle’s. I sett it in gold at Rome. . .. Set in a gold ring inscribed and dated "I B RO/MA 1650". c.50 B.C. B29.
A memo dated 28 April 1658 (Canterbury Cathedral loose papers) A gold ring with a cutt, Aristot head, in a granade stoane.
Musaeum Clausum (1684)

14. King Mithridates his Oneirocritica. Aristotle de Precationibus. Democritus de his quæ fiunt apud Orcum, & Oceani circumnavigatio. A defence of Arnoldus de Villa Nova, whom the learned Postellus conceived to be the author of De Tribus Impostoribus. Epicurus de Pietate. A Tragedy of Thyestes, and another of Medea, writ by Diogenes the Cynick. King 199 Tract XIII. Bibliotheca Abscondita King Alfred upon Aristotle de Plantis. Seneca's Epistles to S. Paul. King Solomon de Umbris Idæarum, which Chicus Asculanus, in his Comment upon Johannes de Sacrobosco, would make us believe he saw in the Library of the Duke of Bavaria.

Musaeum Clausum (1684)

14. King Mithridates his Oneirocritica. Aristotle de Precationibus. Democritus de his quæ fiunt apud Orcum, & Oceani circumnavigatio. A defence of Arnoldus de Villa Nova, whom the learned Postellus conceived to be the author of De Tribus Impostoribus. Epicurus de Pietate. A Tragedy of Thyestes, and another of Medea, writ by Diogenes the Cynick. King 199 Tract XIII. Bibliotheca Abscondita King Alfred upon Aristotle de Plantis. Seneca's Epistles to S. Paul. King Solomon de Umbris Idæarum, which Chicus Asculanus, in his Comment upon Johannes de Sacrobosco, would make us believe he saw in the Library of the Duke of Bavaria.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

ASAs to the following Catalogue, I have some things to say, of the Order, Names, Descriptions, Figures, and Uses of Particulars, and the Quotations I have made therein.

As to the first, I like not the reason which Aldrovandus gives for his beginning the History of Quadrupeds with the Horse; Quòd præcipuam nobis utilitatem præbeat. Being better placed according to the degrees of their Approximation, to Humane Shape, and one to another: and so other Things, according to their Nature. Much less should I choose, with Gesner, to go by the Alphabet. The very Scale of the Creatures, is a matter of high speculation.

As to the Names, where they were wanting, (which in our own Language were many) I have taken leave to give them. But have generally reteind them, where I have found them all-ready given. Although, from some distinguishing Note less convenient; as the Colour is, than the Figure. And sometimes very Improper, as Concha Persica, and the like, from the Place. For it often falls out, that the same Thing breeds in many Places. But there is no Natural Reason, why it should be called by one, rather than another. So that the Names of Things should be always taken from something more observably declarative of their Form, or Nature. The doing of which, would much facilitate and Improve the Knowledge of them many ways. For so, every Name were a short Definition. Where as if Words are confus'd, little else can be distinctly learn'd. Yet I took it not to be my part, actually to reform this matter; unless I had been writing an Universal History of Nature.

In the Descriptions, I have taken care; First, to rectifie the mistakes of such as are given us by other Hands. Secondly, not to Transcribe any; as is too commonly done: but having noted something more especial therein, to refer to the Author. Thirdly, where there is no Description at all, or that is too short, or the faults therein many, to give one at large. For the doing of all which, what the trouble of comparing Books together hath been, I say with Sleydan in another Case, Post Deum Immortalem Ipse novi.

In the Descriptions given, I have observed, with the Figures of Things, also their Colours; so far as I could, unless I had view'd them Living, and Fresh. And have added their just Measures. Much neglected by Writers of Natural History.

If any object against their length: perhaps they have not so well considered the necessity hereof, for the cleer and evident distinction of the several Kinds and Species, in so great a variety of Things known in the World. And wherein also regard is to be had, to all that after Ages may discover, or have occasion to enquire after. The Curiosity and Diligence of Pliny, is highly to be commended. Yet he is so brief, that his Works are rather a Nomenclature, than a History: which perhaps might be more intelligible to the Age he lived in, than the succeeding ones. But had He, and Others, been more particular in the Matters they treat of: their Commentators had engaged their own and their Readers Time much better, than in so many fruitless and endless Disquisitions and Contests. It were certainly a Thing both in it self Desirable, and of much Consequence; To have such an Inventory of Nature, wherein, as on the one hand, nothing should be Wanting; so nothing Repeated or Confounded, on the other. For which, there is no way without a cleer and full Description of Things.

Besides, that in such Descriptions, many Particulars relating to the Nature and Use of Things, will occur to the Authors mind, which otherwise he would never have thought of. And may give occasion to his Readers, for the consideration of many more. And therefore it were also very proper, That not only Things strange and rare, but the most known and common amongst us, were thus describ'd. Not meerly, for that what is common in one Countrey, is rare in another: but because, likewise, it would yield a great aboundance of matter for any Man's Reason to work upon. He that notes, That a Grey hound hath pricked Ears, but that those of a Hound hang down; may also the Reason of both: for that the former hunts with his Ears; the thethe latter, only with his Nose: So that as a blind Man, minds nothing but what he Hears: so a Hound, having his Ears half Stop'd with the Flaps, minds nothing but what he Smells. He that shall observe, That a Horse, which ought to have many and strong Teeth, and large and thick Hoofes, hath no Horns: and that an Ox, with Horns, hath fewer Teeth, and weaker Hoofs: cannot but at the same time see the Providence of Nature, In disposing of the same Excrementitious parts of the Blood, either way, as is most suitable to the Animal. One that considers the Teeth of a Horse, sees the reason, why he hath so long an upper Lip; which is his Hand, and in some sort answers to the Proboscis of an Elephant; whereby he nimbly winds the Grass in great quantities at once into his Mouth. So that for Nature to have made him a short Lip, had been to make a little Hopper, to a great Mill. The same Animal having need of great Lungs, how necessary is it also for him to have a broad Breast, well bowed Ribs, and wide Nostrils to give them play? That being much pester'd with Flys, he should have a long brush Tail to whisk them off. Whereas the Ass, which either for the hardness and dryness of his Skin, or other Cause, is less anoy'd with them, hath no need of such an one. That being heavy, he should not Tread or Leap stiff, as a Man; but have a Pastern made him, gradually and safely to break the force of his weight. By This, his Body hangs on the Hoof, as a Coach doth by the Leathers. Without this, the most thorow pac'd Horse, would tread so hard, that as it were impossible for any man to endure long upon his Back: so his Joynts would be much chafed, and he must needs presently tyre. Yet if it be too long, by yielding over much, it makes every step somewhat more laborious, and to loose some ground. He that would have one for Carriage, will choose him short, and high Back'd. For Runing, long, an clean or slender Limb'd: another, were like a Man that should run a Race in his Boots. And a due length is as necessary: which is, when the Measure between the Main and the Tail answers to the hight, or thereabout. If much under, his hinder Feet will want their full scope: if much over, there will be more weight to be moved with the same force, as if the weight were less. But he that would have one for Draught, looks not that the Limbs be slender, if they are strong; especially those behind. For though the fore Legs pull sometimes, most when they make an acute angle with the Belly; yet the greatest stress usually lies upon the hinder; these being as the Centre of Gravity, and the Load, and Body of the Horse, the two Counter Weights. And when he Goes without Drawing, his fore Feet only support him; but his hinder, serve also as Leavers to carry him on. And therefore when he walks, he always moves his hinder Foot first.

Together with such Notes as these, arising from the Description of the outward Parts; how largely and usefully might that of the Inner; his Generation, Breeding and the like, be also insisted on. And so the like of other Animals. Whereby a better History of them might be written in five years, than hath hitherto been done in two Thousand.

As for the Figures, I have given only those of such particulars, as are omitted by others. Saving one or two, found in some Authors less known, or common. Nor any, but what is also describ'd: which makes any further Explication of these needless, besides what the Reader will find next before them.

After the Descriptions; instead of medling with Mystick, Mythologick, or Hieroglyphick matters; or relating Stories of Men who were great Riders, or Women that were bold and feared not Horses; as some others have done: I thought it much more proper, To remarque some of the Uses and Reasons of Things. Where also for the sake of the English Reader, I have undergone the transcribing some particulars. More I could have done, with less trouble. These I hope will compensate the room, they take up. Amongst Medicines, I have thought fit to mention the Virtues of divers Exoticks. Because the greatest Rarity, if once experienced to be of good use, will soon become common. The Jesuites Barque, of which, no Man yet hath well describ'd the Tree, and very few know precisely where it grows; yet what great quantity, doth the much use of it bring over to us? Unicorns Horns, upon the like motive of Trade, would be as plentiful as Elephants Teeth.

I have made the Quotations, not to prove things well known, to be true; as one * * Aldrovandus. (and he too deservedly esteemed for his great Diligence and Curiosity) who very formally quotes Aristotle, to prove a Sheep to be amongst the Bisulca: Ovem, (inquit) ex genere esse Bisulcorum, non solùm ἀυτοψια ipsa loquitur, sed Aristoteles etiam scripto publicavit, inquiens; as if Aristotle, must be brought to prove a Man hath ten Toes. But partly, To be my Warrant, in matters less credible. Partly, to give the Authors, that which is their due: not at all liking the Malignant-way of some, who never mention any, but to confute him. Yet withall, To rectifie his Mistakes where I found them. And to mind the Reader, Not to peruse the most Honest, or Learned Author, without some caution.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

I have made the Quotations, not to prove things well known, to be true; as one * * Aldrovandus. (and he too deservedly esteemed for his great Diligence and Curiosity) who very formally quotes Aristotle, to prove a Sheep to be amongst the Bisulca: Ovem, (inquit) ex genere esse Bisulcorum, non solùm ἀυτοψια ipsa loquitur, sed Aristoteles etiam scripto publicavit, inquiens; as if Aristotle, must be brought to prove a Man hath ten Toes. But partly, To be my Warrant, in matters less credible. Partly, to give the Authors, that which is their due: not at all liking the Malignant-way of some, who never mention any, but to confute him. Yet withall, To rectifie his Mistakes where I found them. And to mind the Reader, Not to peruse the most Honest, or Learned Author, without some caution.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

All the Principal VEINS, ARTERIES, and NERVES, both of the Limbs and Viscera. The generous Gift of John Evelyn Esquire. He bought them at Padoa, where he saw them with great industry and exactness (according to the best method then used) taken out of the body of a Man, and very curiously spread upon four large TABLES, whereon they are now preserved. The Work of Fabritius Bartoletus then Vestingius's Assistant there, and afterwards Physician to the King of Poland.

The Veins and Arteries are so exceedingly well done, as to shew the most curious Schemes which Laurentius and other Physitians have given us of them, are real and not fictitious. But the Nerves have been much more truly and fully represented to us of late by Dr. Richard Lower, in Dr. Willis. (d) De Nervorum Descript. & usu. (d) Especially as to their Plexus and Inosculations, and their admirable Distributions to the Organs of the Senses, and the Viscera.

Aristotle (e) Histor. Anim. lib. 3. c. 3. (e)by the account he gives of the Doctrine of the Naturalists of his Time, and before him, seems to have been the first, who to any purpose, observed the Distribution of the Sanguineous Vessels. Yet he describes them only chiefly from the Heart upward. Nor makes he any distinction betwixt the Vena Portæ, and the Vena Cava. So that even here he comes far short of that exactness which Anatomists have since arrived at; as appears, upon inspection, by the TABLES above mention'd.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The SKULL of the RIVER-HORSE or HIPPOPOTAMUS. If we respect his Figure, he were more properly called BUPOTAMUS, or RIVER-OXE. And accordingly the Germans rightly call him Wasser- Ocks; and the Italians at Constantinople BOMARIN. The same Animal, which in the Book of Job is called BEHEMOTH; as is solidly proved by Bochart, in his Hierozoicon. He is almost every where described very falslyfalsely. Aristotle falsly falsely gives him a Maine, like that of a Horse: deluded, 'tis likely, by the Name. Kircher (d) (d) Chin. Illustr. falsly falsely gives him all Horse Teeth. In the Musæum Romanum, he is described with double Hoofs like an Ox, and pictured with four or five Claws like a Bear; neither truly. Bellonius, who saw one alive, but yet very young, was the first that hath given any tollerable Description of him. Yet as to the Teeth, he is mistaken, comparing them all to those of a Horse: probably because they were not yet grown. (e) Fab. Colum. lib. de Aquat. & Terrest. (e) But Columna, who also saw one, and that full grown, hath given a most accurate Description hereof, his principal Characters being these; Four yards and half long, about two yards high, a yard and half broad. Short leg'd. Cloven-hoofed; yet not with two, but four Hoofs. Tailed like a Tortoise. (Or like a Hog, (f)(f) Solinus and others quoted by Bochart. which he also twists in the same manner) Head almost like an Ox. His Chaps wide. His Eyes small. His fore Teeth prodigiously great, being some of them ½ a foot round about, above ¼ of a foot long; as is evident in the Skull here preserved; and other particulars mention'd by Columna in his copious Description hereof.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The GREAT SHELL'D HEDGHOG. By the Natives of Brasile, called TATU; By the Spaniards, ARMADILLO; as Names common to the several species. And by Latin Authors, Echinus Brasiliensis. This once belonged to the Duke of Holstein. See the Description of this Species in Clusius, and others.

Those Creatures which are cover'd with Feathers, Scales, or Shell, saith Aristotle, (e) (e) Histor. Anim. lib. 1. c. 11. have no Auricula or outward Ear. So that he never saw this Animal; nor many others now known, and some which he ventures to describe; as appears by those general Assertions, whereof he is too often guilty.

He gathers himself up, Head, Feet and Tail, within his Shell, as round as a ball: as Piso hath also pictur'd him. (f) (f) Hist. l. 3. 8. 3. And this he doth, not only when pursued, but also when he sleeps. Unless he be ty'd, he will dig out his way under the very walls of a house. (g) (g) Mus. Septal. For it is his nature to dig himself Buries, as the Coney doth; which he doth with very great celerity. (h)(h) Clusius.

For the tenderness, whiteness and delicacy of his Flesh, he is reserved for Feasts; (i) (i) Barlæus de Rebus Bras. p. 222. and therein prefer'd before either Conies or sucking-Pigs. (a) (a) Guil. Piso. The Plates of his Shell being powder'd and given in a draught of the Decoction of Sage in the quantity of ʒj, provoketh sweat; and are a singular remedy against the Lues Venerea, saith Barlæus. (b) (b) P. 369. out of Franc. Ximines. If it provoketh sweat, it may be used to good purposes, whether it cureth that Disease, or no.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

Another BOAR-TUSK, somewhat slenderer, and of a semiannular Figure.

The wild Boar breeds in Helvetia, especially near the Alps. In Barbados very great. Ligon (a) (a) History of Barbados. saith, he saw there one so big, that when his head was off, and his entrails taken out, weighed 400 l. It was well observed by Aristotle (as to those Beasts which he had seen) that no one was horned and tusked too: (b)(b) Histor. Animal. lib. 2. c. 1. the superfluous parts of the blood proper for their production, not being sufficient to feed them both.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The SKULL of the HORNED HOG. By the people of the Island Bouro, not far from Amboina, he is called Baby Roussa. (c)(c) Barthol. Hist. Cent. 2. See the Picture hereof in Bartholine, (d) taken in Java, from whence he received it. As also the (d) Ibid. 2.Description, though but imperfect. See likewise Guilielmus Piso, (e) (e) In Boutius's Hist. N. Ind. Orient. l. 5. c. 9. who gives a figure somewhat different, making him slenderer and shaped in Body like to a Deer. But his Description seems to be taken out of Bartholine. His principal Characters are these, About as big as a Stag, snouted and tailed like a Boar, footed like a Goat: besides what is observable in the skull, which I shall now particularly describe.

It is a foot long, seven Inches high, and about five over. The Snout scarce two. The Teeth are 32. In the upper Jaw, four Cuters; in the nether, six. In each Jaw, ten Grinders. In the lower Jaw, two Tusks, one on each side, like those of a Boar, standing outerly, an inch behind the Cuters; near their Root, ¾ of an inch over, sharp-pointed, hooked very much backward; by the bow, four inches long.

On his upper Jaw, he hath two Horns, of the same hardness and substance with the two great Teeth now describ'd: and Bartholine (a) (a) Histor. Cent. 2. calls them Teeth. Yet are they not Teeth, but Horns; because they are not, as all Teeth, even the Tusks of an Elephant, fixed in the Jaw with their Roots upward, but downward: and so their Alveoli are not open downward within the Mouth, but upward upon the top of the snout: where these Horns bore or pierce the flesh and skin, as the Teeth do the Gooms. Yet being two, they stand not in the middle, as in the Rhinoceros, but on the sides of the snout, sc. behind the Cuters about two inches. Near their Roots about half inch over, ending in a sharp point, bended upward and backward like a fish-hook, by the bow about ½ a foot long.

Piso (b) In Bont. Hist. N. Ind. Orient. l. 5. c. 9. (b) describing of it, saith, That in his nether Jaw (his upper Jaw he describes after) there are two great Tusks which stand upright, and bore through his snout (Rostrúmq; perforantes): which is a senseless mistake. Bartholine indeed saith of the Horns (which he calls the Teeth) of the upper Jaw, ---prodeunt ex superiori Maxilla carnem Rostri perforantes: which Piso transcribing, mistakes, and feigns as great an absurdity, as if Nature had put a Padlock or Bolt upon the Creatures Mouth.

Aristotle, as was before noted, said well, as to the Animals he had seen, That no one hath both Tusks and Horns. But of his fault in affirming too generally, this Animal is not the only instance, by many. The reason why this hath both, may be, because neither of them are very great, and his Horns, proportionably to what they are in others, are very little. Besides that he is cover'd with hair, and not, as the Boar, with Bristles, which probably spend more upon the same matter, which in other Creatures makes the Horns. For Bristles seem to be nothing else but a Horn split into a multitude of little(c) Piso in Bont. ones.

This Creature is said (c) to breed only in the Island Bouro. Yet that which the Brasilians (d) Joh. de Læt, out of the Tajacuguitas, (d) may be the same. As also Pigafeta's Porcus Quadricornis. There are Swine, saith he, (e) in the Philippick Islands, (e) Cited by Aldrovandus. with two, three, and four Horns. He might mistake the two Tusks for Horns; and from those which he saith had but two or three, they might be violently broken off.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The HORN of a RHINOCEROS. It once belonged to the Duke of Holsteine. Although Bontius describes the Animal the best of any before him, yet neither he, nor others describe the Horn to any purpose. 'Tis in colour and smoothness like those of a Bull. Almost a yard long. At the base, above half a foot over; and there surrounded with a Garland of black and stubby Bristles. Sharp-pointed. A little crooked backwards, like a Cocks Spur. Quite through solid. An instance con trary to that Assertion of Aristotle, (a) (a) De Partib. Animal. l. 3. c. 2. ’Εζι δε τα χερατα δι όλδ ζερεα τοις ελαφοις μονοις.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The HEART of a SEA-TORTOISE. It is about as big as a Lambs. Herein both the single Ventricle, and two Auricles, are all plainly visible. The Hearts of all great Animals, saith Aristotle, (h) (h) De Part. Anim. lib. 2. c. 4. have three Ventricles; of lesser, two; of all, at least one. One would a little wonder, how so observing a man, should discover so many mistakes, in so few words.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

A CROCODILE, about two yards and ½ long. He differs not much from a Lizard; chiefly in his Bulk, and the hardness of his Skin, which on his Back hath Scales proportionably hard and thick. (b) Hist. Ind. l. 6. c. 1. In Paname there are some an hundred feet long; as is affirmed both by Joh. de Lopez, (b) and Joh. de Leri. (c) (c) Cap. 10.In the Musæum Romanum, there is a Tragical Relation of a very great one that devoured a Virgin, Cap. 6. The same Animal which in the Book of Job is called the Leviathan, and hath been commonly taken to be the Whale; but falsly falsely, as Bochart hath demonstrated. He is tolerably well described by most; and curiously figur'd by Besler. He breeds in divers places in both the Indies, as well as in Egypt.

Nature, saith Aristotle, hath denied a Tongue to this Animal. Which Sir Thomas Brown takes notice of as a Vulgar Error. On the hinder half of his Tail he hath firm leathern upright Finns, wherewith he governs himself, as a Fish, in swimming.

He is esteemed good meat, not only by the Natives in Brasile, but also by the Hollanders there. (a)(a) Gulielmus Piso. He is taken thus; They fasten a thick long Rope to some Tree by the Waterside, and to the other end, a strong iron Hook, which they bait with a Weather. (b)(b) Scal. Exer. 196. Sect. 5.

In Brasile, they hunt them much for the sake of their Fat, which they commonly and successively apply to their Wounds, when bitten by him. (c) (c) Gul. Piso. As also for his Testicles, which smell like Oyntment, and which they sell very dear. (d) Ibid.(d) In New Spain, the Kernels under their Throat, smell like Musk, and are a present Remedy against burning Fevers. (e)(e) Joh. de Læt. l. 5. c. 4. out of Franc. Ximenex Ximenez. The Stomach dry'd in the Sun, powder'd, and taken to the quantity of ʒj, is an admirable Diuretick, and brings away Stones from the Reins and Bladder. (f) The same taken to the quantity of a spoonful in the Morning, after (f) Ibid. Dinner, and before Supper, or as often as the Patient can bear it, is an excellent Remedy for the Dropsie. (g)(g) Ibid.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The SKELETON of a CROCODILE. Given by Sir Robert Southwell; to whom it was sent from the East-Indies. 'Tis about four yards and three quarters long. The Head about two feet. The Neck, from the hinder part of the Head, almost a foot and ½. The Trunk, from the fore-Ribs to the Tail, four feet. The Tail, seven. From the top of the Back to the Breast, a foot and ½ high.

The Orbites of the Eyes proportionably little; what ever Piso saith of his great Eyes.

The Articulations of the lower Jaw with the upper; and of the Occiput with the foremost Vertebra of the Neck; are here both made in the same manner, as in other Quadru peds: notwithstanding the Tradition of his moving the upper Jaw.

The Teeth are about threescore, thirty in each Jaw. All of them Claviculares, or Peg-Teeth, not much unlike the Tusks of a Mastiff; and scarce bigger: notwithstanding that Aristotle calls them great Teeth, οδοντας μεγαλδς. (a)(a) Hist. An. l. 2. c. 10. And yet, whereas a Dog hath but four Tusks, or exerted Teeth, in this Animal being all of that figure, their smallness, with respect to so great a Head, is fully compensated by their number. For the most part, those that are new and not worn, are toothed, like a small Saw, on their sides.

The Vertebræ, in all, sixty. Those of the Neck, are seven, as in a Man. The first whereof, in a Man called the Atlas, hath a Processus in the figure of the Epiglottis. The other six, have each one Processus or Prominent Part, which is long, broad, sharp, and upright: and two that are transverse, and short; to which are joyned, by a Cartilage, so many Ossa mucronata, one shorter than another from the Head toward the Trunk. But the Vertebræ, one lesser than another, from the Trunk towards the Head.

The Vertebræ of the Back, nineteen; that is, three sevens running one into another. Each of which hath three Prominent Parts, which are sharp, broad, and long; one perpendicular, and two that are transverse, or at right angles.

The Ribs 24, twelve on each side. Seven of which, have each of them double Cartilages, that is, one after another, appendent to them.

The fore part of the Sternum is plainly bony. The hinder part, cartilaginous; shaped like the Os Hyoides in a Man.

The Vertebræ of the Tail, are 34; or (if you add the last of the Trunk as common to both) 35; that is seven times seven. The first fourteen, have each three Prominent Parts, like those of the Vertebræ in the Back. The next nineteen, have only an upright Processus. The last of all, hath none. The first 14, are double, in number to those of the Neck, the next 19, are equal to those of the Back; the last answers to the Head. To all the Vertebræ of the Tail, except the last, are also subjoyned so many Ossa Mucronata, directly opposite to the upright Processus.

The Shoulder-Blades are two on each side; each ½ foot long.

The Bones of the fore-Foot, 27. The Thigh-Bone near a foot long; an inch and ¼ over. The Leg-Bones, two; each a little above ½ a foot long; and of equal thickness, sc. about ¼ of an inch over. The Foot strictly so call'd, the length of the Thigh. The Bones of the Pedium, four. The Fingers or Toes, five. The inmost, the thickest, like a Thumb. From thence, the third, the longest. The Bones of the Thumb, three; of the next Finger, four; of the next, five; of the two outmost, four; in all 20. All armed with black Claws, a little crooked, and not much above an inch long.

The Hip-Bones are three; each of them ½ a foot long.

The Bones of the hinder Foot, 24. The Thigh-Bone above a foot long, and an inch and ½ over. The Leg Bones almost eight inches long. The inmost, above an inch over; the other, but ½ an inch. The Foot, so called, the length of the Thigh. The Bones of the Pedium, four. The Toes, four; whereof the inmost, the greatest; the third, the longest. The Bones of the great Toe, three; of the next, four; of the third and fourth, five. The Claws somewhat bigger than in the fore-Foot.

Amongst other things worthy of note, the senselesness of the tradition of the Crocodiles moving his upper Jaw, is plain from the structure of the Bones, that is, the Articulation only of the Occiput with the Neck, and of the nether Jaw with the upper, as above said.

The first Author of it was Aristotle, in his Fourth Book de Partibus Animalium, Cap. 11. And thus much is true, not only of this Creature, but of all others, which have a long Head, and a wide Rictus, that when they open their Mouths, they seem to move both Jaws; as both the Viper, and the Lizard. And for the same reason, Columna (a) (a) Lib. de Aquatil. might say as much of the Hippopotamus, that he moves the upper Jaw, as the Crocodile. So all Birds, especially with long Bills, shew the contemporary motion of both the Mandibulæ; the Musculi splenii pulling back the Occiput, and so a little raising the upper, while the Musculi Digastrici pull the other down. But that this motion was not meant by Aristotle, appears in his First Book de Hist. Anim, c. 11. & lib. 3. c. 7. where he saith more plainly, That of all other Animals, only the Crocodile moveth the upper Jaw. So that he speaks of it, as a motion strange and peculiar; as if the upper Mandible did make an Articulation with the Cranium: contrary to what is here seen. And if we will hear Piso, who probably speaks Aristotle's meaning, as plainly as he doth his own, he goes further, and saith, (a) (a) Hist. N. lib. 5. That the Crocodile doth not only move his upper Jaw, but that his nether Jaw is immoveable. Than which Assertion, to one that hath any competent knowledge in Anatomy, and seeth the Head and lower Jaw of this Animal articulated in the same way, as in other Animals, nothing can appear more ridiculous.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The VIPER. Vipera, qu. Vivipera; because she only among Serpents hath been thought to bring forth her young Ones. All Animals, saith Aristotle, (a) (a) Hist. Anim. l. 1. c. 11 that bring forth their young, have also external Ears: yet knew that an Adder which hath no Auricle is Viviparous. And this, indeed, he observes with a good Remark, which is, That she first lays her Eggs within her Womb; (b) (b) Histor. Anim. l. 6. c. 34 wherein they are afterwards hatched. Which had been a fair Introduction to him, to have observed, That all other Viviparous Animals are Oviparous within themselves. And 'tis much, that the hint hath not been long since taken from the Raya, and some other Fishes. The Viper, saith Sir Thomas (c) Pseudod. Epidem (c) Brown, from the experience of credible Persons, in case of fear, receiveth her young Ones into her Mouth; which being over, they return thence again.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

This Bird is of affinity with the Heron-kind, from which he scarce differs in any Part, saving the Bill. He feeds on Shell-fish. Wherewith having fill'd his Crop, he lets them lie there, till the heat of it makes them open: whereupon disgorging them, he picks the meat out of the Shells. Related by Gesner out of Aristotle, Ælian, and Cicero. (a)(a) Lib. 2. de Nat. Deorum.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The LONG-SNOUTED SHARK. So I call it, because it is much longer, than in the above-mentioned; so as to be as it were the beginning of a Horn. The Body of this likewise, in proportion, is much shorter and thicker. Rondeletius seems to give the Figure of this particular Species.

There is no sort of Animal, saith Aristotle, (c) (c) Hist. An. l. 2. c. 1. near the end. about us, which hath a double Row of Teeth. So that he never saw a Shark, nor divers other Fishes that are commonly known, and such as are not unlikely to breed about Greece. That he includes Fishes, is plain by the Context.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The SPOTED HOUNDFISH or SEA-PANTHER; Galeus Asterias; because of the Stars or Spots upon his Skin. But the radiation of the Spots in the Figure commonly given, is fictitious. See Rondeletius's Description. He hath a rough Skin, as have all of this kind. Yet this Author saith, he hath a smoother Skin, than the Galeus lævis: which, however comparatively taken, it may be true, is not well expressed of either. The said Roughness is caused by an infinite number of most hard and sharp Prickles, composed in the same manner as the Scales of Fishes.

The Female brings forth often times twice in one month, and so is said to Superfœtate: which, saith Aristotle, (a) (a) Hist. An. lib. 6. c. 11. & l. 5. c. 10. seems rather to be, because her Eggs are hatched (in her Womb) one after another.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685) The HEAD of a DOLPHIN, about a foot and ½ long. The Dolphin therefore to which it belong'd, was above two yards and half long. In the Skin, 'tis hard to find any passage of sound for Hearing. And Aristotle denies that the Dolphin hears. But Rondeletius truly saith, that he doth, and that the whole structure of the Internal Ear may be seen in the Skull. See Bellonius's Description and Figure of the Dam and her Fœtus.
Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The VIVIPAROUS EEL-POUT. Mustela marina vivipara. (the Male, Lupus marinus Schonfeldii.) 'Tis well pictur'd by Adam Oleareus, (a) (a) Tab. 27. f. 2. who calls it a Sea-Wolf (Ein See-Wolf). As also by Johnston; but not described. But in Gesner's Paralypomena 'tis both figur'd and described by Ge. Fabritius under the Name of Klipfisch (i. e. Rock-Fish,) so called by the people near the Baltick (where he breeds.) Fabritius is particular only as to the Teeth, and is also mistaken in some things. I shall therefore add the Description I drew up before I met with his.

'Tis a yard long. The Head ½ a foot long, and almost as high; being compressed on the sides, three inches and ½ over underneath, her Forehead but a little above two. Her Snout a little Convex. The Eyes very high, an inch long. The Nostrils before the Eyes ¼ of an inch. Both the Chaps blunt-angled before, from the Corners of the Mouth three inches long, between the Corners, as much.

The Teeth all very thick, like those of Quadrupedes; both in figure and scituation, very unusual. In the upper Jaw, five before; not Incisors, or Cutters, but thick Punchers. To the Roots of which, within side, grow as it were nine little Teeth. Behind, are three Grinders; one of which, on each side, is fasten'd obliquely inwards, half an inch broad, and above an inch long. The third, and the greatest, stands betwixt them in the middle of the Palate. Each of these having deep Incisions, seem, as it were, eight or ten Teeth. In the under Jaw, are two Punchers or Claviculars, each of them having two sharp Processes within side. Behind, there seems to be only one Grinder on each side, half an inch broad, and above two inches long, arched inward, and with sixteen or eighteen Incisions looking like so many Teeth.

Her Gills open almost from the top of her Head to her Throat. The Fins are four. The Gill-Fins about five inches long, and as broad, placed so low, as to meet in the Breast, and so to supply the Breast-Fins. The Back-Fin is extended from Head to Tail; before, an inch high; behind, above two. The Belly-Fin reaches from the Anus (which opens a foot behind the Head) to the Tail, about an inch deep. The Body, where highest, above ½ a foot, the Back a little convex, grows slender all the way to the Tail, the extremity whereof is here wanting. She is cover'd with a tough Skin, now of an Iron-colour, besprinkled all over with round spots.

That which is most remarkable in this Fish, are his Teeth: which are so made, as to be fit either for Ravine, or for the eating of Grass and other Herbs on the Rocks, and under Water. They seem also to be made for the Cracking of Shell-Fish. As likewise for Rumination: which may as well be ascrib'd to this Fish, as to the Scarus.

This Fish is one, amongst divers other instances of Aristotle's error, where he saith, Οι δὲδ'ἰχθύες πάντες εισὶ καρχαρόδντες, πλὴν τοῦ ἑνὸς τοῦ καλουμένου Σκάρου. (a) (a) De Part. Anim. l. 3. c. 1.

The tops of this Fishes Grinders are commonly sold for Toadstones. As Dr. Christopher Merret hath also observed in his Pinax.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The SCATE, or Angel-Fish. Squatina, sive Angelus Marinus. The figure in Johnston is tollerable. But the Description very short and imperfect. That of Rondeletius is better, yet not full. And either the Fish he describes is a different Species, or his Description of the Teeth is not true.

This is above an Ell long. His Head about ¼ of a yard long, and near as much over, (here) with several Angles or Ridges: His Mouth five inches over, his Lips almost Semilunar.

Each of his Jaws are armed with about six and thirty Rows of most sharp Teeth, and in every Row there are four Teeth. So that in all they are about two hundred fourscore and eight, all couched a little inward.

About three inches behind his Nose-end stand his Eyes, as it were on the top of his Head, and three inches and ½ distant. Proportionably very small, sc. not above ½ an inch over. About an inch and quarter behind his Eyes, and a little lower, he hath two Spouts, one on each side, above an inch long, and convex before. His Neck ½ a foot over. His Back before, three inches above a foot, expanded (here) on both sides, as if it were shoulder'd. His Middle or Wast about eight inches. The lower part of his Back, ten inches, spread like a pair of Buttocks. From his Shoulders to the bottom of his Buttocks about a foot and ½. The length of his Tail, as much: the forepart whereof above four inches over, growing slenderer all the way to the end.

He hath seven Fins. His Shoulder-Fins with Cartilaginous Rays, expanded ½ a foot out like a pair of Wings, and almost square. His Buttock-Fins prolonged hinderly ½ a foot, stand continguous to the Tail on both sides. On the top of his Tail, two lesser; three inches high, and couched backward. At the end a forked one ½ a foot long, and almost as high. From hence half a foot forward, the Skin is as it were pinched up into a little Ridge or Doublet on each side.

Above he is very rough with innumerable small Prickles, especially felt upon drawing your hand forward. And the edges of the four side-Fins are all thorny. But underneath the Skin is so thick or closely cover'd with little hard round knobs, as it seems almost smooth.

This Fish hath two Spouts, like the Saw-Fish, because of the breadth of his Head. His Teeth admirable for taking sure hold of the most slippery Prey. Those Doublets on the sides of his Tail, seem to add strength to the Muscules which move the Tail-Fins. And so in some other Fishes. By the posture of the Fins he seems to make at the Prey, not by a forward stroke, but by ascending as a Dog to his Meat, or descending as a Hawk when she stoops. With the broad Fore-Fins, saith Oppian, the Female shelters her Young, as a Hen her Chickens with her Wings. But Aristotle affirms, That she gives them protection as doth the Dogfish, by receiving them into her mouth. He also saith, That of the Cartilaginous kind the Scate only beareth twice in a year, sc. Spring and Fall.

Salvianus (a) (a) Histor. 50. saith, That the Skin of his Back is smooth; deceived by the Authorities of Aristotle, Epicarmus, Athenæus, and Pliny: witnesses enough to prove an Error. The Skin of this Fish is used for the polishing of Wooden and Ivory Works. He is taken, saith Mr. Ray, sometimes near Cornwall.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

Salvianus (a) (a) Histor. 50. saith, That the Skin of his Back is smooth; deceived by the Authorities of Aristotle, Epicarmus, Athenæus, and Pliny: witnesses enough to prove an Error. The Skin of this Fish is used for the polishing of Wooden and Ivory Works. He is taken, saith Mr. Ray, sometimes near Cornwall.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The CHAPS (perhaps) of the GREENLAND NEEDLE-FISH. The Teeth which stand in single Rows on the Edges of the Chaps are thick and strong, yet very sharp. In the lower Chap, near the two edges, are two furrows, into which the Teeth of the upper Chap strike. The two Bones which compose the Chap, are joyned together by an indented Suture, most curious to look upon. The fish seems next a kin to the common great Needle-Fish, or the Girrock, which is described by Rondeletius, Aldrovandus, and others, and pictur'd by Johnston, Tab. 15.

It is an Observation of Aristotles, (a) (a) Hist. Anim. lib. 2. c. 17. That most fishes having no Gullet, but their Stomachs standing just behind their Mouths; it often comes to pass, that while the greater pursue the lesser, προπίπτει ἡ κοιλία εἰς τὸ στόμα, their Stomachs come out into their very Mouths. Some resemblance whereof, in a low degree, may be felt by those that with an eager Appetite first begin to eat; the Gula rising up a little as it were to meet the meat half way; which, upon its retreat, it sucks in after it. Which hath happened in some with that violence, as to have endanger'd their being choaked.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

Another with a great number of Center-shells growing upon its Back.

It is noted by Aristotle, (b) (b) De Part. Anim. lib. 4. c. 8. That all Lobsters and Crabs have their Right Claw, the greater and stronger. Crabs have no Tail, nor need it, saith the same Author, (c) as Lobsters do to swim with; because they live much upon (c) Ibid. the Land.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The NAKED-SHRIMP, commonly called The Souldier- Crab. Cancellus. Here are two of them housed; one in a Sea-Snail-shell; the other in that of a common Wilk. It is accurately described by Aristotle. (a) (a) Hist. An. lib. 4. c. 4. His fore part is armed with crustaceous Plates, as the Lobster, but rather resembles the Shrimp. His hinder part is naked, or without a Crust: from whence I take leave for the Name: Neither the usual English Name, nor the Greek, καρκίνιον (according to which the Latin) being sutable to the shape of this Animal, a quite different kind from a Crab.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

This Animal, because his hinder part is naked, always houses himself in some empty shell, or other capable Body. When he hath filled one shell with Excrements, saith Bellonius, or grows too big for it, saith Aristotle, he transplants himself to another. Those that house themselves in the shell of the little long Wilk, or the Purple-Wilk, are called Little Souldier-Crabs, those in the great Wilk-shell, the Great Souldier-Crab: and so, if in other shells of like bigness.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The Purple Tincture it yields, is contained betwixt that part which is called the Papaver and the Neck. (d) (d) Aristot. Hist. Anim. lib. 5. c. 15. It is of a different degree; in some, more upon the Red, like that of Cochinele; in others, more upon the Blew, like that of Violets. It was anciently (pressed out of the living (e)(e) Musæum Worm. Animal, and) used especially for the deying of Silks. But is now grown out of use, as is likely, from the great abundance of a sort of Fucus, which the Italians call Roccella, wherewith Silk-Dyers do now make very rich Purples of all varieties, with less labour and charge. (a)(a) Fab. Colum. Purpura.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The COMMON WILK. This sort is short-snouted, or hath no horn. Of this sort are several here preserv'd.

It is affirm'd by Aristotle, (a) (a) Hist. An. lib. 5. c. 15. That you may know how many years a Wilk is of, by the number of Rounds in the Turban. Of the manner of laying their Eggs, see Bellonius. They are desired by some, as a rare sort of Meat. The best are in clean Creeks. That which Mr. Lyster describes, (b) (b) De Cochl. Mar. Tit. 1. by the Name of Buccinum maximum, is fished out of the Sea at Scarbrough.

A Wilk, saith Nicolaus Myrepsius, being burnt, powdered, and mixed with old Oil to the consistence of Glew, and so the Head, first shaved and rub'd, anointed therewith, is an admirable Remedy against Baldness and Morph of long standing. 'Tis usual to give Drink to Children that have the Chin-Cough, out of a Wilk-shell; and it is observed, saith Wormius, (c) (c) Musæum. to do them good.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The FORE-WHIRED FORE-WHIRLED SNAIL. Cochlea Turbine antico. This is no where described. 'Tis smooth, of an ash-colour. The outer Lip is spread a little backward; and toothed within: as is also the edge of the inner Lip. Both the corners of the Mouth are placed on the circumference of the utmost round. Whereby, contrary to all other shells I ever yet saw, it hath the Turban or Whirle made before. 'Tis much depressed, consisting of five flat rounds. The assertion of Aristotle, (a) (a) Hist. Anim. lib. 4. c. 4. That the Turban always stands behind, is here proved false.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The Sea-Urchin maketh its progressive motion with its Prickles which it useth instead of Feet. (a) (a) Arist. H. Anim. lib. 4. c. 5. And it is affirmed, by Moufet, particularly of the Great Oval, that it moveth in a spiral line.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685) (b) Arist. H. A. lib. 4. c. 4.
Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

Another sort of WILD-BEE, which breeds in the stocks of old Willows. Curious to observe. They first bore a Canale in the Stock, which, for more warmth, they furnish afterwards with Hangings, made of Rose-Leaves, so rowled up, as to be contiguous round about to the sides of the Canale. And to finish their Work, divide the whole in to several Rooms or Nests, with round pieces of the same leaves. Hereof see in the Philos. Trans. (a) (a) Num. 65. the Obser vations of Dr. Edm. King; whereto some others are added by Mr. Willughby, and explained by Figures.

Some parts of the NEST of another WILD-BEE. Not much unlike the first of those not inelegant figures, which Johnston gives under the Name of WESPENSTOCK.

The under or hinder Wings of a Bee, are the least; that they may not incommode his flight. (a) (a) Mouf. de Insect. cap. 1. The Honey-Bag, is the Stomach, which they always fill to satisfie, and to spare; vomiting up the greater part of the Honey, to be kept against Winter. A curious Description and Figure of the Sting, see in Mr. Hook's Micrography. In windy Weather, Bees often hold a little stone in their hinder Feet; which serves as a Ballast to make them sail through the Air more steadily. (b) (b) Ibid. The History of Bees, the best that Aristotle hath given us, (c) (c) Hist. An. lib. 9. c. 40. of any one Animal. Of their Polity, Generation, Conservation, Diseases, and Use; see also Moufet, Butler, and a late Treatise of Mr. Rusden. All that Authors speak of the Spontaneous Generation of Bees, is fabulous. The ashes of Bees are put into most Compositions for breeding of Hair.

Grew, Musaeum Regalis (1685)

The TOOTH of the NHANDUGUACU or Bahama- Spider.

The WEB of a Bermuda-Spider. It is so strong, as to snare a Bird as big as a Thrush. (d) (d) Philos. Trans. N. 40. 'Tis here wound upon a Paper like Raw-Silk.

Spiders, saith Aristotle, (e) (e) Hist. An. lib. 9. c. 39. cast their Threads, not from within, as an Excrement, as Democritus would have it; but from without, as the Histrix doth his Quills. Of the spining of Spiders, and the rest of their History, see the curious Observations of Mr. Lyster. (f)(f) Lib. de Araneis.

Selections from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1665-1669)
(489) II. A Discourse concerning the Large Horns frequently found under Ground in Ireland, Concluding from them that the great American Deer, call'd a Moose, was formerly common in that Island: With Remarks on some other things Natural to that Country. By Thomas Molyneux, M. D. Fellow of the King and Queens Colledge of Physicians in Ireland, and of the Royal Society in England.

THThat no real Species of Living Creatures is so utterly extinct, as to be lost entirely out of the World, since it was first Created, is the Opinion of many Naturalists; and ’tis grounded on so good a Principle of Providence taking Care in general of all its Animal Productions, that it deserves our Assent. However great Vicissitudes may be observed to attend the Works of Nature, as well as Humane Affairs; so that some entire Species of Animals, which have been formerly Common, nay even numerons in certain Countries; have, in Process of time, been soperfectly lost, as to become there utterly unknown; tho’ at the same time it cannot be denyed, but the kind has been carefully preserved in some other part of the World.

Of this we have a remarkable Example in Ireland, in a most large and stately Beast, that undoubtedly has been frequent in this Kingdom, tho’ now clear (490) ly extinct; and that so many Ages past, as there remains among us not the least Record in Writing, or any manner of Tradition, that makes so much as mention of its Name; as that most Laborious Inquirer into the pretended Ancient, but certainly Fabulous History of this Country, Mr. Roger O Flaherty, the Author of Ogygia, has lately informed me.

What Discoveries therefore we make of this Creature, we can only have from those loose parts of it we find dug out of the Earth by Accident, preserved there so many Ages from Corruption, by lying deep and close under Ground, whilst harder and of themselves more durable Bodies, moulder away and perish, by being exposed to the various Changes of the Air, and repeated Injuries of the Weather.

By the Remains we have of this Animal, it appears to have been of the Genus Cervinum or Deer Kind, and of that sort that carries Broad or Palmed Hornes, bearing a greater affinity with the Buck or Fallow Deer, than with the Stag or Red Deer, that has Hornes round and branched, without a Palme; This I lately observed, having an opportunity of particularly Examining a compleat Head, with both its Horns entirely perfect, not long since dug up, given to my Brother William Molyneux, as a Natural Curiosity by Mr. Henry Osborn, that lives at a place call'd Dardistown, in the County of Meath, about Two Miles from Drogheda, who writ him the following Account of the manner and place they were found in.

I have by the Bearer sent the Head and Horns I promised you; this is the third Head I have found by casual trenching in my Orchard; they were all dug up (491) within the Compass of an Acre of Land, and lay about four or five Foot under Ground, in a sort of Boggy Soil. The first Pitch was of Earth, the next two or three of Turff, and then followed a sort of white Marle, where they were found: They must have lain there several Ages, to be so deep enterred. (Thus far Mr. Osborn.)

I took their Dimensions carefully as follows; from the extreme tip of the right Horn, to the extreme tip of the left, as exprest in the annext Table, Figure the first. by the prick’t Line A. B. was ten Foot ten Inches, from the tip of the right Horn, to the Root where it was fastned to the Head, Exprest by the Line C. D. five Foot two Inches from the Tip of the highest Branch (measuring one of the Horns transverse, or directly across the Palme) to the tip of the lowest Branch, exprest by the Line G. F. Three Foot Seven Inches and a Half. The length of one of the Palms within the Branches, exprest by the Line G. H. Two Foot Six Inches: The breadth of the same Palm, still within the Branches, exprest by the Line I. K. One Foot Ten Inches and a half: The Branches that shot forth round the edge of each Palm, were Nine in Number, besides the Brow Antlers, of which the right Antler, exprest by the Line D. L. was a Foot and Two Inches in length, the other was much shorter: The Beam of each Horn at some distance from the Head, where ’tis mark’d M. was about Two Inches and Six tenths of an Inch, in Diameter, or about Eight Inches in Circumference; at the Root where it was fastned to the Head, about Eleven Inches in Circumference. The length of the Head, from the back of the Skull to the tip of the Nose, or rather the extremity of the upper Jaw-bone, exprest in the Figure by the Line N. O. Two Foot, (492) the breadth of the Skull where largest, mark'd by the Line P.Q. was a Foot.

The Two Holes near the Roots of the Horns, that look like Eyes were not so, (for these were placed on each side the Head in Two ample Cavities, that could not be well exprest in the Figure) but were large open Passages, near an Inch in Diameter in the Forehead Bone, to give way to great Blood-vessels, that here issue forth from the Head, and pass between the Surface of the Horn, and the smooth Hairy Skin that Covers them whilst they are growing, (which is commonly call’d the Velvet) to supply the Horns with sufficient Nourishment, while they are soft, and till they arrive at their full Magnitude, so as to become perfectly hard and solid. These Vessels, by reason of their largeness and great turgency of the Humor in them; whilst the Horn is sprouting and pliant, make deep and conspicuous furrows all along the outside of it where they pass; which may plainly be seen after the Horn is bare and come to its full growth; at which time all these Veins and Arteries, with the outward Velvet Skin, drying by the Course of Nature, shrivel up and separate from the Horn, and the Beast affects tearing them off in great stripes against the Bows of Trees, exposing his Horns naked, when they are throughly hardned, without any Covering at all. This I gather, by what Remarks I have made on the Skulls of other Deer, and what I have observed concerning the growth of these sort of Horns in Animals of the like kind, tho' not in this particular sort of Creature.

The Figure I had exactly taken by a skilful Hand, to shew truly the right shape and size of these kind of (493) Horns we so commonly find here under Ground in Ireland; and have likewise added a Draught of a pair of common Stags Horns, exprest Figure the 2d. and another of a pair of common Bucks Horns, exprest Figure the 3d. all done according to the same Scale; that by this means, at one and the same time, may appear the grand disproportion between these sorts of Heads, and also the difference and agreement in their Shape. (See the Table.)

Such then were the vast Dimensions, according to which the lofty Fabrick of the Head and Horns of this stately Creature was Built; and doubtless all the rest of the parts of its Body answered these in a due proportion. So that should we compare the fairest Buck with the Symetry of this mighty Beast, it must certainly fall as much short of its Proportions as the smallest young Fawn, compared to the largest over-grown Buck.

And yet ’tis not to be question’d, but these spacious Horns, as large as they were, like others of the Deer Kind, were naturally cast every Year, and grew again to their full Size in about the Space of Four Months: For all Species of Deer, yet known, certainly drop their Horns yearly, and with us ’tis about March, and about July following they are full summ'd again. Of which strange Appearance in Nature, the learned Gerrardus Johannes Vossius making mention in his excellent Book De Idololatriâ, Lib. 3. Cap. 57. has these Words: Ponam inter Naturæ maximè admiranda breviculo adeo Tempore tam solida duraq; tantæ Molis Cornua enasci (a). (a) That is, I shall reckon it among the most wonderful Works of Nature, that Horns so hard and solid, and of so great a Bulk, should grow up in so short a time. (494) And the inquisitive Italian Philosopher, Francisco Redi, in his Experimenta circa res Naturates, &c. on the same Occasion expresses himself thus: Maximâ profecto admiratione dignum est tantam Molem Cornuum & Ramorum tam brevi tempore quotannis renasci & crescere (b). And if these judicious Persons were moved thus with Admiration by considering only the yearly Falling and sudden Growth of these smaller Horns of Bucks and Stags, with which alone they were acquainted, what would they have thought, had they known of these vast and stupendious Productions of Nature in the same Kind.

As there seems to me no small Affinity or Agreement in the Sprouting forth, and Branching of Deers Horns, with the way of Growth in Vegetables; so I conceive likewise the constant yearly dropping of them, to proceed much from the same Cause, that Trees annually cast their ripe Fruit, or let fall their withering Leaves in Autumn: that is, because the nourishing Juice, say it is Sap or Blood, is stopt and flows no longer; either on the account ’tis now deficient, being all spent, or that the cavous Passages which conveigh it, dry up and cools; so as the Part having no longer any Communication with, must of necessity by degrees sever from the Whole; but with this Difference, that Horns by reason of their hard Material and strong Composition, stick fast to the Head by their Root, Seven or Eight Months after all their Nourishment perfectly retires; whereas Leaves and Fruit, consisting of a much more tender Substance and a finer Texture of Parts, drop sooner from their native (b) That is, Truly it deserves our greatest Wonder that so large a Body of Horns and Branches should sprout up in so short a time, and be renewed every Year. (495) Beds where they grew, when once the Supply of usual Nourishment is stopt; this Analogy that Nature observes in casting the Horns of Beasts and dropping the Fruit of Trees, will appear much more evident to any one that will observe the end of a Stalk, from which a ripe Orange or any such large Fruit has been lately sever’d, and the Butt end of a cast Horn where it fasten'd to the Os Frontis: for by comparing them together, he shall find so great a Congruity in the shape of both, that ’twill be apparent Nature works according to the same Mechanism in one as in t’other.

Discoursing one Day with his Excellency the Lord Capell, then one of the Lord Justices of Ireland, an experienc’d and accurate Observer of the Works of Nature, I chanced to mention these Large Horns: He was very earnest to see them, and so mightily surpris’d at the sight of their extraordinary Bulk, that my Brother thought fit to make a Present of them to his Lordship, which he obligingly accepted; resolving to send them over, as he said, to his Majesty King William.

Such another Head, with both the Horns intire was found some Years since by one Mr. Van Delure in the County of Clare, buried Ten Foot under Ground in a sort of Marle, and were presented by him to the late Duke of Ormond, then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, who valued them so highly for their prodigious largeness, that he thought them not an unfit Present for the King, and sent them for England to King Charles the Second, who ordered them to be set up in the Horn-Gallery at Hampton Court; where they may still be seen among the rest of the large Heads both of Stags and Bucks that adorn that Place, but this so vastly exceeds the largest of them, that the rest appear to lose much of their (496) Curiosity by being viewed in Company with this. I am lately informed, these with the other Heads are since removed to the Guard-Room out of the Horn- Gallery.

In the Year 1691., Major Folliot told me, that digging for Marle near the Town Ballymackward, where he lives, not far from Ballyshannon in the County of Fermanagh, he found buried Ten Foot under plain solid Ground, a Pair of these sort of Horns, which he keeps still in his Possession.

In the Year 1684., there were Two of these Heads dug up near Turvy, the Mansion Seat of the Lord Barnevall, within Eight Miles of Dublin; that which was most compleat of the Two was fixt over the Chimney in the Publick Hall; and there still remains as an ancient and lasting Curiosity to future Ages.

Not long since, a Head of this Kind with its Horns was found near Portumny, the House of the Earls of Clanricard, seated on the River Shannon, in the County of Gallway, where it is carefully preserved, and still admired by all that view it.

Such a Forehead with Two extraordinary Beams of these Kind of Horns, may be now seen fastened against one side of the Common Hall of his Grace Michael Lord Archbishop of Ardmagh's House here in Dublin; they are both imperfect and want their Palmes, yet by the vast thickness and length of the Beams, I judge when entire they much exceeded the Size of those I have given the Dimensions of above. The Primate told me, they were found somewhere in the Province of Ulster, (497) and presented to the Earl of Essex, then Governor of Ireland, who gave them his Grace.

To these I should add many more Instances of the like, as those found by the late Lord Mountjoy, near his House at Newtown-Stewart; and those kept at Stockallen in the County of Meath, for to my Knowledge within less than Twenty Years, above Twenty, I might safely say, Thirty Pair of these sort of Horns have been dug up in several places of this Country, all found by Accident; and we may well suppose vast Numbers still remain undiscovered, but to mention any more of them particularly would be tedious, and to little purpose, since these may suffice plainly to shew, this Creature was formerly Common with us in Ireland; and an Indigenous Animal, not peculiar to any Territory or Province, but universally met with in all parts of the Kingdom.

For if we draw a Line through the several Places of this Island where these Heads have been found, viz. the County of Clare, the County of Dublin, and the County of Farmanagh, omitting those other parts I have mentioned, we shall make a Triangle whose shortest Side will be in length above an Hundred English Miles, which is near as large a Figure of this Sort, as we can well describe in the Map of Ireland.

And besides, we may reasonably, I think, gather; That they were not only common in this Country, but by what Mr. Osborn mentions in his Letter to my Brother, That they were a Gregarious Animal, as the Naturalists call them, or such a sort of Creature as affect naturally keeping together in Herds; as we see the Fallow Deer with us, and as 'tis reported of the Elches in (498) Sweden, and the Rain Deer in the Northern Countries of Europe; for otherwise we cannot easily fancy it should happen; that Three of their Heads should be all found within the narrow Compass of one Acre of Ground.

That these and several others, and indeed I think I may say, all that I have been particularly informed of, though dug up in far distant Places of Ireland, should be constantly found buried in a Sort of Marle, seems to me to intimate, as if Marle was only a Soil that had been formerly the Outward Surface of the Earth, but in process of Time, being covered by degrees with many Layers of Adventitious Earth, has by lying under Ground a certain Number of Ages, acquired a peculiar Texture, Consistence, Richness, or Maturity that gives it the Name of Marle. For of necessity we must allow the Place where these Heads are now found, was certainly once the external Superfice of the Ground; otherwise ’tis hardly possible to suppose how they should come there.

And that they should be so deep buried as we at present find them, appears to have happen’d, by their accidentally falling where it was soft low Ground; so that the Horns by their own considerable Gravity might easily make a Bed where they setled in the yielding Earth; and in a very long Course of Time, the higher Lands being by degrees dissolved by repeated Rains, and washt and brought down by Floods, covered those Places that were scituated lower with many Layers of Earth: For all high Grounds and Hills, unless they consist of Rock, by this means naturally lose a little every Year of their Height; and sometimes sensibly become lower even in one Age; of which we may see several satisfactory Instances related by Dr. Plott in his (499) Natural History of Staffordshire, Chap. 3. Page 113. as for all such Heads that might chance to fall on high or hard Grounds, where they could not possibly be covered or defended, these must of necessity rot, perish, and be destroyed by the Weather: And for this Reason it is, that never any of these Horns are discovered in such sort of Ground, but always in a light Soil, and in some low Part of the Country.

By what means this Kind of Animal, formerly so common and numerous in this Country, should now become utterly lost and extinct, deserves our Consideration: and seeing it is so many Ages past, that we have no manner of Account left to help us in our Enquiry, the most we can do in this Matter is to make some probable Conjectures about it; I know some have been apt to imagine this like all other Animals might have beeen destroyed from off the Face of this Country by that Flood recorded in the Holy Scripture to have happened in the the time of Noah; which I confess is a ready and short way to solve this Difficulty, but does not at all satisfy me: For (besides that that there want not Arguments, and some of them not easily answer’d, against the Deluge being Universal) if we consider what a fragil, slight and porous Substance these and the Horns of all Deer are, we can't well suppose they could by any means be preserv’d entire and uncorrupt from the Flood, now above Four Thousand Years since; and I have by me some of the Teeth, and one of the lower Jaw-bones of this Creature so perfect, solid, ponderous and fresh, that no one that sees them can possibly suspect they could have been in nature so many Ages past: And therefore it seems more likely to me, this kind of Animal might become extinct here from a certain ill Constitution of Air in (500) some of the past Seasons long since the Flood, which might occasion an Epidemick Distemper, if we may so call it, or Pestilential Murren, peculiarly to affect this sort of Creature, so as to destroy at once great Numbers of 'em, if not quite ruine the Species.

And this is not so groundless an Assertion as at first it may appear, if we consider this Island may very well be thought neither a Country nor Climate so truly proper and natural to this Animal, as to be perfectly agreeable to its temper; since for ought I can yet learn it neither is, nor ever has been an Inhabitant of any of the adjacent Kingdoms round about us. And besides, the Three Heads above mentioned, found so close to one another in the County of Meath, and the Two near Turvy, seems not a little to countenance this Opinion; as if these Animals dyed together in Numbers, as they had lived together in Herds.

To this purpose I have met with a remarkable Passage in Scheffer's Description of Lapland, Chap. 28. speaking of the Cervus Rangifer, an Animal that agrees in Kind with ours, though it be a quite different Sort of Deer, he says that whole Herds of them are often destroy’d by a Raging Distemper common among them; these are his Words: Est & Morbis suis genus hoc Obnoxium qui si ingruant Gregem totum solent pervagare & ad necem dare; qua de re Johannes Bureus ita habet in Schedis suis, solet interdum Rangiferos morbus quidam velut Pestis invadere sic ut moriantur omnes Lappoq; compellatur novos sibi comparare Rangiferos (c). By (c) That is, this Kind of Creature is likewise subject to its Diseases which if they seize a Flock, goes through them all; concerning which Johannes Bureus, has it thus in his Papers; sometimes a sort of Disease after the manner of a Plague, affects the Rain Deer, so as they all dye, and the Laplander is forced to supply himself with new Rain Deer. (501) which we may see what we conjecture in our Case, is not meer Supposition, but certainly happens elsewhere to Animals of the like Kind.

But since we have an Instance of so destructive a Mortality among Beasts as quite to extinguish a whole Species at once, we may think some might have escaped the Common Calamity; but these being so few in Number, I imagine as the Country became peopled, and thickly inhabited; they were soon destroy'd, and kill'd like other Venison as well for the sake of Food as Mastery and Diversion. And indeed none of these Animals by reason of their Stupendious Bulk and Wide Spreading Horns could possibly lye sheltered long in any Place, but must be soon discovered, and being so conspicuous and heavy were the more easily pursued and taken by their numerous Hunters, in a Country all environed by the Sea: For had they been on the wide Continent they might have fared better, and secured themselves and their Race till this time, as well as others of the same Kind have done elsewhere. Of which more hereafter.

Or had those Barbarous Times been capable of taking Care for the Preservation of this stately Creature, our Country would not have entirely lost so singular and beautiful an Ornament: But this could not be expected from those savage Ages of the World, which certainly would not have spared the rest of the Deer Kind, Stags and Hinds, Bucks and Does, which we still have; but that these being of much smaller Size, could shelter and conceal themselves easier under the Covert of Woods and Mountains, so as to escape utter Destruction.


And here I cannot but observe, that the Red Deer in these our Days, is much more rare with us in Ireland, than it has been formerly, even in the Memory of Man: And tho’ I take it to be a Creature, naturally more peculiar to this Country then to England, yet unless there be some care taken to preserve it, I believe in process of time this Kind may be lost also, like the other sort we were now speaking of.

It remains we should say something concerning the Proper Name of this Animal, and what Species of Creature it was to which these stately Horns formerly belonged. And I must here needs own, that I have not met to this Day with any Person, that has spent the least serious thought concerning this matter. So destitute have we been in this Place of that inquisitive Genius, that in these later Ages has so much everywhere prevailed, in setting the Minds of Men upon a diligent search after, and making curious and useful Remarks, on all things that are truly the admirable Workmanship of Nature.

I know they are vulgarly call'd by ignorant People, nay, and some of the learned Vulgus in this Country, Elches Hornes; and that they are so, is an Opinion generally received, and satisfies such as talk of them Superficially, without further Enquiry; and because this is an Error that has so Universally prevailed, I shall take the more pains particularly to Confute it, and I hope clear this point so from all manner of doubt, that for the future there shall be no further questions made of it again; the mistake, I am satisfied, has only proceeded from hence, that we are in these parts as great Strangers to that sort of Animal call'd the Alche Elche, or Elende, as we are to this of our own (503) Country, knowing by hear-say only, that ’tis a large Beast with big Horns; but unless we shall give the same Name to Two Animals vastly different, which is Preposterous and breeds Confusion, we must not allow these Horns should any longer pass under the Name of Elches Horns.

I have seen a Pair of genuine Elches Horns brought out of Swedeland, and they differed extremely, both in Figure and Size, from these we have now described: they were abundantly smaller, quite of another shape and make, not Palmed or broad at the end farthest from the Head as Ours; but on the contrary, broader towards the Head, and growing still narrower towards the Tips end, the smaller Branches not issuing forth from both Edges of the Horns as in Ours, but growing along the upper Edge only, whilst the other Verge of the Horn was wholly plain without any Branches at all.

And accordingly the faithful Gesner, in the first Chapter of his Book De Quadrupedibus, has given us the right Description of them, where he expresses the Figure of the Elche and its Horns apart; and speaking of the Size of them, he says, Cornua singula Libras circiter Duodecem appendunt, longitudine fere duorum pedum (d). Whereas the Horns we find here in Ireland are near thrice that Length, and above double that Weight; though dry'd and much lighter from their being so long kept: But I confess, I say, this only by estimate, not having an opportunity to weigh exactly a single Horn by itself, though I'm sure I can't be much out.

(d) That is, each Horn weighs about Twelve Pounds, and was in length almost Two Foot. (504)

Moreover the Elche, as described by Apolonius Menabenus, who had seen many of them, is no larger than a midling Horse: these are areare his own Words, as quoted by Aldrovandus: Habet hoc Animal crassitiem & proceritatem mediocris & pinguis Equi (e). And agreeable to this is the Relation given in the Memoirs of the Parisian Anatomists, who dissected one of them: And I remember Mr. Duncombe, then one of the Lords Justices of Ireland, told me, when he was Envoy in Sweden, he had seen there above a Hundred Elches together in a Herd, and none of them above Five Foot high; and if so, we cannot imagine a Creature of that small Size, could possibly support so large and heavy a Head, with so wide and spreading a Pair of Horns as these we are speaking of; considering that exact Symetry, and due Proportion of Parts, Nature observes in the Formation of all the larger and perfecter sort of Animals.

We must then look out, and try if we can discover among the various Species of Quadrupeds, some other, whose Size and Description will better agree with this our Irish Animal than that of the Elche does: And after all our Inquiry, we certainly shan't discover any one that in all respects exactly answers it, save only that Lofty Horned Beast in the West-Indies, call'd, a Moose.

This Animal I find described by Mr. John Josselyn, among his New England Rarities in these Words: The Moose Deer, common in these Parts, is a very goodly Creature, some of them Twelve Foot high (in height, says another Author more particularly, From the Toe of the Fore foot to the Pitch of the Shoulder, Twelve Foot; in (e) That is, this Animal is about the Height and Thickness of a midling Horse. (505) its full growth much bigger than an Ox) with exceeding fair Horns with broad Palms, some of them Two Fathom or Twelve foot from the Tip of one Horn to the other. That is, Fourteen Inches wider than Ours was.

Another thus describes the Manner of the Indians Hunting this Creature: They commonly hunt the Moose, which is a kind of Deer, in the Winter, and run him down sometimes in half, otherwhile a whole Day, when the Ground is cover'd with Snow, which usually lyes here Four Foot deep; the Beast, very heavy, sinks every Step as he runs, breaking down Trees as big as a Man's Thigh with his Horns, at length they get up with't, and darting their Lances, wound it so, that the Creature walks heavily on, till tired and spent with loss of Blood, it sinks and falls like a ruin'd Building, making the Earth shake under it. Thus far what these Authors say of the Moose.

I do not know any one that has yet obliged the Publick by giving an exact Figure of this stately Creature, which would be acceptable to the Curious, and very well worth the while of some of those ingenious Inquirers that go into those Parts for the improvement of Natural History: for I take it next the Elephant, to be the most remarkable Quadruped for its largeness in the World. However, in the mean time, by the help of the foregoing Accounts, we may easily form to our selves a lively and just Idea of its Figure and Size; and if we compare the several Parts of those Discriptions, with the Beasts whose heads are found here in Ireland; we shall not have the least Reason to question but these vastly large Irish Deer and the American Moose, were certainly one and the same sort of Animal, being all of the Deer Kind, carrying the same sort of Palmed Horns, which are of the same Size and Largeness as well (506) as Figure; and Bulk of their Bodies corresponding exactly in Proportion to the wide spreading of their Horns; So that we may securely assert, that Mooses formerly were as frequent in this Country, as they have them still in the Northern Parts of the West Indies, New England, Virginia, Maryland, Canada or New France.

And least we may think this Animal peculiar to the Continent, and not to be found in Islands; I lately met with a remarkable Passage in John de Laet's French Description of the West Indies, that clearly shews the contrary; which, because it likewise illustrates and confirms what was said before, I'll set down in his own Words. Speaking of New England, says he; I'l y a une certaine sorte de Beste frequente en ces Pais que les sauvages noment Mose, de la grandur d'un Taureau, ayant la Teste d'un Dain, avec les cornes larges que muent tous les anns, le Col comme une cerf: il se trouve une grande quantite de ces animaux en une Isle pres de la Terre Ferme appelle des Anglois Mount Mansel. That is, There is a certain sort of Beast common in this Country, which the savage Indians call a Moose, as big as a Bull (he had not seen I suppose those of the largest Size) having the Head of a Buck, with broad Horns, which they cast every Year, and the Neck of a Deer: there are found also great Numbers of these Animals in an Island near the Continent call'd by the English, Mount Mansell.

This may give us reasonable grounds to believe, that as this Island of Mount Mansell must of necessity had some Communication with the Main Land of America, to have been thus plentifully stockt with this sort of Beast; so Ireland, for the same Reason, must in the many past Ages, long before the late Discovery of that New World, had some sort of Intercourse with it likewise, (though (507) 'tis not easy, I acknowledge, for us at present to explain how) for otherwise I do not see, how we can conceive this Country should be supply'd with this Creature, that for ought I can yet hear, is not to be found in all our Neighbourhood round about us, nay, perhaps in any other Part of Europe, Asia or Africa: And then 'tis certain as Ireland is the last or most Western part of the Old World; so 'tis nearest of any Country to the most Eastern Parts of the New-Canada, New-England, Virginia, &c. the great Tract of Land, and the only one I yet know, remarkable for plenty of the Moose-Deer.

And we may observe yet farther, That a sort of Alliance between these Countries of Ireland and the West Indies, appears likewise in other things, of which they partake both in common. For as they on the Coast of New-England and the Island Bermudas gather considerable Quantities of Amber-greese; so on the Western Coast of Ireland, along the Counties of Sligo, Mayo, Kerry and the Isles of Arran they frequently meet with large parcels of that precious Substance, so highly valued for its Perfume. In the Year 1691. Mr. Constantine an Apothecary of Dublin, shewed me one piece of Amber -greese found near Sligo, that weigh'd Fifty Two Ounces; he bought it for Twenty Pound, and sold it in London afterwards for above a Hundred. On the out-side 'twas of a close compact Substance, Blackish and shining like Pitch; but when it was cut the inside was more porous, and something of a Yellowish Colour, not so Grey, close and smooth as the cleanest and best sort of Amber; but like it, speckled with whitish Grains, and of a most fragrant Sent; I have still a Piece of it by me, that weighs above Six Drams, with several Samples of Three or Four other sorts of Amber, all found on that Coast of Ireland; some entirely black as Pitch, others (508) of a perfect White Substance, exactly answering the Descrption of that sort of Amber, Olaus Wormius mentions in his Musæum, Page 34. under the Name of Ambræ Grifeæ nondum maturæ.

Nor is the kind of Whale-Fish that's often taken in New-England, and affords the true Sperma Ceti a Strangger to the Coast of Ireland that respects America. This we may properly, I think, with Dr. Charleton, call the Cetus Dentatus, from its large, solid, white Teeth, fixt only in the lower Jaw; to distinguish it from that Species that gives the Whale Bone, most naturally named by Aristotle in his Historia Animalium Mysticetus, from its bearded, horny Laminæ in the Roof of its Mouth: of which kind likewise there have been Three or Four stranded in my time; but on the Eastern Coast of this Country that regards England.

This Cetus Dentatus is faithfully described by Carolus Clusius, in his Sixth Book of Exotics, Chapter the 17th, under the Name of Cete, aliud admirabile; and truly figured by John Stonus in his Historia Piscium, Table the 42d. and by Mr. Ray in his Ichthyographia, Table the 1st. but by both under the too general Name of the Balena. There have been Three of this Kind taken to my Knowledge, in the Space of Six Years, all on the Western Coast of this Country; one near Colerane, in the County of Antrim; another about Ship-harbour, in the County of Donnegall; and a Third in August, 1691. Seventy one Foot long, exceeding that described by Clusius, Nineteen Foot, towards where Bally-shannon, where Lough-Erne discharges its Waters into the Western Ocean.

And then it was, I had an Opportunity of truly informing my self what sort of Substance Sperma Ceti is, (509) and in what Part of the Whale 'tis found: concerning which Matter, Physicians and Naturalists have given the World such various and false accounts; and 'tis truly nothing else, but part of the Oyl or liquid Fat of this particular sort of Whale; which Oyl, at first when confused and mixt, shews it self like a Whitish Liquour, of the Consistence and Colour of Whey; but lay'd by in Vessels to settle; its parts by degrees separate, that which is lighter and swims a top, becomes a clear Oyl pellucid like Water, serviceable for all the uses of common Train-Oyl, got out of the Blubber of other Whales, and that which subsides, because 'tis heavier and of a closer Consistence, candies together at the Bottom, and is what is sold for Sperma Ceti, at Twelve Shillings the Pound; when 'tis throughly blanched and refined from all its filth and the remaining parts of the Oyl, that otherwise discolours it, and gives it a rancid offensive Sent. Of this Substance several Hundred Pound Weight may be gotten out of one Whale, but the cleansing and curing of it is troublesom, and requires no small Art, Time and Charge; which occasions the value of that which is througly refined: The Fat of the whole Body affords it, but that of the Head gives the greatest Quantity and purest Sperma Ceti.

I have some reason to believe to these Instances of the Moose Deer, Amber-greese and Sperma Ceti, of which Ireland partakes more than any other Country of Europe from its Neighbourhood with the Northern America, we may likewise add some of our more rare Spontaneous Plants, because they are found growing only in those Western Parts of Ireland, and no where else in this whole Country, or any of the Neighbouring Kingdoms about us.


I shall mention but Two or Three of many which I have been told are peculiar to those parts, because I am not yet well assur'd of the certainty of the others being so: and those are the Arbutus sive Unedo, or the Strawberry Tree; not to be found any where of Spontaneous Growth nearer than the most Southern Parts of France, Italy and Sicily; and there too, 'tis never known but as a Frutex or Shrub: whereas in the Rocky Parts of the County of Kerry about Loughlane, and in the Islands of the same Lough, where the People of the Country call it the Cane Apple, it flourishes naturally to that Degree, as to become a large tall Tree. Petrus Bellonius in his First Book of Observations, Chapter the 43d, takes notice, it does so in Mount Athos in Macedony; and Juba is quoted by Pliny in the Fifteenth Book of his Natural History, Chapter the 24th, as mentioning a thing extraordinary, for saying the Arbutus grows to a high Tree in Arabia; the Trunks of those in Ireland are frequently Four Foot and a half in Circumference, or Eighteen Inches in Diameter, and the Trees grows to about Nine or Ten Yards in Height; and in such plenty that they now cut them down, as the chief Fewel to melt and refine the Ore of the Silver and Lead Mine, lately discovered near the Castle of Ross, in the County of Kerry.

The other Plant I shall take Notice of is Cotyledon, sive Sedum serratum Latifolium Montanum guttato flore Parkinsoni & Raii, vulgarly call'd by the Gardners London Pride: I suppose because of its pretty elegant Flower; that viewed near at hand and examined closely, appears very beautiful, consisting of great Variety of Parts: The whole Plant is most accurately described by that profound Naturalist Mr. Ray, in his Historia Plantarum, Page 1046. where speaking of the Place (511) where it grows, he has these Words: Planta in Hortis nostris frequentissima est, ubi tamen Sponte oritur nobis Nondum constat, est autem proculdubio Montium incola (f). Though he knew no certain place where it grew Spontaneous, not having met with it in all his Travels; nor any Author mentioning its native Country, yet he rightly conjectures 'tis a Mountainous Plant, for it grows plentifully here with us in Ireland, on a Mountain call'd the Mangerton in Kerry, Six or Seven Miles over, and reputed the highest in Ireland, Two Miles from the Town of Killarny, and Four Miles from the Castle of Ross: Here it spreads it self so abundantly, as to cover great part of the Mountain, and for as much as I understand, like the Arbutus, 'tis peculiar to this County alone.

Whether both the foregoing Plants are truly American, I cannot at present determine, but this I know, that Sabina Vulgaris, or Common Savin is mentioned by Mr. Josselyn, in the Book before quoted, as a Plant common on the Hills of New-England; and I have been assured by an Apothecary of this Town, that he has gathered Savin growing wild as a native Shrub in one of the Islands of Lough-Lane, in the County of Kerry; and if so, I have reason to believe, that hereafter farther Inquiry may add to these I have given, several other Examples of Things Natural and Common to that and this Country.

But to leave these Digressions and return to our Large Irish Deer, which well deserves we should affix to it some Characteristick Note or Proper Name, (f) That is, 'tis a Plant common in our Gardens; but where it grows naturally is not as yet known to us, but certainly 'tis an Inhabitant of the Mountains. (512) whereby it may stand ranged hereafter in its right Place in the History of Animals: since Nature her self seems by the Vast Magnitude and Stately Horns, she has given this Creature, to have singled it out as it were, and shewed it such regard, with a design to distinguish it remarkably from the common Herd of all other smaller Quadrupeds. Naturalists have rais'd much Dispute, what Beast it truly is, that has had the Name given it by some of them, of Animal Magnum; Dodonæus, Menabenus, and others, would have it the Elche; Scaliger would have it the Bisons of Pliny, whether 'twas one or t'other, or neither, I shan't determine; nor do I the least suspect that this our Animal was meant by it; however, for its goodly Size and lofty Stature, and to retain something of an Old Appellation, I think it may very well lay claim to it, and not improperly be call'd, Cervus Platyceros Altissimus; sive Animal Magnum Cornibus Palmatis, incolis Novæ Anglæ & Virginiæ, ubi frequens, Moose dictum.

Thoresby, Musaeum Thoresbyanum (1713) 108. 1. The tyllinge of trees aftir Godfray uppon Palladie. 2. A Tretee of Nicholas Bollard departid in 3 Parties; 1. of gendrying of Trees; 2. of graffyinge; the third forsoth is of altracions. 3. A Treatise of Cookery in old English, but the Title French, Le maniere pour rost buller & frier diverses Pessons. 4. The parayllous dayes of the yeere. 5. Medecynes of maister William du Jordyne gyven to kyng Henry Regent and Heuter of the Reume of Fraunce. 6. A moste piteous Chronicle of thorribill dethe of James Stewarde last kyng of Scotys, nought long agone prisoner yn Englande yn the tymes of the kynges Henrye the fifte and Henry the sixte translated out of Latyne into oure moders Englishe tong bi your symple Subject John Shirley. (this was K. James the first of Scotland.) 7. An approbate Treite for the Pestilence studied by the gretteste doctours of Fisike amonges th Universitie of Christen nacions yn the tyme of Sante Thomes of Caunturbury. 8. The desirid peace betwene Sigismonde Emperour and Kyng Henry. 9. The Boke cleped les Bones Meures (translated out of French by your umble Servyture John Shirley of London Anno 1440) comprised in five partys, the 1st partie spekith of Remedie that is against the sevyn dedlye synnes; 2. the Estate of holy Church; 3. of Prynces and of Lordes temporal; 4. of comone peple; 5. of dethe and universal dome. 10. The Governance of Kynges and Princes, seyd the secrete of secretes the whych Arestotle made and direct hit to Alexander the grete conqueroure of the worlde. This MS. came from Selby, and is said to have belonged to the Monastery there. Don. D. Tho. Wilson Merc. Leod.